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Maybe I AM the crazy one?

HM86's picture

So... a little bit of a back story for reference to my current problem. My husband and I have 4 children all together. My daughter from a previous relationship is 14. His daughter and son from a previous marriage are 12 and almost 8. He also has a son from another previous marriage who is 4. I love my family. The 4 year old can push my buttons and make me crazy but I love him. I genuinely want what’s best for all of our kids and I work extremely hard on my end to make them feel that way.

Recently, the two older girls have been lying... sneaking phones when they aren’t supposed to have them, talking to people they shouldn’t be, etc. About a month ago, we caught my daughter with an almost 16 year old boy at our house. We took her phone and found out it wasn’t the first time, and that our 12 year old knew about it. So of course, no phones, no TV, no electronics, increased chores and family time, no more being trusted home alone at all. On top of that, I came up with a punishment specifically for my daughter as I was a teen mom and have had countless conversations about wanting better for her.

She will be writing essays on STDs this summer, offering to babysit, researching cost of living for a single mom making minimum wage, spending time looking into colleges she wants to attend and how much it costs to attend, and lastly, she will be setting an alarm every 3 hours during the night like she has an infant. She’s known of the punishment over the summer, and was given the rest of the school year to focus on school. She managed to get all of her grades up, has been pleasant to be around, has done her chores without any problem and overall, our relationship has gotten way better.

Her birthday is Wednesday, and she just had 8th grade promotion last Thursday. I opted to throw her a surprise party today because I felt like she deserved it. My goal with punishment wasn’t to take away her life or friends, but rather make her understand the severity of her poor choices. Well... last night, we discovered that she had been using the 12 year olds iPod to message her friends for the past month. (Side note: the 12 year old also got in trouble for knowing about the boy and not speaking up, and this iPod was brought from her mom’s house because she knew she was in trouble and couldn’t have it there.) 

Me and my husband were beyond upset as the lying has continued when we thought things were better. But here is where my real problem starts... my husband yelled at my daughter and told her she’s “nothing but a liar”. To top it off, last night when she went to bed, she came into our room and said goodnight and told us she loved us. I said “I love you” back, but my husband didn’t. My daughter hesitated to close the door and it was obvious to me that she noticed this. So I said something. I said “Sophie noticed that you didn’t tell her you love her back” and he immediately got defensive, without putting down his phone, and said “OK... I’m pissed.”

Needless to say, this started a fight, which was not my intention at all. I had worked the night before (I’m a nurse) and stayed up yesterday to spend the day with our family, so I was running on 28 hours with no sleep. I calmly explained that it was hard to believe that he would treat his daughter the same way and that I wasn’t trying to pick a fight, but more help him understand how I’m feeling about his choice of words or lack or words and how my daughter was most likely feeling. The only response I got was “I don’t need this from you. This is bullshit. Don’t turn this all around on me. You’re 100% wrong. Don’t tell me how I feel. This is ridiculous.” Not once did he put down his phone and attempt to have a calm, adult conversation.

I ended up crying, which he was aware of, but he was perfectly able to just roll over and go to sleep. I got up eventually to make sure the girls knew I loved them. I don’t know what to do. I understand how upset he is with both girls. I am frustrated and disappointed in the lying just as much as he is. What I don’t understand is how someone can go to sleep like that... knowing the person you love is upset, whether he thought it was for a valid reason or not. What do I do? I’m again running on little sleep, I’m exhausted physically and emotionally. I’ve decided that I’m still having the party today as it’s not fair to my parents and family who have spent money and are planning to be there. 

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I’m not wanting to leave my marriage, but I do need help dealing with my husband’s behavior. I’m sure he will apologize at some point, but how do I make it clear that I will not tolerate that kind of behavior anymore? I know I deserve better and he made no effort last night.


beebeel's picture

He wasn't feeling super loving toward your daughter that night. I wouldn't be, either. He may have replied to his own kid, but surely you understand it's easier to forgive your own child's bad behavior. Honestly, you could have let that one slide and be more understanding toward your husband and less defensive of your kid's hurt feelings. The constantly lying hurts his feelings, I'm sure, but you reaffirmed hers while dumping on his. I'm not a great actor and faking the lovey dovies moments after someone betrays my trust isn't my scene, either.

If you go into this pissy about and focusing on his behavior, it won't bode well for the marraige.

