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WWYD: FB Friends with FSIL?

helena_brass's picture

FDH's younger brother called last week to talk to FDH. His wife, FSIL, also talked to FDH. Then she asked to talk to me. Now, I've never met either of them as they live in another state. However, I know that FSIL and BM get along fairly well. I don't know how well, as I don't really know either one of them. But I've never reached out to FSIL for this reason.

But really, who wants to talk on the phone with someone they've never met? Not me. I had no idea what to say. It was awkward. She was pushy and perky. I was stand-offish and sarcastic. I don't think it was a great first impression for either of us.

Anyway, she FB friended me. She's also FB friends with BM. I really don't want to touch any of that. I don't want the drama that I've seen a lot of you experience. I just don't want to be anywhere near it. But I don't want to offend her by saying no. What should I do?


stepgin's picture

Just ignore the request and if she asks you about it tell her that you NEVER check it and are considering deleteing your account. Smile
Even though she is friends with BM, she might just have wanted to talk with you in a get to know you way before any face to face meeting.

Jsmom's picture

Ignore the request. If she asks why tell her you do not like BM being able to see your comments...

Anonymous_stepmom's picture

Block her, then she won't even be able to find your account on FB and you can say I deleted it if she ever asks.

JustAnotherSM's picture

This is what I would do - at least initially.

I was FB friends with SS long before BM joined FB. The day I saw her name on SS's friends list is the day I de-friended him. SS sent me another friend request soon after and I made sure that BM was blocked from seeing anything of mine, including my comments on SS's page. She must have figured out why she never saw any of my comments and blocked her comments from me as well. It's been like this for over a year now and I haven't had any trouble with BM on FB.

Newstep's picture

I wouldn't accept the request. I would think it was her way of spying on me for BM.

morgan_minx80's picture

Thats what I thought as well Newstep. Helena I would deny the request and if she asks just say you dont use it often. If you dont want her to know your on FB just block her.

12yrstepmonster's picture

I would accept her and then set your privacy settings so she can't see anything. Or can only see very little.