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Sigh_i hesitate to even post as I am suer you all get tired of my chronic complaining

hismineandours's picture

that my dh is acting crazy and my ss14 is a freaky brat. But alas, it continues. We did take a week away to go to the beach-without ss14 and it was fairly nice. My dh did have some moments of I guess "insanity" but overall it was a fairly nice time. Got back last week and we are at square 1-well maybe actually -1.

I am worried about my dh. I mean seriously, gneuinely concerned. Less annoyed and angry and just truly scared that there is something wrong with him. He lost 50 pounds in a month. He sleeps maybe 3 hours a night-with maybe once a week getting a good night of 8 hours. He is paranoid. I believe he is delusional. He cannot accomplish tasks. While on vaca-kids and I went to the mall which was in walking distance of our beach house-called him and asked him to meet us for supper. It took him almost an hour and he showed up almost in tears stating that he needed to get a VA appt as soon as he got back because he's just not functional. I'm not even sure what happened in the hour and what led him to that conclusion.

He believes that while we were gone someone broke into our home and installed a new garage door opener. He also believes someone came into the garage, stole and wrecked our scooter and put on new parts and a front tire. He believes someone came in and changed the lock on our desk. He thinks someone switched the power cord with a different one to our printer. He believes that the a hacker is hacking into our computer system through the garage door, a radio, his spinal cord stimulator in his back. He says random things that make no sense. He's referencing Iraq and the military frequently. It scares me even writing these things out.

Some things have occurred in our home over the last few months. They are genuine. His siblings have stolen from us. Our computer system has been hacked into. A lot of his things were being moved around (found out ss14 was doing that stuff). I think all these things together have pushed dh over the edge to where know he is delusional and paranoid.

He has been off his meds for some months now. He did finally get those in the mail yesterday and he took all of them as he was supposed to. He has a VA appt scheduled on 6/21. I just hope these meds will kick in and help soon as I am afraid he will self destruct before the appt.

I am worried that he has a medical condition aside from the psychiatric issues (he seriously lost 50 pounds in one month and yet eats regularly and a lot of high calorie snacks)He is wearing smaller clothes than when I met him 12 years ago and he was thin back then as well. He is on the toilet constantly. I am talking he poops multiple times a day-almost every time we went out on vaca-he had to stop and poop in the restaurant, at the beach-and he is in there between 15-30 minutes each time.

Others have suggested drugs. I know it is not drugs. He is drug testing routinely through the va and has been for years and has never been a drug user. He does not drink at all and has been completely sober for about 5 years.

Now on top of all this nonsense-my ss14 is acting creepy as hell. He came home after our vaca and did apologize for the way he's been treating me (which sounds good but really for him is creepy as hell), but last night he and my ds13 got into an alteracation. Dh and I were on teh front porch and all of a sudden we hear my ds13 screaming "get away from me, get away from me, get away from me". Evidently there was some sort of situation in which my ds was bouncing a large ball on the floor, it annoyed ss, he asked him to stop, my ds said no and then there was pushing, punching, and head locks. My dd10 was in the room and both her and my ds13 gave same report that ss started pushing ds so he hit him (not punched but smacked at him)to which he then put my ds in a headlock and pushed him up against the wall. My ds elbowed him in the chest trying to get away from him so ss elbowed him in the chest back. SS's account changed (he told it to us twice)first ds was throwing the ball at him-then he said just bouncing-the first time he said he pushed him first-the second time he said my ds started the physical stuff.

I talked to my ds about not engaging ss in conflicts, not annoying, etc-no physical stuff etc-so I also went and tried to talk to ss and he literally totally creeped me out. I just went up and told him that it is unacceptable to resort to physical means simply because someone is annoying you-didnt yell at him or anything of the sort. He then changed his story and I did call him out on that and told him that dd10 gave a story consistent with ds13's. Didnt belabor the point-just said no physical stuff or I'm calling the police next time and letting them figure it out. So then ss suggests that dh needs to put cameras in the house "so we can find out what's really going on here"-my dh did actually install a camera in the garage when all of his stuff was moving about, missing and what he found was that it was ss. I reminded ss of this-and he just looked at me and smiled. Just this big creepy smile and he said, "you are lying". I said, No, I dont lie-and he assured me that I did. I asked him to give me an example and he could not think of one-but just kept smiling and saying I was a liar. I was a had a picture as it was such a creepy smile and creepy kind of look in his eyes that it actually frigtened me.

So yeah, I feel like I am living with two mentally ill individuals. I have no clue what to do. I do not feel I can leave-my dh is truly ill and I do not feel I can desert him when he needs help. He is not aggressive or causing danger or harm just totally wrapped up in own fantasy world. He occassionally exits the world and makes supper or something like that so he has not lost all contact with reality-and at times seems perfectly normal. Much of vacation he seemed perfectly normal-we went to the beach, movies, shopping-all very normal. But as soon as he gets on topic-it is clear that he feels he is being persecuted in various ways. He has told me that he can push these thoughts aside for periods of time, but that eventually they came back and he feels he has to release them (these thoughts to him are the things that are being done to him).

