OT-am I wrong? DH doesn't answer his phone
My DH arrived today after having some drinks with friends. To me he had too many, to him he had not. At 8pm I went to Walmart w/my kiddo...we ate at McDonalds and shopped. At 10pm on my way home I call both his cell phones and no answer. I get home and he is asleep.
1)to me if you aré a responsible husband/wife, you always answer your phone if your wife/kids are out, especially at night...anything could happen and my thought is you either stay awake until they arrive home safely or put both phones next to you and answer if they call...or anyone for that matter.
2)to DH, he trusts I'm an "independent woman" who can take care of everything and anything and therefore there's no reason for him to be worried or stay awake or answer the phone because since he "trusts" me, if anything were to happen "I could handle it"
I think I am reaching my breaking point. He is normally good, but these things just don't make me feel cared for...no matter how he attempts to twist it around. Realize I have no family living anywhere near where we live...just a cousin about 20mins away that works night anyway...
- herewegoagain's blog
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Thats what I was thinking
Thats what I was thinking
Not getting why you are mad
Not getting why you are mad at him. You left to go out w/o him & had your cell phone. You should call 911 if you have an emergency not DH anyway. And get AAA (or another auto club) for vehicle help. Again available 24 hours a day vs. a DH whose only 1 guy. Don't put all your eggs in one basket and besides you didn't have an emergency so are u just wanting to bicker w/him????
I think sometimes our spouses
I think sometimes our spouses take for granted that most of us have it together and can keep it together, we can handle anything that comes our way like we are super beings. We are human beings too and even the toughest of women have come up dead and murdered ( not to sound morbid, but it's true)
Maybe he thinks in his mind, that by him trusting you and having faith that you can handle anything is his way of caring...do you know what I mean? To him this should be an ego booster for you. But men fail to realize we need to feel protected and cared for as well.