SD dropping out of school and moving in
I blogged this last night. SD is dropping out of school after just 3 weeks. They are trying to make her last the semester since it's paid for...we shall see how that goes! Long story short, DH says to be prepared because she will probably move in with us. I don't wanther here. She is lazy, doesn't work, does no wrong in DH's eyes, we fight over her all the time, and financially, I can't afford to keep her up or even have my bills increasing because she's moving in. I cried on the way to work today. I feel helpless. I don't get any say so on her moving in. DH and BM are getting together and sitting down with her to find out what's going on in her head because she's pretty much gone crazy. I'm depressed and see this being devastating on our marriage.
- Happycamper's blog
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Hold up... Why don't you get
Hold up... Why don't you get a say on an adult moving in?? That is a no go. If SD wants to drop out of school she better have a plan and be prepared to adult. This would be a line in the sand thing for me.
Have an honest conversation
Have an honest conversation with him and tell him how you feel. No ultimatums. A request that his daughter not move in because it will take a huge toll on your marriage. If he ignores you and moves her in anyway, then maybe it’s time to cut ties.
I don't get any say so on
YES YOU DO! They're going to discuss their daughter's future? Well YOU are going to be there to discuss your HOME! You pay the bills and that alone gives you the right to your say. What happens in your home is your responsibility and you are damn well going to be part of that decision. If you're not invited, go anyway. Let them know that they'll have to reckon with you and that they need to find another solution because your home is not going to be it.
Now go in there fighting!
Cut you losses
1. Some schools will give a partial refund, see if she can get.
2. DH must tell her IF she moves back in, she pays rent every week. If it won't leave her much spending money, tough nuggies. And she must be civil to you, clean up after self, etc. This may discouraging her from coming home.
I'm an evil SM
When I tried to talk to DH about it yesterday, he was just like, I can't believe you don't trust me to do the right things. I've been hearing for a year him preach to SD that if she went away to college she would have to get a job to help afford it, and guess what. The excuses immediately rolled in about how she can't do school work and work. You see, the past shows me what's going to happen. This is the same kid that wasn't made to work in HS because it would take away from her extracurricular activities she enjoyed doing. Why should I believe all of a sudden that they are going to make her become a responsible adult? I can already see it being the nail in the coffin of our marriage. We have no extra money because it goes to his kids. He feels he has to upkeep their cars, etc, NO! We argue about this all of the time! He doesn't even realize it, but I went and opened another bank account last week. I'm getting a pay raise and I'm putting the raise in there because, my kids that are in college and working sometimes need assistance and there's not much left. They graduate this year, and by golly, I'm gonna have some money to give them as a graduation gift!!! I refuse to do extra hours at work because I know where it will end up. We have given SD money to buy all of her books. She dropped a class last week and I kept asking DH to ask her where the money for selling the book back went. It was a $300 book. He didn't want to ask her. When I finally made him, her response was that she gave it to her mom because she owed her money. Did DH confront her about that? NO. Because he refuses to parent or give her any sort of tough lough. He treats her like she's fragile and will break. That's why she wants to live with him because he's easy on her and waits on her hand and foot. He may claim she will have to work, but will it be enforced? NO. She will come up with some lame excuse and pass it off to him and he won't question it. You know, his parents were divorced and he keeps bringing up how mean his step mother was to him...I hear the stories about when he was 18 they made him pay rent, yadda yadda yadda. I wasn't expecting to incurr his daughter and her bills and OUR pocket book will not sustain it. I guess I'm the evil stepmother like his was.
I can't believe you don't
That's because you never do the right things ...
Come on
You know that is SD moves in it’s going to be fighting all the time. Tell DH. NO, she not moving in!! Not into your house. Let BF and BM figure out what to do with her !! But not into your house. Make a stand, once she in your house she will never leave
I can't wait for mine to move out
She's mama's 12 year-old princess with her smartphone, big data plan, newest computer in the house, three gaming consoles jammed full of games, and anything else she's ever wanted. I'm the only one who has a job and earns money (bio-dad was a short-term boyfriend; he's completely out of the picture and pays zero support). She's a by-the-book screen addict, enttiled to 24x7 entertainment. No boredom for princess.
She doesn't know the phrases please or thank you, to me or anybody else, and has no chores. She does have a kindle library full of high quality books and hasn't read a single page of any of them -- literally, nothing -- though her mom insists education is important and wants her in an expensive English language program. Princess sets the rules: if she wants to go somewhere I'm supposed to snap to attention (mama doesn't like to drive). If she doesn't want to leave I'm to wait around, like a good chaffeur. She insults me, puts me down, yells at me.
