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and the call finally came...prego 15yr old...asking for money...

herewegoagain's picture

As usual, yesterday we were happy that we found a house, today the prego 15yr old texts DH after 4mos of not calling or answering calls...and of course, she wants MONEY!

texts go something like this

SD-dad, I need some money
DH-what for? I NOT your daughter anymore or what?
DH-for school?
DH-ask your mother, if not have her call me
SD-this does not concern her, this is about you...
DH-ask your mother, if not call me or have your mother call me
SD-as YOU KNOW she has two other daughters to support
DH-well, as you have known for years, both your MOTHER AND I
set aside money every month for if she can't give you
the clothes you need, have her call me
SD-YES, but I use that money for other things and I am saving up
for something else
DH-well, that money is for your housing, food, clothing and other
things not to save for something else before that...I will call
your mother tomorrow
DH-if you want, you can call me and we can talk about it
DH-and by the way, you have barely attended school this semester,
you should have plenty of clothes

Freaking little witch! WTF? So your mother who pays no rent can't buy you clothes because she has two other kids? We have a special needs kids we can't afford therapies for, and you nor your mother give a F#$%#$CK...and so, you are SAVING the money for what? Oh, yeah, if your mother even gave you any of it, you spent it on CUTE BABY clothes or some BS that is NOT my DH's responsibility?

She texts with NO hi, how are you, how have you, the attitude of YOU GVIE ME because AM I NOT YOUR DAUGHTER ANYMORE? Hmmm...let's see, you don't consider him your father when he calls and you don't answer, when he tells you to go to school and you don't listen, when he tells you to NOT get pregnant and you do ON PURPOSE, when he tells you to do your schoolwork and you DON'T and don't have the decency to call or answer his calls and you are freaking asking about "AM I NOT YOUR DAUGHTER" because he won't send you MORE money so that you can "SAVE" the CS money to buy yourself another "bustier" or "baby clothes" or some other bs?

I am DH didn't call her because he said he would tell her to F$%#$%CK off...

I just know this is only the begining...

Let's see...extra expenses for her?
1. pregnancy dr appts - SHOULD BE PAID BY FATHER OF BABY (if it's even who she claims it is)
2. prego clothes? - SHOULD BE PAID BY CS...I bought just 5 outfits and I worked full time in an office and bought my cheap clothes at Target...she doesn't go to school, and will be a summer prego, she should be able to find a couple of cheap dresses...
4. formula, diapers, blah, blah, blah... - SHOULD BE PAID BY HER AND FATHER OF BABY

At least DH for now is 100% on board...not a single dime over CS especially since
1. she barely attended school BEFORE she got pregnant
2. didn't answer to him, told him to FU$%#$% OFF on her myspace page when he tried to make her responsible in school
3. she got prego ON PURPOSE

Now, deal with it...if not, have your MOTHER deal with it...

But I know, this is just the begining...she will text again or crazy witch will call or ask for more CS

BTW-no, she didn't tell him she is prego...but at least now she knows that he's not stupid and can't be lied to with her "clothes for school" because her dad called her on it telling her "YOU AREN'T EVEN GOING TO SCHOOL"


herewegoagain's picture

No, I bet she's saving for her "baby"...which again, is not the responsibility of my DH...and yes, some might say, "poor kid, you should help her with HER kid"...NO, we are barely making ends meet and my DHs responsibilities are her and OUR SON together FIRST...if he can provide for them, and US and then have something left over, then I don't mind and he doesn't mind pitching in IF she is going to school, "help" her with her baby, but the baby is the responsibility of HER and the father, not my DH...

herewegoagain's picture

We have been looking into that...there is some crazy family policy that talks about ALL parents being responsible, however, when you continue to check basically this is what it says...

1. baby's bio dad is responsible for the baby in form of CS even if minor...
2. if the can't pay, he is still responsible somewhat but possibly HIS parents would be responsible in some way too
3. she can apply for welfare but if she lives with her mother, they will take into account her "custodial parent's" and other household income, ie. stepfather's determine if she is's dad would then be responsible to state to pay that money back
4. DH is basically responsible for HIS daughter, NOT her baby...although again, it really is up to the whacky judges...they could say, BM has no money, baby dad has no money, baby dad's parents have no money, and OH WOW, DH DOES have money...problem is, I doubt DH has more money than all of the others and he already pays CS, therefore, I doubt he has more money than all those others together...

Again, from lawyers and welfare, and some laws, etc...I have heard that ONLY she and Baby BIO DAD is responsible...not DH...basically, they can't really raise DH's CS based on anything related to the baby...ONLY related to her...which I very highly doubt a judge would say "yes, give her more money for preggo clothes, when she receives CS already and clothing is part of that money...

By the way, in welfare, since she is a minor...if she lives with BM, then BM HAS TO put down the amount of money she receives in CS for her...or ANY OTHER KID for that matter...what DH pays in CS is very close to the maximum you can have for welfare, so again, she really is not in any need...she just wants her baby to have the same "lifestyle" or brand name everything SHE has thanks to daddy...that is NOT daddy's concern...