Being in the mental health field, I am pretty sure he has a delusional disorder however, these folks are extrememly hard to convince that there thoughts are not reality. Meds do help-so i am hoping that once his kick in things will be better. But I am also worried that there is even more going on with him due to the physical symptoms.

Sorry for the long vent-just handling this on a day to day basis is wiping me out and I needed to get it off my chest. Thanks


knucklehead's picture

Can the VA do an eval on him?
This sounds really pre-psychotic break scary.
I had a friend whose DH went through a bout of paranoia. It was really weird. He was convinced that the radio in his car could hear everything, that traffic cameras were video taping everything he did, that the TV could see into his house, etc.
Freaked my friend the hell out, understandably.
Therapy. Meds. A year later, he's much better. (Or he's just better at hiding it.)

I didn't even know you could lose 50 pounds in a month. Even starving yourself!

Why was he off his meds for awhile? That may be what's kicking off the delusions and now he's readjusting. My suggestion would be to not let the meds lapse and get him in to see someone. Can you go talk to someone at the VA about this?

hismineandours's picture

He had trouble remembering to take them initially-so he was getting them but it was somewhat inconsistent. Then he had an appt with the VA in which they were going to reevaluate and decide whether to continue the meds or not. But the VA cancelled-said they'd send a letter to reschedule. Never sent the letter-dh tried to call a couple of times and they'd tell him it was in the mail-they wouldnt prescribe anything more until he had been seen again. When we got back from VA he finally told him that he needed the meds-it was their fault he hadnt had them (and it obviously was) so they went ahead and sent them through the mail. But this whole process has lasted about 2 months.

Yes, the weight loss thing scared me as well. He's acutally lost a total of 60 now all since about March 1-and no he's definitely not dieting or exercising or doing anything-he lost the bulk of it back in March when he first started behaving erratically-however then it was more focused on my ss14 and the problems it was causing in our relationship-so at first I thought it was stress. But when I really grasped how much he had lost I was shocked-I thought at first he wasnt eating-but I see now he is-in fact his eating habits really havent changed that much-if anything I'd say he is eating MORE sweets and snacks.

Most Evil's picture

Hi honey, not to worry, we are here for you to talk to. !!!

Re. Poop and weight loss, please check prostate, it is very common for men to have issues with it and my dad is in the same boat right now and it is terrifying to see him keep losing and keep pooping, my dad is actually in the hospital for it now and they said his prostate is swollen.

I had mentioned drugs before but when you said he is drug tested regularly I gave that up as an option since I am certain you can't pass those I'd you are using something.

Re. Ss I would love someone to just punch his face or something to straighten him out. I would seriously consider getting and keeping a weapon near you in case he ever tries anything.! I don't think he is sick (of course you know more on this than me), I just think he is a little punk who will get hid ass kicked eventually!!!

Hang in there, I am sorry you are going thru this. Hugs

hismineandours's picture

I didnt even think of the prostate. I'll have to look into that.

I dont necessarily think my ss14 is mentally ill unless "creepy asshole" is now a mental illness-but he was just acting sooo odd last night. Typically he will scream and yell and deny any wrongdoing-not that I wanted him to freak out-but on the other hand he wasnt listening to what I was saying or expressing any concern or resposniblity for his actions either-just smiling and calmly telling me I was a liar.

stepintexas's picture

Sounds like meth...those only show up positive in urine or blood tests for about 24 hours or less. Unless he is tested the day after he has indulged, they will not show up. You can lose a heck of a lot of weight very quick with that. Also, bathe salts is in at the moment, give the user an irrational high with paranoid manifestations with no testing positive.

Honestly, drug use explains his symptoms.

I think you know this being a counselor. You are just too close to see it.

That is my opinion, just because he sounds like me and my ex when we did drugs.

stepintexas's picture

NOPE. I indulged one time and tested the next day CLEAN. Oh and yes the bathe salts is some crazy stuff, I haven't done anything in eons, so I personally never experienced that.

hismineandours's picture

I am absolutely positive it is not drugs. He gets random ones through the VA and pain managment-he hasnt used drugs since maybe his early 20s and he is 5 years completely sober. He will not even take pain medication despite having some significant back/neck pain, neuropathy.

stepintexas's picture

How often does he get tested, and does he know at 24 hours in advance of the tests?

He can absolutely be hiding a drug problem, honestly it is not that hard, take it from someone who hid it well!

Oh, and I lost a ton of weight really quick, even though I ate regularly.

Where did all that money he took go?
You just can't be sure that you know he is not taking drugs.

Also, I would do the drugs, but when it came to taking over the counter stuff for headaches, colds, ect, I wouldn't take them either.

