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Another blog got ne thinking...DH responsibility

herewegoagain's picture

On another post someone wrote about each of us taking responsibility...which got ne thinking...My DH takes no responsibility for anything! Stuff as stupid as driving down the road, he is moving to the right lane and looking back to the right...the guy in front starts to also move to the right & almost hit us...I yell at DH "watch our, that guy is going to hit us!" he gets angry at ME because I yelled at him to watch out, when he was looking to the lane he was moving to and it "wasn't his fault!" Are you kidding me? His credit was ruined because BM ruined it, he got divorced because BM was too jealous, he married BM because his mom hated her and he felt sorry for her, his daughter is lpreggo and failing because BM allowed it, we are living in a s%}


bearcub25's picture

I have one of those too. BF said 'BM lets them do what they want'. Yes b/c she is primary custodian, but if his kids do something really bad in our house, he doesn't say a word. BM isn't there, so who is the responsible one then.

herewegoagain's picture

BTW his mother is the same! I had a heart to heart w/him about it...he was defensive at first and then when I told him about his mother he said the end I told him he might have grown up that way because that's what she taught him, but he's 38 and needs to take responsibility for his mess...he seemed to get it.