Believe me, I know she is a minor, but it was BM that got her into this mess, not DH...and BM is married with the baby daddy of her two kids...her having two kids is no excuse to use the CS money on them and not on his daughter...and again, that money is to cover those things, not for her to save up for a car...NO JUDGE would say "ok, save the CS for a car or buy your baby clothes with it and hey DH, pay her more to buy clothes..."

Believe me I have never received a dime from the government, not even for our son, but this one is on her and her mother...not US...this was no mistake, this was done ON PURPOSE...then deal with the consequences and leave us out of it...

herewegoagain's picture

Here is what the Family Act thing says...and here are the issues

1. IF she applies for AFDC, she MUST be attending school...she has not attended regularly since the beginning of the year, and we have proof of that...even if she starts attending then...
2. then it says that the parents of the minor mother are legally responsible for their "MINOR DAUGHTERS", NOT their minor daughter's kids...
3. it also states that the minor teen father must pay child support if not HIS parents are liable for support until the minor father teen is emancipated...I believe he is either 18 or 19...not sure, but we know he is close to that and I doubt he is attending school...seems he HAS a job because he is always taking her out, has a car, etc...

The ONLY issue could come up with my DH making more money, in which case it would just be the crazy witch BM asking for more child support on HER case...but since the last case some things have happened...
1. that case was based on him making 89K per year...because he works on commissions, his income in the last 3yrs has been 55K, 70K, 71K...never anywhere near that 89K...
2. our child together was diagnosed w/autism, so that would be forced to be taken into account
3. the mother has decreased expenses because she lives with her husband's family...which I know courts don't want to hear if it's a straight case, but in this case, from talking to lawyers, this is NOT a straight case and it could end up in court
4. because SD has truancy charges, and DH has proof of all of this, and BM has continuously permitted her to fail, not attend school all the while letting her sleep with her boyfriend at HER house, even knowing SHE WAS TRYING to get pregnant, I doubt any judge would be too sympathetic to her asking for more money now...DH could file for custody and has a good chance of winning because of it...
5. BM knowing that she could lose custody and thus not only her monthly paycheck, but have to pay US money would probably never take it that far and just take her losses...and deal with it.
6. Now we have proof in texts that SD claims she is "saving" that money for something else...what does that mean in a court? What she receives is ENOUGH to save for other stuff...I doubt a court would say, "ok, you can save that for your baby or a car, and DH, pay her more money to buy clothes..."

Teenage Parents
Each year thousands of teenage girls, some as young as 12, enter into the AFDC system because they become
pregnant. These girls are eligible to receive welfare benefits for their children because the fathers are almost
always noncustodial. Many of the fathers are also teenagers still attending high school and are frequently
unable to pay CHILD SUPPORT because of their lack of income. These cases, commonly called
"minor-mother" cases, are automatically referred to the state child support enforcement agency by the welfare
department. When the agency receives a minor-mother referral, it begins LEGAL PROCEEDINGS against
three parties: the father of the minor-mother, the mother of the minor-mother, and the father of the
minor-mother's child. Because the parents of minor-mothers are legally responsible to support their daughters
until EMANCIPATION, they must pay child support for their minor-mother daughters. The Welfare Reform
Act has enacted important changes for teenage parents and minor-mothers. In order for a minor-mother to be
eligible to receive AFDC benefits, she must enroll in high school or a state-approved GED program and live
under adult supervision. The Welfare Reform Act has thus eliminated the enticement of physical and financial
independence from one's parents. Another significant change implemented by the Welfare Reform Act is that
parents of a noncustodial teenage father (the grandparents of the minor-mother's child) are liable to pay child
support until their teenage son emancipates, if the minor-mother receives welfare. Prior to enactment of the
Welfare Reform Act, grandparents were never liable to pay child support for their grandchildren, and the
government could not collect child support from a minor-father until he became employed.
Additionally, the parents of a minor teenage noncustodial parent may face PATERNITY action requests for
child support from them, rather than the father of the newborn. When a minor child gives birth, that minor
child is responsible for her baby, and the minor's parents remain responsible for her. However, if the young
person under the age of 18 continues to live at home, the grandparents' income will be "deemed available" to
the grandchild to determine eligibility for Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), and the mother
may seek through the court to have the paternal grandparent's income "deemed available" for child support

The nightmare seems that it will never end...but someday it will...but so far, I'm sick of the bs!

stepmom2one's picture

I am sure that her BM is spending all of the CS on herself. SD probably isn't getting a dime.

She should be getting clothes etc from her BM.

She is just calling to get money to go out and spend on her new baby. She should be hounding the father of the child that was stupid enough to sleep with her.

herewegoagain's picture

Yep, I agree...she got used to going out with baby daddy it seems and he seems to have a job, since he has a car and takes her all over...and now that she's been dumped, she either wants to go out or wants money for baby...not our baby daddy...

It's funny as her sister put out that her mom bought her tickets to go see Justin Bieber? Anyway, she has money for that but not clothes for her...sure...

prettyinpink's picture

Omg That is some drama!!! it must be hard for ur DH because she is still his D but you need to tell him that his D's baby is NOT His responsability he is already doing enough by taking care of her and if the BM or BD's family dont have money for the baby as sad as it sounds its non of ur bussiness and the D needs to figure that out her self... and Yes even though ur SD decided to get preggo at an early age ur DH is sadly still responsible for Her ONLY until she turns 18.... Good Luck!