Oh, I forgot to add, the pooping thing, probably TMI, but Im going to add- when I did meth- I was always pooping, constantly going to the bathroom. I think that and the increased heart rate is what helped me lose my weight.

hismineandours's picture

No, he doesnt have 24 hours in advance for his screens and since he cant drive due to the brain injury he is dependent on me when I can go and often that means within an hour of getting a call. Testing is completely random-it could be 1 a month or 3 times a month. My dh got a dui about 5 years ago and that is why he is completely sober. He was never an alcoholic, but he recognized that with his obsessive type personality it is something he could potentially get carried away with so he stopped altogether. And as I said he refuses pain medication that is offered to him-most addicts just want a high-he's not interested. My first husband was a drug addict/alcoholic and my speciality is substance abuse treatment so I am 100% certain he is not using anything. I dont mean to sound argumentative but I am really really sure. If I thought it was even a slight possiblity I would pursue it.

stepintexas's picture

Ok, I didn't mean to be argumentative either, it just sounds like this is the case.

Then I would consider him to having a break in reality, a pysch. break- I don't think I would trust the VA, you must have someone in the field you trust. I say that because, he obviously has not gotten the help he needs from the VA.

Helena.Handbasket's picture

There are a lot of things that it could be. Neurological, drugs, etc. He needs a complete work up. Go to the doc asap. Don't wait any longer.

Jsmom's picture

He needs a complete work up, including a colonostomy immediately. Good luck, sounds like he needs some immediate care and that is not what the VA is good at.

forestfairy's picture

The mental health problems alone sound like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder with manic delusions. Especially with his obsessions with certain things (that you've mentioned before). I would also have him checked for early stage Alzheimers. The amount of paranoia/delusions he is having seems pretty significant. Have you asked him if he's hearing voices?

Physically I would get him in for a colonoscopy ASAP, some kind of colon cancer could cause the weight loss AND the bathroom issues.

I would also ask them to check for Celiac's Disease.

It causes intestinal problems, unexplained weight loss (as you don't absorb nutrients), and long term can cause neurological problems.

I hope they can figure this out. I would be so scared if I were you too.

stepmomto3bioto1's picture

My heart truly goes out to you!!! I can feel your pain thru your writing!!
1. Please take time out for yourself!! You are pretty much in the role of caretaker, and thats extremely hard!!! So please do give yourself breaks here & there!!

2. Im so not trying to scare you here, but I fear another medically illness might be going on. My Dad came to live with my daughter & I after a very scary night a few years ago. My Dad was diagnosed with Parkinsons 6 months earlier. He had messed up his meds in a big bad way. Took some too much, some too little, until he flat out ran out of some & had none in his system for a few days. His body freaked out & he went in a state of medicine induced psycosis. He lived alone, about two hours away from me. He was seeing things that were clearly not there. After seeing the state of his home, I realized quickly that he could no longer take care of himself. I had him move in with me once he got back on the meds & was no longer hallucinating. After a TON of research, I found out a few illnesses cause hallucinations- Parkinsons is one of them (so good idea to check that out).

But-- my Dad was loosing weight in an alarming way. Way too much & I knew he was eating right (by me cooking). So I pushed for the Drs to do more tests. They found quickly that he has cancer. Sadly, my Dad did pass away a little over 3 yrs ago now.

My point is-- as women we are more "in tune" with things
Go with your insticts here, have him thoroughly checked by a Dr. Plz do this!

3. Does your DH have post traumatic stress? It really sounds like it. I sadly have it as well. It is really rough!! But can be managed with meds pretty well. If he went off his meds.. Then its truly likely a medincine induced psychosiis might be going on.

I hope your DH gets to feeling bettter soon!!! & I think your SS is just a jerk btw.

dgb's picture

I agree with considering post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) for the psych issues. It also sounds like he should have a colonoscopy and prostate exam. They will probably want to do an endoscopy at the same time they do the colonoscopy. Missing meds for psych illness, even depression, can send you into a serious tailspin. Get him checked as quickly as you can and keep his son away from him. Son sounds like he is trying to stress everyone out.

GoldenGoose's picture

He definitely needs a regular exam in conjunction with a psych. Consult. When I first read your post, I instinctively thought that he had a thyrotoxicosis. This is caused by an overactive thyroid and can cause a spectrum of psych. Conditions. In reality, he could have just about any condition, but any provider who is worth their weight, will initially check the thyroid because it is VERY common. It may account for the sudden extreme weight loss.

***edited to say that the differential diagnosis is going to be quite extensive for the signs that you described. If there is ANY concern about drug use, hair drug screening will pick up substance abuse for a long period of time. For example, an inch and a half of hair will test a 3 month span of time. This would eliminate the false negative screen for some of the quicker detoxing dirges like cocaine, meth etc.

I am sorry you are going through this. Stay strong. You need a good medical provider with a keen diagnostic sense. Be persistent.