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Naked Kid and an oversleeper

HappyCow's picture

This is my morning already. DD7 refuses to wear pajamas to bed so she goes all natural and thinks nothing of coming down stairs in her birthday suit and start to pour her breakfast cereal. Not something one is used to seeing at 7 am.

SD17 "forgets" to set her alarm at least once a week and I have to bust her butt to get her up and out of the house on time. I would just let her deal with the consequences but that would just mean DH would cave and take her to school. I would rather watch her scramble to get ready. I don't even think she made it to the bathroom this morning before she was out the door.


HappyCow's picture

I did send DD7 up to get dressed and told her I didn't want to see any naked parts out of her bedroom or bathroom. She is very confortable in her skin :? Honestly, if we didn't have kids or noisy neighbors I would probably be naked a lot more.

As far as SD17 its far more fun to watch her scramble in the mornings and because I am evil I do enjoy watching her walk out of the house with crazy clothes on and her hair a mess.

Tuff Noogies's picture

"what? no, no one's stolen your shoes, u've got it right there. oh? one's missing?? surely the other must be in your room somewhere since u already have one of them!"

Tuff Noogies's picture

omg the nakedness!!!

we STILL havent broken yss of that yet. he's almost TWELVE. he'll try to skootch from the bathroom to bedroom like that. but mostly he'll come to the living room in the mornings in his damn underwear. for YEARS it's been "yss puhLEEZ go put some damn shorts on!!!" there's no counting HOW many freaking times dh has said that. i dont give a rats ass what you sleep in, but I dont need to see someone else's pubescent boy in his freaking underwear.

Tuff Noogies's picture

lol tommar!!!

w/ yss, this was actually a pissing contest. it was strictly because I EXIST. if it was just males, they'd all walk around in their boxers all day. but *I* came into the picture and HE didnt like it. so he did shit like that specifically to piss me off. and i would react, cuz it was MY damn house, not a boys locker room, and i did not give birth to that child so it made me very uncomfortable.

things escalated to the point where he'd go back to his room, come out again in undies, go back to his room, come out again, maybe ten freaking times - just to make his point. i let dh handle it but he got tired of fighting with him about it and started making excuses.

a few months ago i totally dropped the rope and exited stage left. i refuse to interact with the kid unless he's being friendly, so he's only getting positive attention from me now. suddenly the frequency of 'pissing contest' actions on his part has GREATLY diminished - imagine that....

learningallthetime's picture

My BS8 is a naked boy too! He really does not like wearing clothes, period, he says they feel bad. It was a real battle when he was younger, but one trip to kindergarten in the back of the car naked (I had the clothes in the front) and a "have a good day" from me in the parking lot and clothes have never been an issue outside the home!

He is still a naked sleeper. For me, I live in a private house with just him, so it is not a huge issue, but dads house it was a big deal with 7 people there. So, the rule is to put on clothes before leaving the bedroom. I have him get his clothes ready the night before and set them next to the bed. He still forgets sometimes, but I just send him back upstairs immediately. He is learning.

Ninji's picture

Double :sick: :sick:

Carrieanne's picture

She actively flaunts her body around my Husband her DAD!!!!! I'm so completely grossed out. I've addressed the issue before but it's like she wants him to look at her!!!! Help me. I have a 12yr old son and even he is like, "she's so weird and gross". I'm just like stunned and want to vomit. We have six kids total and three are his daughters which we have had full time for YEARS. Fml. I am so over her acting like this. It's not normal!!!! I want to yell PUT SOME DAMN CLOTHES ON. However, she is the worst and whenever confronted she will either fake cry or go as far as calling the cops on us. What the hell sm I suppose to do?????