hbell0428's Blog
Should kids me in the middle of $?
So; before SD13 moved in with us FT - we gave her mom at least $200.00 a month plus gave her whatever else she needed (school clothes, sports) plus we had her 50/50 - we also have 3 other kids as well. Anyway; she has sinced moved in with us and BM had handed SD a $20.00 hear - $20.00 there; for stuff like school dances; spirit wear for school.
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Why do I (SM) feel like I have to compete for Dad's attention with SD
This is something that I really need advice on... I am having a hard time dealing with SD Full Time! I am not saying I hate her or don't want her there; but it is as if I can't find how I fit in the equation and I am gettin depressed. I feel as if I exert a lot of time and energy with my SD; When she talks it is always directed towards Dad ~ Dad this and Dad that.