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Helena.Handbasket's Blog

Fun blog, things we have thrown away that were the skids

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Another post got me thinking about the things I've thrown away because Sd doesn't clean up after herself.

1. her special dishes. She has a glass, plate and bowl that we bought that are "hers". She left them in her room last time she was here and dad cleaned her room at put them on the counter. I left it for him to wash but after a few days I figured that wasn't going to happen. Trashed.

2. Lip gloss left laying around. Trashed.

Truths that SS13 says

Helena.Handbasket's picture

I swear SS13 says and does things so much like me. Its weird how much we have in common. He's allowed to say them because he's SS, not a step mom.

During this conversation with SO...

SS13 says : SD16 is so much like mom. Its even worse when they have their "season". They are just alike.

I about fell over when I heard it. I knew it, but SO prides himself about how SD is just like him. She's not. She got the worst of both worlds.


Oh, its all BMs fault? I had no idea

Helena.Handbasket's picture

To listen to SO, you'd think he wasn't SD's parent. He's someone gossiping about another person's child.

I listened to his conversation with SS13 tonight about SD16.

According to SO, SD16 is the way she is because BM doesn't punish her or give her any consequences. BM just lets her bring home bad grades and does nothing.

Depressed or surrounded by #%!holes?

Helena.Handbasket's picture

OK, I have to post this because I've been through it and I see others going through it.

I went through counseling and anti-anxiety meds for MYSELF when OTHER people were the problem and I allowed them to be.

I hope this little quote gives some of you a bit of encouragement and awareness to take care of yourself. I look at it and it reminds me where I should be.

Just when I think SD16 has hit a limit in unreal behavior

Helena.Handbasket's picture

SS, SO and I are in the kitchen chatting about paint colors. SD16 comes in and says "Daaaad, I need to ask you something, but its really embarrassing." SO: Ok what? "its embarrassing, but is it a bad thing if my butthole itches? Its not really bad, but sometimes I'm walking around I have to scratch"

I told her to wipe and she wouldn't have that problem. I guess she didn't get my sarcasm and she went further in to the conversation. I had to walk away.

SS13 will be pushing to move in sooner

Helena.Handbasket's picture

Well, I have been hearing from SO that SS13 may start asking BM if he can move in sooner. Eighth grade instead of waiting til HS.

I said is this SS's idea or YOURs? He admitted it was his because SS was complaining about BM. Same things that happened with SD. Complain about BM and dad will rescue.

Then he made a comment about SS getting braces. I said oh, what kin... stopped myself. I'm disengaged. He heard me and said I dunno whatever his mom picks. Hopefully something that will be easy on us when he comes here (meaning getting him to appts and such).

Just how spoiled is SD16?

Helena.Handbasket's picture

She got a job at a fast food restaurant. She is not happy. hahaha.

BM helped her put in three applications and she only got the fast food one. BM is making her take it too! Go BM. SD is also not happy because BM is trying to teach her responsibility by making her put part of her check in savings another part goes for car insurance for SD and the rest is for SD. Next she is pushing hard for SD to finally get her license.