HM86's picture

HE has created a relationship with my daughter, HE has told her he loves her and wants to adopt her as his own, HE has made a point to gain her trust in not leaving or turning his back when she needs him. Her father is not involved and my husband’s mother walked out when he was young, they have bonded over this. I have NEVER pushed this relationship on them and do not have the same relationship with his kids. However, if you say you want to have that relationship, and you know that by not following through, you’re hurting someone... I’m not ok with that. And thank you for assuming that I’m acting pissy and not affirming his feelings, only my daughter’s. 

beebeel's picture

So he's turned his BACK on her because he wasn't ready to immediately make nice with her?!? LOL Wow. Yep. You're not pissy at ALL. You are furious with him. You are talking about ending your marriage!! You are accusing him of all kinds of hateful things...

Look, I'm sure it's much easier for you to focus on your DH right now considering your kid is a hot freaking mess, but that won't be good for your marriage or your kid.

HM86's picture

It wasn’t immediate... not sure where that came from. They had talked numerous ones before this incident. I’m not pissy with him at all... it’s the response that made me pissy. Glad my 14 year old is the only “mess” out there. She lied about a boy... I was doing the same damn thing... and so are your kids if you have teenagers. Nobody is exempt. #pissyAF #teenagerssuck #stepfamiliesareHARD

Also, I don’t want to end my marriage... my post stated the opposite. I’m not accusing him of anything accept not being able to put his phone down and have a conversation when I was upset. 

SonOfABrisketMaker's picture

first of all, omg with the hashtags. This isn’t twitter.

secondly, you were right to try to have a word with him about withholding his love as a punishment. As parents we reserve the right to be so angry we want to choke the lies out of their mouth but we also have a responsibility to let them know they are always loved and supported.

Your DH is also a big pouty man baby for how he reacted to your concerns.

i am reaaallly concerned with both girls attention seeking behavior. Are they in after school activities or team sports? If not, that might be a good place to start breaking then of this habit of unacceptable social behavior.

i might have missed it, what is causing your objection to the 14 year old talking with boys? I might be reallly off base with this one but is your DH the one who has a problem or is it you? An unrelated male trying to be “daddy” to a young girl always raises my hackles. 

HM86's picture

Both play 3 sports and are also spending time watching their younger siblings play sports. They don’t have a ton of free time to begin with. I don’t necessarily agree that it’s attention seeking behavior, we have no objection to them talking to boys... they are 12 and 14, it’s more the lying about it and doing it when they aren’t supposed to be.

KENDRA2000's picture

I see no need In going back and forth...In my opinion YES YOUR HUSBAND WAS WRONG HOW HE HANDLE THE SITUATION....MAD OR NOT YOU NEVER SHOW YOUR CHILD YOU DON'T LOVE THEM AND when i say that I mean YES HE IS MAD AND HE IS UPSET AND AS A PARENT I UNDERSTAND yet I know how No words or some words can crush a child. I have punished my children spanked my kids but I NEVER NOT TOLD THEM I LOVED THEM ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY SAID IT FIRST.  I don't care how mad he is he should have at least said it bk.  I don't agree with him not taking your feeling into consideration  if the shoe was on the other foot he would feel some type of way.  Words can hurt and sometime the words you don't say can hurt even more I commend you for going to them to let them know you love them...BY NO MEANS ARE YOU AGREEING WITH WHAT THEY HAVE DONE BUT THEY ARE 12 AND 14 they have so many more mistakes to make you want them to learn from them not push them away.

HM86's picture

Thank you! That was my point exactly. I wasn’t trying to call him out or be mean about it, I just wanted my husband to see how that hurt her and I knew once he saw it the way I did (he put himself in my shoes), he would realize it was unfair. He apologized and made right with both girls in the morning. He also talked with me and we were able to enjoy our day.

STaround's picture

I don't think it is fair to expect unconditional love from a stepparent.  It may happen, it may not, and it may take many years.   In my house, we expect everyone to be polite and civil, but do not mandate love. 

He may be concerned that your 14 YO is setting a bad example, or encourging his 12YO behavie badly.

I think you guys need family counselings to listen to everyone's point of view.  He may be convinced your DD was being manipulative.  As an aside, I am not a big fan of deferred punishment.  Better to have less severe consequences, but not weeks later.  

