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Feeling out of sorts today-could use some support...

hismineandours's picture

I would like your all's honest opinions please. I believe i have shared this info on here before, but perhaps not for a long time. I was married previously for 7 years to an older man who had a daughter. I was 21 when we got married, he was 36, and she was 14. Needless to say I was extremely naive, she was a victim of PAS (before anyone knew what it was) so it was not particularly pretty. My dh was not particularly desirious of a relationship with his daughter which I could never understand as I was completely naive so I always pushed for him to have one with her despite her disliking me intensely.

So anywho, this dh died when I was 28. Left me with our two little ones, who were 2 and 9 months. SD lived an hour away and we saw her infrequently as he was not particularly interested nor apparently was she. After he died, I began dating his nephew. Yes, that's what I said. Please understand my first dh was not close with any of his family-we didnt do family gatherings, holidays, visits-nothing. He had no interest in that-had a huge hx of trauma growing up and related it to just not wanting to open old wounds-I respected that. This nephew was my age and I maybe saw him twice in the 9 years I knew my dh-he wasnt present at our wedding and never saw us as a couple (the two times I saw him was me running into him in public). So he essentially he was a stranger to me. He came around after my dh died offering help with this or that as many people did including his father. We had some things in common so hit it off fairly well and became friends, which eventually turned into something more.

Now, current dh and I have no issues with this. We were technically related through marriage (although again were essentially strangers)once that marriage was dissolved through death we were no longer related. This is old stuff and simply not something myself or my current dh think of any longer. I dont think it is a big deal.

Last night I received a message from my former sd. Now actually I received it back in October but I rarely check my inbox on facebook. I havent spoke to this now woman for 13 years. Now, if you follow my stories at all, you will know the difficulty with my sil stealing from dh and my entire family. Sil is of course former sd's cousin. When they were younger as in-20 years ago they hung out together during a brief period when sd lived with us. Other than that they saw each other here and there over childhood. So when all this is going down with sil, after her arrest, she finds former sd, contacts her and evidently spews filth about my dh. She told my former sd that my dh is a drug addict who shoots up drugs, that the credit cards where things he had her get so he could have his drugs sent to her house (unless they send you drugs from the Dollar General Store this makes no sense), and that he made sexual advances to her and slept with their cousin. Now, none of this is new info to me as these are things sil threatened to spread around if dh reported her to the police. She said people would believe her so it didnt matter that it wasnt true.

Along with this sharing of info that sd felt she was doing-she told me how disgusting I was-how disgusting my lifestyle was and compared it to Sodom and Gomorrah. Now, please understand ladies I live a very quiet lifestyle. I go to Church every week, I go to work in the helping professions every day, dont use drugs, maybe have some wine every couple of months-I've never done anything illegal in my life, I pay my bills, and am just totally and completely white bread and boring. Always have been, probably always will be. The wildest things I've done in my life are marrying an older man and then marrying his nephew. She told me that SHE cut off contact with my family years ago (actually I refused to allow her in our gated community because she is a negative, hateful individual)because we sicken her and turn her stomach and she cant be part of that. She also said, "my poor sweet dad". Now again, he could indeed by sweet, but he was also an addict, with tons of mental health issues, who had no real interest in a relationship with her. But as many do she is idolizing him and magnifying their relationship.

I did write back briefly and just state that she has no knowledge of me or what goes on in my family. I dont bother her and appreciate it is she did the same. She is one of those very hypocritical people who like to quote the Bible all the while being vile and nasty. I did tell her I would pray for her (I actually did) that she can find some peace in her heart that she would not feel the need to strike out at others.

What I would like to know-do other people find this unacceptable? That I married a man I was once related to by marriage? We live in a small community and really a few people may have said a few things or they may have talked behind our backs but we never really got any grief. After a difficult marriage and a difficult death I was very happy to have a chance at love again and it was immaterial to me that he was once related to my former husband. It just hit me after all these years to hear these horrible things about ME-it made me question maybe I am the clueless one and that this is something that is totally unacceptable to people? Honest opinions please, but nastiness please. I've had quite enough of that.


hismineandours's picture

Thanks-the kids of course know. They are 15 and 13. We live in a small community and noone has literally ever said anything to them about it. My ds13 actually forgets he had another father since he was an infant when he died. My dd was only 2. They are pretty well adjusted kids who just do well in general. Its part of the reason why none of it is ever an issue for us-because it has never been a problem. My kids see current dh as their father, no step related issues at all for them.

While I do blame my exsd-mainly I blame my sil. She reached out to her and contacted her simply to tell her all this stuff and that was a dig at me, IMO, not even my dh-sil knows that sd and I did not have a great relationship and knows that sd never accepted me nor liked me. Heck, the two of them used to plot mean things to do to me when they were teens.

I guess in some ways I am just surprised at how little people truly change. I would have thought she would have matured over the years-or for goodness sakes at least got to the point in which she did not care what I did, but apparently not. In reality she'd probably believe any bad thing anyone told her about me or my dh simply because she wants to believe we are bad people.

amber3902's picture

You're not blood related, you didn't cheat on your husband behind his back, your spouse was deceased long before the 2 of you became involved. You are not committing incest and obviously, the state didn't see anything illegal here, either.
^^^^^ I agree.

And as for quoting the bible - two can play that game.
"Let him who is without sin be the first to cast a stone."

dontcallmestepmom's picture

After all you have been through, you deserve to be happy. I do not see anything wrong with who you married-NOTHING. You just have a nasty SD who wants you to feel badly, and who is trying to mess with your head. Don't let her. I know it hurts to hear what she says, but she is nothing to you. You sound similar to a quiet, decent life, where you just want peace. Don't let her take that peace from you.

misSTEP's picture

That is grasping at straws to find out something to hold against you.

FWIW, my paternal grandparents were second cousins. Nobody gave the family grief that I was aware of and they didn't have any flippered kids or grandkids.

hismineandours's picture

Its really my sil that is launching this attack-it's aimed at dh largely, but I think she found a willing accomplice in my former sd as a way to get at me. I dont think former sd wants anything from me other than to be nasty and hateful. She saw this as her opportunity to probably "get back" at me in some way. Ironically, none of the things sil told her are true-in fact they are so ludicrous it is hard to believe that former sd would even believe them-I was more shocked about the commentary on me and my lifestyle which has nothing to do with the issue at hand, in fact ex sd in general has nothing to do with the issue at hand, but thought she'd contact me to share some "truths" with me about my dh. I cant imagine what she would even think she would know considering as I said she has talked to none of the parties involved in 13 years and that was only because her dad died. Prior to that she hadnt talked to my sil or dh for years either.

Thanks for the feedback. I apparently saw nothing wrong in my choice of spouse or wouldnt have married him, but I wondered if others thought differently. My sd apparently views as some sort of sinful situation.

oldone's picture

I have a friend from college that married her stepbrother.

Both parents had lost their spouses and remarried when the "kids" were in their early 20s. They never lived as brother and sister. No one has ever said anything other than "isn't that sweet".