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Happily_Ever_After's picture

Just recently joining the blog, it is a breath of fresh air to know that this exists. It has been (nice?) to know that there are others out there going through the same thing, being the Evil Step Mother. I wish that "fairy tale" never existed. I mean, we are already EXPECTED to be the BAD one. I know. I had one. Which leads me to my first list (I like lists). When dealing with my future situation I try to think about how I was to my step mother, how she reacted, etc. I hope this helps. I offer these not to complain/brag, but just as general statments or reflections of my situations. I understand that everyone's situation is different.

Some things I did when I was a step daughter:

-I intentionally told either Bio parent things that the other would let me do, so that I could do it there...(for example, smoking at age 15). It worked. Now I am late twenties, have an addiction and cannot quit.

-I refered to my Step Mother as "Step Bitch" to friends. My SM found notes stating this when "snooping" through my room. To this day, I wish I haddnt done that. That must have made her feel really crappy.

-I felt jealousy over their bio child (my step-sister). I felt that their child was treated better and was given more attention. I now look back and know ALL of that had to do with me HATING the fact that my dad had a "new" family that didnt include me. It's easy to project your anger onto your step mother or siblings, it's harder to address that with your Bio parent.

-I felt like my SM constantly nagged me to do this and that and dont do this and that....Even now, as an adult and step mother, I still think she is a nag.

Things I do now as a step mother:

-I never mention her bio mother in a negative way. AND even though I have problems with her bio mom, when she mentions anything negative about her BM, I remind her that her BM is her only BM and that she cannot talk about her that way in our house.

-I try to make sure that she knows that she is in our life, even though she is not always there. Her pictures are on the walls, she has specific things that are hers and she has a place for them.

-I try, really try, to not be the disciplinary parent. I try, really try, to not nag or bark orders. I try to leave all of the dicipline up to her BFather.

Things my Step daughter is doing:

-rolling her eyes, looking at me as if I am a horrible person when I ask her to do something.(disrespect). We try to teach her to respect each other. I really dont think she gets/gives repect at her Biomom's.

-Needing constant attention from Daddy (bio), almost as a way to make ME jealous. I understand this COMPLETELY>>>> but it is still hard to see. Its not that I DONT want her to get the attention, god knows she needs it, it's just hard to see her try to "compete" for affection or try to make me jealous...

-Gets defensive, argues. I know this is the age, but its hard to teach her to not do this.

-She calls her Biomom a lot. I understand this too. BUT her BioMom gave her a CELLPHONE (did I mention she's 11yrold) this time. I just wonder if she is calling her everytime she is angry about something that her father or I have done as reasonable disclipine. I just wonder if she is playing us (like I did to my families). I dont think she is, but it would be easy to do AND her BM is that way.

I appreciate any thoughts or words of encouragement. We all need it right?? Thanks. I hope this has helped you as your blogs have helped me.



lovin-life's picture

The 21 year old...still starts every line of conversaton with DAD.....did you see, DAD...this, DAD....that, DAD...blahbalh,

But only if he's in the room with me...if we're in a group..she drops the Dad's

..would that fall into needing/competeing with me for constant attention from Daddy???

Happily_Ever_After's picture

I, as a step daughter, try to not do that. Of coarse, there is a direct bond with my dad that I dont have with my stepmother. Perhaps I never will. Whats strange about your example is that she's 21. I BET she knows it gets to you. It sounds like my same problem except my stepdaughter is 11. One hopes that they grow up and identify what they are doing. I hope I did....

One thing I try to do is to give my SD attention. Almost overcompensate. I try to not do the same thing to her...although its hard to not express my love to my husband. When she is not here, we are very compassionate toward each other and I want to show her that people that are married DON'T fight all of the time...but I think she probably thinks of it as me flaunting her dad in front of her.

Thanks for the comments.

Sherrylyn's picture

I often when on my own, when I'm hashing something around will write the list. Maybe I'm hoping it won't be so frustrating or that I will get some grand enlightenment by seeing it on paper. But I expect it helps me work through it & maybe understand my stance better.

I sometimes wish my husband & his ex would step up to the table & give the boys some hard guidance insted of always leaving it to me. It's like they both gave up the hard part of parenting when I came along. I wish I could be the one to be the soft touch.

I can say I'm so glad that you have taken the time to post your entry.

Happily_Ever_After's picture

I make lists all of the time...its good to see any task, even grocieries or bills, its something I have learned through work and use now through life. I actually had a good talk with my stepmother yesterday after being on here and thinking about stepparenting. I basically aknowledged all of the things I did and she did the same thing. AND even though I still have things that bug me about her, this whole experience has opened my eyes.
I talked to my husband yesterday about "stepping up" and that I didnt want to do any disclipine. He had said that in order for my SD to respect me, I will have to earn it. It made sense. I guess I am going to just try to not harp on her as much and be careful how I handle things. Maybe that can help you? Needless to say, you should talk to your husband about it. It helped me. I was ready to give up. Anyway, if they do something wrong, you dont want to be like "wait till your daddy get home". Sometimes you just have to deal with the situation then. It just seems sometimes hard to balance that and trying to not be the Harda*s.

Good luck and thanks!

Christina's picture

Oh my god...thanks so very much...I have been dealing with my 10 1/2 year old step daughter and i'm ripping out my hair. I swear sometimes I think she is flirting with her father. She tries (and I say tries) to be disrespectful to me (rolling the eyes at any request, ignoring any rule, etc...) and starts to cry when she receives a consenquence. Problem is, my husband works a majority of the time and never sees these issues, only sees the "I love you, daddy" girl when he gets home. As a step-monster (that is now my name to her friends) I really do want the best for her it is just hard to make her see it.

Your posting was a bit of an insight on what is going on, thanks...

Happily_Ever_After's picture

First of all: step-monster. I laughed. I had never heard that before. You should give the SD points for creativity.

I am glad I can help. This site is awesome. It has really helped me make this recent visit better and has helped with with past issues.

After reading your entry, it makes me seem like it may be an age thing. Makes us wonder what those teenage years have in store for

Again, glad I could help. Thanks.

othermother's picture

My SD is 12, and I've noticed a few of the same things: eye-rolling, constant need for attention. Although, she does enjoy our occasional "Girls day out" where I take her shopping and out to lunch. It gives us a chance to talk away from the boys, and can sometimes be very enlightening. I have also found notes where she has written comments about me and even said "I hate you!" Yes, it hurt my feelings, but I realize it's normal for a teenager. I know I treated my mom the same way. Teenagers are selfish creatures and only care about what benefits them most at that moment. If they don't get their way, look out! My best advice is to ally with your husband and work as a team. If he doesn't feel her affection toward him is appropriate, he has to be the one to tell her. Otherwise it just looks like you're jealous and that will play right into her game.