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happy's picture

This ia about my very own biodaughter..

Seriously I remember being 16 and doing things I wasn't suppose to..

My ex husbands wife came to me today to share that my daughter 2 weeks ago went to a friends house and everyone was drinking and suppose to stay the night, and yes the mom was there of one of the kids and approved, well her live in Boyfriend came home and kicked these kids out so drunk kids got into cars and drove home, my daughter of course said the guy they were with wasn't drinking. I am so hurt and disappointed right now.

I am very thankful that stepmom told me, but now my ex is mad at her for telling me. I said to her if something happens or would have happened to her and I found out he knew I would never forgive him for that. Not telling me, really they live with me, and I am involved but of course these two girls said they were staying at this other girls house. I don't know what to do. I am at a loss here..

Any advice...


Not_what_I_wanted's picture

You have every right to be mad at your ExH for not letting you know. That was irresponsible on his part. Teenagers will be teenagers, unfortunately, and do these stupid things. I am not saying its right or ok by any means, but I was there once and remember all too well how stupid we were.

Have a serious talk with your daughter, and let her know what they did was wrong, getting into a car with someone who has been drinking is very wrong and dangerous. Give her the # to taxi companies in your area and tell her to use it and that you will pay, no questions asked. You can tell them NOT to do these things until your blue in the face, but if they want to do them they will find a way. Its up to you as a parent to teach them to at least be safe in these situations.

I have always told my son, "if you cant be good at least be safe" when he goes out. He is 17, and I am sure does things I may not like. He is free to call myself, my DH or his father ANYTIME he or his friends need a ride, no matter what, with no questions.

happy's picture

Thank you for your post. Yeah I remember that age, and it just stinks.. oh my poor mom.. or any parent for that matter..
I just talked to her about this, I said call me no matter the time, I will come get you and we will talk about it.. I know I have a temper at times, just yelling but I have to remember to be calm so she will do that.
I am more mad at the parent who supplied the alcohol, I mean we are parents and have a responsibility. But I guess some don't get that.
Thanks for your help.. I am gonna be calm and strong and just talk to her..

sunbeam0901's picture

I'd be doing more than calling them! I'd press charges for providing alcohol to minors. Not. Cool.