She has a filthy mouth: every other word is the f-word or something similar. Her mom is her biggest fan and insists it's just me. It's a concidence that her former best friend's mom banned her from being around, that she hates every other girl at school except one, and that all her "friends" besides one are online. Unsurprinsgly her grades stink; she's not flunking out but they're completely mediocre.
I call it the 2/20 syndrome. She has the responsibilities and expectations of a two year old toddler yet the rights of a 20 year-old, though I've never met such an ill-mannered 20 year-old.
Getting back to the point if the marriage lasts until she leaves there's no way she's coming back. I left home at 17. Her mom left home at 16 (neither of were runaways - we finished school early). She's on track to finish at 17 and when she's off to college, or cooking school, or anywhere else I'm done. I hope she finds a boyfriend in a few years and mooches off his family instead of me.
I really like this forum. For now on I'm just going to ignore her. No more favors, no more listening to the demands, no more buying her anything. I'm on the fence about cancelling the phone plan because her mama tends to freak out (that's the main way princess holds power and she knows it: it's easy to prod mama into an epic episode of verbal and physical abuse).
I call it
giving skids 0 percent responsibility and 100 percent authority then giving SM the reverse percentages. For every action there is an equal yet opposite REaction.
I posted this on your prior
I posted this on your prior blog post:
Oh heck no way! You have to sit down and have a very calm, very cold (remain icy cold!), talk with your DH. Have your talking points laid out on paper so he can follow them. Allow some wiggle room for negotiation with him, but DO NOT ALLOW this - if she does move in here are the stipulations about rent, how much, when it's due. You can also find actual rental agreement templates on line. Print one or two out and tell DH she WILL be signing a rental agreement (it's called being an adult and responsible, esp. if she decides no college...payment due dates, quiet hours, cleanliness requirements) like this one or that one. DH and BM do not get to unilaterally decide what will affect your living situation.
Adults live under rules - she's made an adult choice and she lives with the consequences or YOU go.
OP you drive me crazy....
Because you keep posting the SAME stuff over and over and over, whining......yes WHINING how DH doesn't support you, all your money goes to his skids, etc etc know what else hasn't changed? YOU. YOU are putting up with this. You have been posting here for over a year and very little, if anything, has changed. Is your DH a disney-dad-guilt-parent? Yes. Of course he is. You cannot change him. You can only change yourself and how you act/react to things. I'll be damned if I would let my partner walk all over me and treat me as crappy as yours is. Everyone drops the "counseling" line and I'm going to as well.......maybe counseling for yourself can help you get some perspective in why you allow yourself to be treated this way.
If SD moves in, it's because you ALLOWED it. "I don't get any say so in her moving in......." That is BS and a copout. I would really love to read a post of yours where you finally speak up for yourself, put your foot down, say NO and stick to it. DH is not going to change. SD is not going to change. Unless you are willing to speak UP and stick to your guns, NOTHING will change. This may sound harsh, but I'm trying to shake some sense into you.
I'm sorry for whining! I'm
I'm sorry for whining! I'm posting for support. That's what I'm needing. Sometimes I feel like I have a right to feel a certain way and when I stand up for myself, I get portrayed as the "evil stepmother" basically. I don't have any divorced/remarried friends that can say, you're feelings are justified! That's what I need. Sometimes DH makes me feel like I'm mean and overeactive. I do state my peace. Trust me. He would much rather my mouth be shut. Do I win out? Sometimes. Sometimes not.
I've been in a similar
I've been in a similar situation and it royally sucked. When DH and I first married I didn't think I had any choice about his then 29 yr old jobless stoner son moving in so I just dealt with it. He moved in and out over several months and I finally put my foot down since I saw no end in sight. It almost ended out marriage but there was no way I could keep living with an almost 30 yr old man who wanted his teenage lifestyle back. If I could go back in time I would have said NO at the beginning and had the hill to die on battle then.
If you feel truly have no choice about SD moving in and it's going to happen anyway you still have choices. SD wants to live w/daddee so she doesn't have to adult, she wants to be taken care of. You're going to have to practice being the WORST hostess ever.
Do not clean whatever room she is moving into or lift a finger to help get anything ready for her. You're busy right? Work some overtime or go to the gym, whatever you do be completely unavailble to help daddee get her room ready.
Don't cook or shop for her. She's a grown woman and can meet those needs herself. If she needs someone to get something for her, refer her to her father're a responsible woman who has a job and you don't have time to take care of another grown capable woman.
Got a dog or cat? Can you put a dried turd in the corner of her closet? Maybe a few springs needs to come loose in her mattress.
Bottom line is that the girl needs to be made so uncomfortable that she wants to leave!