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Looked at old family pics and got MAD...

hismineandours's picture

There were a bunch of ss (90% of which were probably taken by me-the wicked sm). He has created such a fantasy of how he was mistreated here and had it bad for so many years-heck, IDK maybe I was buying into it-just how miserable it was for him all these years.

Yet I saw years and years worth of photos with him smiling, laughing-next to xmas presents, posing proudly by birthday gifts-birthday parties with all MY family present (yet my savior inlaws were nowhere present)-multiple family vaca's-at the ocean, in the mountains-playing all his various sports-baseball, soccer. All the memorabilia from grade school days were also there-the stories, drawings, etc Then there were just the every day normal type photos-building a snowman, playing ball with dh in the backyard, jumping on the trampoline, on a picnic and I thought to myself EFF THAT! This kid had an awesome life with us!

I'd like to do something with all of it but I'm not sure what. It crossed my mind to burn it. But, nah, I'm not that mean. Then I thought I could box it up and just send it to him-just to get it out my house. But 1)I have no doubt it would be lost 2)It would be seen as an act of aggression on my part 3)I made him a scrapbook last year in the one week he behaved when he lived with us. I never gave it to him as by the time I finished it he was back to being a royal ass. But I wsa afraid to give it to him as it might make him actually realize how awesome he had it here and want to come back! I'd be afraid of the same thing with all the other pics and memoribilia.


starfish's picture

good for you.... when my skids were little, i took pics, then reality set in, i haven't taken a picture of either skid in at least 7 years...

hismineandours's picture

Oh-yeah the majority of the pics are from ages 2-10. In the last 4 years, there has been a tremendous drop off-probably absolutely none are from the past 2 years.

hismineandours's picture

I think that what really gets to me-is that he appears soooo happy. This kid seriously believes that I have mistreated him his entire life. He believes my children have always mistreated him-that he was always some poor, mistreaten, well, stepchild. LOL! It was nice to actually see evidence of all the nice places, nice things, and good times that he was provided with. All the opportunities, privileges,and just normalcy.

Now there is noone taking pictures of him, noone taking him on vacations, no big bday parties, noone playing ball with him. Dont get me wrong I'm not sad for him-I'm just dumbfounded that he rejected that whole lifestyle.

Outside Looking In's picture

does he ever stay overnight at your house anymore? I would find some pics and put them in frames and have them set aside, then, just before he is going to visit, put the pics up on the walls in the room he is staying! Then he can stare at them as he goes to sleep each night and see his thought process is misconstrued.

hismineandours's picture

No, he hasnt set foot in our house since June. He's been milking this fantasy for years. And I think it's too much of a gamble-he might actually for one second realize how awesome it was with us and want to come back!!!

I just think its strange that anybody would PREFER disfunctionality over normalcy. Espcecially as a kid. Not that we are a perfect family by any means-but we are pretty stinking boring and do normal things like go to the kids events, go to Church, watch movies, blah, blah, blah. With his bm he watched her go to jail multiple times for her alcohol use, she gets a new man every 6 months or so (hence he gets a brand new family). Now with my inlaws-he sleeps on the couch, my fil and bil grow pot, dont have real jobs, and really belong in the encyclopedia under dysfunction.

In our home he got hot meals on the table everyday, help with homework on a daily basis, got to be involved in extracurriculars, got to take vacations, wear name brand clothes, have a whole room all to himself-nobody screamed and cursed at him-he got where he needed to be at all times and on time. I just think this would be a more attractive lifestyle, but what do I know? Someone posted the other day about a genetic trait for dysfunction so to speak-maybe some people are just born preferring it? And rejecting normal and happy?