Did you invite your parents before the first incident?  Did you disuss with DH?

HM86's picture

I never once said that I expect unconditional love from a step parent. I sure as hell don’t have it for his kids. He has verbally offered unconditional love to my daughter and his not being able to follow through on that is only hurting her in the long run. I don’t think it’s fair to promise something and deliver another, regardless of what it is.

STaround's picture

Would seem in order.  In your earlier threads, you called him a Disney parent.   Did you present yourself as a perfect (or near perfect) parent?  And now it is falling apart?   I would never give a party for 8th grade graduation, and many people here derivide it when given for Dad's kid.   He may feel he was sold pig in a poke. 

HM86's picture

I don’t think I’m a perfect parent by any means, but I’ve also never had the option of being a Disneyland parent. He agreed on the party with me. That has nothing to do with what I was upset about. 

GoingWicked's picture

I’d put myself in his shoes.  You have an older daughter that is providing a terrible example to his younger daughter, and I totally get that you’re doing something about it, but it doesn’t change the circumstances.  I know you’re a nurse and totally get the long hours, but kids at this age still need supervision, I suggest you find a way to provide it.

HM86's picture

His daughter offered the iPod since she knew she would get it taken away at her mom’s, as she is also in trouble there. His daughter was also using said iPod to contact her friends. Also, I’m very well aware that kids need supervision, thank you. She was never left alone for extended amounts of time, hence why she was caught. Now she is never alone. I doubt I’m the only one who has left a 14 and 12 year old alone to go to the grocery store or make an appointment. 

tog redux's picture

1. As the others said, it's way easier to forgive your own kid than your stepkid.

2. I don't love my stepkid, never have and never will, unless he has a major change in personality.

3. You didn't ask advice on this, but it sounds like your punishment for your daughter is too long - she isn't learning anything except how to be more sneaky and to lie better.  A month without any electronics for a 14-year-old girl will just push her underground with her methods of reaching her friends. I get your fear of her getting pregnant, but a better option than all of that homework and waking up at night would be birth control, along with some shorter term consequences for breaking the rules, so that she can meet the expectations and earn her stuff back.

4. You put your daughter's name in the blog, might want to take it out.

STaround's picture

The Wall Street Journal (I know, strange) had an article on teens are getting burner phones and using them to avoid parental controls.  

Cbarton12's picture

I understand why this would hurt your feelings. But I also understandh him. As others have said, it's much easier to forgive your own child's transgressions. He is upset with SD and his DD. But the love he has for them aren't likely to be the same because one is his biokid.

I think as a family you need to find the root of this problem of lying etc and maybe family counseling will also help all involved.

HM86's picture

I really posted this because I felt lost and upset... for many reasons. Most of the replies have assumed my daughter is a terrible kid, she is not. She is a normal kid who makes mistakes. As is his daughter. I came here looking for positivity and advice, but am leaving feeling very discouraged. I don’t need to read that my parenting is inadequte, or that I expect too much of my husband. I went to bed upset last night and he showed no emotion. I’m glad that is acceptable behavior to everyone here. Regardless of how I felt, if he were upset, I would want to make it right. I never asked for an apology, I just was wanting him to better understand me is all. 

beebeel's picture

Ok. In your OP it appears you were more upset about his lack of an "I love you, too" response to your kid. I can understand being upset that he was seemingly not bothered by you crying. But c'mon now. You expected him to ease your hurt feelings over hurting the kid's feelings, while you both cared jack-all for his feelings. He was supposed to ignore his own hurt and stress and fix it all before bed for everyone? If there was an emotionally exhausting day of discovered lies, you should have left it alone with him that night. But you had to chide him on not showing affection to your preconceived standards based on some bonding they've done. 

HM86's picture

I was hurt because he showed no regard for my feelings. Not because of what he did or didn’t say. I wanted to have a conversation and he couldn’t put down his phone. Glad you have an accurate picture of what happened.

Disneyfan's picture

If the issue was his disregard for your feelings, then why post about unconditional love for your kid and him hurting her feelings?

The responses you are getting are based on your unrealistic expectations regarding the relationship between your husband and your daughter.

