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I knew SS10 had it rough at home with BM but I had no idea.

Happymom3's picture

We have been getting small glimpses into what SS10 life has been like with BM but last night it was blown wide open when a conserned neighbor managed to track us down to see how he was doing at his dads. He told us he watched out for SS since he was little and was sad to see him move but glad he might be going to something better. I guess BM newest husband and father to two new babies is worse than we thought! He recounted numerous things which had me in tears! All the little comments all make sense now! Like the other day I told BS4 to be nice or else! Sort of joking around and SS said or wait till dad gets home! I told him no, I deal with things not wait for dad! He told me "my mom loves me too much to do anything" haha! I told him I love him too much to see him behave badly! Well I guess the last big incedent before he came here involved her saying just wait till dad gets home! His Step dad got home went on a rant and through SS's bed out the bedroom window and made him sleep on the floor! Now I asked what on earth could a child have done to ever deserve that? He was looking through her jewllery?! Omg that's it? What is wrong with some people? He didn't steal anything and even if he had that's not how you deal with it!

Other stories involved threatening to strangle the f$&#in life out of him and other verbal tirades which the whole neighborhood heard. My DH was trying to figure out what time he would arrive on their door step if he left right away, give the bastard someone bigger than a ten year old to pick on! I just told him we can't send him back! He stays here where he will be safe!

I told SS10 we love having him here and really want him to be safe. When he got a hold of BM he told her he wanted to stay here, she cried but said she understood if he was happier here. Anything is better than being terrified every day! I just can't even imagine what else he has been through but look forward to our court date April 15! I can't even talk to her! How could you let someone do that to your kid? Grrr! Some people just make me so mad!


Ex4life's picture

At least she seems to be doing the right thing in agreeing to let you keep in there. I have never understood parents who put their flavor of the day ahead of their children.

foxxystep's picture

shame, that's really heartbreaking. that poor kid is scarred. just be sure he goes through a healthy rehabilitative process, otherwise those issues will come back to haunt your family.