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iamlosingit's picture

MIL diagnosed with breast cancer, DH is mentally a disaster, I found myself being talked into removing some of the items he owes me money for to decrease the remaining balance...which brings his total down to $ mom is being put in a psych ward supposedly after Christmas...and now I just got a message from my little brother who has cystic fibrosis and he is apparently in an ambulance on his way to the hospital. I'm still at work (12 hour shift) its a freaking visitation day and I feel like I'm going to have a meltdown. I don't want to do this anymore. I just want ONE happy Christmas just ONE DAMMIT Sad


MarySmith's picture

That all sounds awful. I just said a little prayer for you and your family, especially for you to have the strength to get through it all. Everyone deserves at least one happy Christmas.

notasm3's picture

I am so sorry you are going thru all of this. I remember when my mother was dealing with terminal breast cancer and a zillion other things were happening in my life. I had pneumonia that almost killed me. Three of my houses were going into foreclosure. My life was so effed up.

Amcc13's picture

That's awful that your struggling right now
Please do what is necessary to take care of you

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Hugs. I know nothing's going to actually help... But we're here to listen and I'm sure a lot of us will be sending prayers your way.

hereiam's picture

Prayers and hugs, Hon. That is a lot to deal with and I'm sorry that you are going through this.

bananaseedo's picture

Oh I'm so sorry, that sucks!! All of it! I know the feeling me. I've had all that crazy stuff at once happening-for years! It still doesn't end, most days I want to end it all. Prayers never worked. I honestly went from hard believing Christian and 'God is in all things' to a deist over the course of all that. I saw no 'hand' in all of that suffering.