HM86's picture

Because that’s what led up to my hurt feelings. I also don’t agree that it’s unrealistic. I have told all of his kids that I love them... because I genuinely do. It might not be the same as the love I have for my daughter, but I love them. That being said, his 4 year old can really push my buttons and drive me crazy, but if he walked in the room right after being in time out and told me he loved me, I’d say it back. 

STaround's picture

I just think that family counseling may help.  I think it is way too early in the relationship to treat the kids as "ours."   I think if your DH indicated he would adopt your kid, that was way too earlier.  I think family counseling might help.  I think that based on your earlier threads, you indicated you thought he was a "Disney Dad," implying that you thought you were a better parent.   

I think in most second marriages, the DH is older and his kids are older.  Whoseever kids hit the teens first may present more problems.  It is unusual, but it seems like  your kid is the oldest one.  

bananaseedo's picture

Is it?  We are eachothers 2nd marriage, I'm 6 yrs older then DH- my son is 19, and then he has SD 18 and my DS is 18 (6 months younger then SD).  

tog redux's picture

I think men sometimes struggle with emotional conversations, especially if they feel like they are being blamed and the woman wants to “discuss it”. Or at least mine struggles with that. I know that now so I either take space to get calmed down, or I approach him calmly and ready to listen instead of expecting him to make me feel better. Usually works. 

HM86's picture

I agree. And had it been morning, I’m sure we would have resolved it before bed. My being exhausted didn’t help the situation any. 

Thumper's picture

Throwing kids together from 2 different families IS hard. Your not alone. I will add  about loving someone else kids just like your own.

There was a time I thought the same. Someone, somewhere along the line told most all Stepmothers in particular,  that We should love another womans child 'just like our own".  After better understanding and education about biological bonds I know now it is impossible, scientifically impossible.

If this comes up---ask dh "does he love the neighbors kids like his own? IF not, why not". He may say..because they are not his kids.


We can care, nurture, love (or not) but we cant love anyone elses child like our own child.

Good Luck with everything !!



bananaseedo's picture

Get the book Stepmonster-read it and share it with DH- blended families take on average 8 YEARS before they hit a sweet spot.  It IS hard-VERY hard.  For both parents and all the kids.  Be patient w/eachother, be forgiving of yourselves and eachother and the real tough feelings that come with this life.  I think wedding vows in a 2nd marriage have even MORE importance then a 1st marriage where raising kids in intact/dysfunctional home is not ideal, it on average is easier then a blended family situation.  

sunshinex's picture

Is there any chance you've pushed his "love" for your daughter? Even in a harmless way? Chances are, he doesn't really love her as he does his own. That's really, really hard to do. And I can tell you from experience, it's hard NOT to act cold when stepkids are doing things that get on your nerves. I kind of understand where he's coming from. Sometimes, SD will be having a bad behaviour day and DH still plays with her/acts lovey and I just can't do the same. She tries to joke with me and all I can think is "are you kidding me? you've been doing XYZ all day... I don't want to laugh with you" 

It's just NOT the same when they're not yours. And for what it's worth, I think you're blowing the whole thing out of proportion - her spending time with this 16 year old boy alone. You need to relax before she gets pregnant just to rebel. Focus on teaching her right from wrong rather than trying to keep her from making mistakes. She may very well have sex, but I can promise you, if that's on her mind, she'll find a way, even if you locked her up in her room 23 hours a day - she'll use that 1 hour out of home to do it lol. 

STaround's picture

I re-read OP, and it said the boy was almost 16, so 15 and her DD is 14.  So I am begriming to think there has been some over-reaction.  

Kids are going to find to communicate with others electronically. 

twoviewpoints's picture

The thing that really stood out to me in this was your Dh's behavior. He treated your daughter and you in the very same manner. Deliberately withheld as in punishing you both. 

She says "I love you" , he ignores her. You cry, he goes to sleep and ignores you. 

Curious on my part, but from I gathered this is his third wife in like 8 years. I'm thinking the problem isn't the kids (they sound pretty routine) nor was it the ex-wives (in divorce) but moreso the man. He sounds pretty selfish and cold hearted. 

twoviewpoints's picture

The thing that really stood out to me in this was your Dh's behavior. He treated your daughter and you in the very same manner. Deliberately withheld as in punishing you both. 

She says "I love you" , he ignores her. You cry, he goes to sleep and ignores you. 

Curious on my part, but from I gathered this is his third wife in like 8 years. I'm thinking the problem isn't the kids (they sound pretty routine) nor was it the ex-wives (in divorce) but moreso the man. He sounds pretty selfish and cold hearted. 

Notup4it's picture

That stood out to me too.... 3 wives within such a short time... wonder why?! 

It sounds like OP does everything she can to keep the family operating and he sounds like he doesn’t really contribute a ton.  I also don’t think by any means his 12 year old is some innocent victim in this, nor do I think he is a victim either. 

I think OP might have overreacted to the daughter’s offences with such steep punishment and now he is using it as an excuse to victimize himself.  That is my take on it.  

HM86's picture

Wow... I didn’t really see it this way, but you’re totally right. I can’t say for sure that it’s ever his intention to make us feel that way, he may be withholding for different reasons than I can assume, but it does present a problem. I told him I never wanted to go to sleep like that again. He did make right with both my daughter and myself. Still doesn’t make it right. 

notasm3's picture

Aholes be aholes.  Sometimes they are partners/spouses, children or skids.  Aholes can comes in all sizes, colors and relationships. Just ignore them all.

Monkeysee's picture

I don't think you're crazy, I think you've got a lot on your plate & your H doesn't respect you. Not putting his phone down when you're speaking?  No. Not ok.

I'll admit I don't see the big deal in him not saying 'I love you' to your daughter, even if it hurt her feelings.  If she's been misbehaving lately it could be a good thing she's experiencing a bit of coldness, sometimes disappointment from parents can sting more deeply than anger or punishment.

I agree with you that both girls need to have consequences, though obviously different ones.  I think if you're going to teach your DD consequences for her sneaking around they need to be more immediate, waiting until the summer to have her set an alarm etc might not be that effective.  I'd also march her into the health clinic, have the dr discuss all birth control options & make sure she is using some.  You can never be too careful, if she's going to hang around with boys there's a chance she could have sex, so I'd rather she be informed & as best protected as possible.

I really don't think you're crazy.  You're your husband's 3rd wife in a short period of time... pretty sure that indicates there's an issue on his end moreso than yours.

HM86's picture

Thank you! We didn’t wait until summer for punishment, it started after the intital “crime” but some things were not realistic during school. We take doing well in school pretty seriously in this house. I also agree with all the statements on birth control, she will be getting an IUD soon. 

oneoffour's picture

Sometimes children are not lovable. She lied. And then lied again. She enlisted her 12 yr old s/siser in by using her i-pod to continue her little secret game. And some men do not do lying well. "You are nothing but a liar!" Well she is. Sher lied and accepted the party all the while knowing full well she was decieving both of you. Yet you think your DH is a fiend for not saying he loves her back? I have ignored my own daughters and sons when they have pushed me over the edge and I want nothing to do with them. Maybe this is the lesson your daughter needs. You decieve people long enough they lose all trust in you and you drive them away.

Getting all cosy and huggy and letting her think she can do anything and get a punishment then all is happy in HM86-land is not realistic in the real world. Consequences need to be faced and she really showed no acceptance of her loss of electronics because she found a way around it. So what next?

Let your DH parent the way he wants to. If he is so pissed off with your daughter that he doesn't even want to talk to her, she has to accept that rebuff because she 'earned' it. No one died or became a serial killer or ran out and robbed a bank because they lied to their SF and he didn't tell them he loved them. No one.

Let this be a lesson to your daughter. Ignore the rules, lie about your behaviour and you will drive people away. I am on Team Dad with this one.


OK seriously? She is 14 and you want her to get an IUD because she had a 15 yr old boy in your home? Were they dressed? Lying on top of each other? Does she hide hickeys from you?Honey, you need to back off a little. An IUD is the least of your problems and if you think the worst thing that can happen is pregnancy you are deluded. How about STDs? Being with the wrong guy and getting assaulted or murdered? So getting raped will be OK because she won't get pregnant? How about talking to your daughter and not lecturing her?

HM86's picture

Why are people so rude on here? Or assume that I haven’t had countless conversations with my daughter about STD’s, teen pregnancy, or the dangers of getting into a bad situation with the wrong person? Hello!! I’m a survivor of two out of three! All I’ve done is have conversations with her (not lecturing), and part of her punishment is doing research on STDs. 

I also don’t agree with the first part of your post, but understand how you came to that conclusion with the assumptions you made.