DH just not getting this "your kids, my kids" thing
Well I'm feeling a bit better today. At least I don't feel hit by a truck any longer. So the meds must be somewhat working.
As I posted in the comments in my blog last night, DH was being VERY attentive towards me yesterday, to which I responded with rather cool indifference. About 4:00 pm is when this big really hit me hard and I was pretty useless form that point on. DH all "lie down hanging, here's some medicine hanging, is there anything I can get for you hanging, I'll put the kids to bed, etc". He also commented about "well you haven't come near me in days so I guess I don't have to worry about getting sick too". Nope that's right DH....no desire to be anywhere close enough to you to pass on my germs.
It was slightly sickening to be honest and I was really wishing I wasn't feeling so shit so I could have been a little more on top of enforcing the "your kids, your deal, my kids, my deal" thing we discussed the night before.
Yesterday was a prime example of how he wants things both ways, meaning the same things do not apply to both sets of kids but I shouldn't care.
DH let his sons go to that evil bitch of a MIL's house for the afternoon while I was playing in my tournament. I had told my kids that if their dad said it was okay they could go up to his place (he recently moved six, yes SIX blocks away...whole other story) for a little while to visit. DH came out to watch my match and follow around. He informed me his kids were at his mother's house. According to what I laid out the day before that is completely up to him, and if will no longer say a word about anything to do with his children, so I didn't. However, DH asked me on three different occasions of my kids were back from their father's home yet. After initially asking why they are there. My kids, my circus, not your problem. Didn't say this but thought it. Just brushed it off and didn't answer. My exH does not mess with our life, our home, nor try to alienate the kids against either me or DH. We can't say the same regarding his mother. Still not my kids, not my problem right?
YSS is home from lovely grandma's house (where BM also came over for a visit...isn't that just precious) and upon hearing I lost in the semi finals tells me "ha ha, you got third, you're a loser". Now I know this shouldn't upset me, but I follow this kid around for hockey, baseball and now football. Cheering him in, celebrating wins and telling him what a great effort he made even when they lose. I have been all over the Midwest and spent THOUSANDS in his sports, while BM won't attend a game more than five miles from her house. But you are going to call me a loser. Nice kid, real nice. I did snap at him, and I shouldn't have. DH hears about it and makes YSS apologize. YSS pulls out the tears (he's 12 btw) and DH goes in to say "No one is mad at you (ahem...yeah I kind of am), but we need to treat people how we want to be treated. Okay buddy". Not 25 minutes later does DH hear YSS telling either my sin or one of the neighborhood kids that they suck. (Apparently there was a game of dodgeball or something going on and this particular person was in YSS's team) and goes out there and scolds him. But the kid continues to play...so same issue within a half an hour of being talked to the first time, a scolding and no other consequences. Of course again the kid pulls out the tears (please he's 12...this is ridiculous and how do you not see that?) But...not my kid, not my problem. Right?
DH then scolded MY son numerous times. One for whining (he's 8, I agree shouldn't be whining, but didn't YSS just pull something very similar?) and was told he needed to come in the house if that's how he was going to be. Scolded MY son for grabbing the sides of the doorway and hopping through (I don't like this, I tell my sin that is not how we treat our home, if his dad allows him to climb the doorways that's his dad's house but at mom's we know better) but never says a word to YSS who EVERY SINGLE TIME he goes through a doorway jumps up and hits the top molding (drives me crazy with his dirty grubby fingers that leave marks on my oak woodwork and I have repeatedly told him that's enough, but of course he ignores me) , but DH doesn't say a thing to him.
OSS comes back from grammy's house with a piss poor attitude (like usual after listening to her poisonous BS) and DH has to tell him to take care of his bike. The kid has a $2000 mountain bike and he is fucking around with it. DH had bought himself a new bike and instead of trading his old one, in gave it to OSS. This was before we were together although I do find it ridiculous. Especially because at the time the kid was fricking TEN yrs old. Tells him he better treat it better and not be ramming curbs and shit with it. My son lays his $300 bike down not far from the road and gets yelled at and told "you put your bike away now if you aren't going to take care of it. It could get run over sitting there in the corner!" Again, my kid, not supposed to be your problem.
There were numerous instances like this throughout the evening, and I was just too sickly to deal with it. However, today I am feeling somewhat better and I intend to remind him....not your kid, not your problem, I will handle it how I see fit, thank you very much. So I'm sure there will be a mantrum and disagreement today....think I will stock up on some extra meds and ready myself.
DH is still sleeping as he works night shift and only been home for four hours. It's noon and I have yet to see either SS show their faces, not even for breakfast. I'm not going and getting them. If they don't want to come take care of themselves that's their problem.
I think it may be a long day
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So I just had the opportunity
So I just had the opportunity to employ the "my kids, my problem" initiative.
BS came jumping through the doorway, again. DH says "BS I told you to knock it off, this is the sixth time in the last two days I have said something. Knock it off!" I told DH, "I'll handle it." And told BS to go put his clothes away and then come down and I would speak to him. DH says "why? I already said something" I said, "I will handle it. Thank you" DH "why? Oh yeah....your little "plan". I don't like it. I don't like it one bit" I said "well that was my suggestion, yours was to go our separate ways, your still here. So unless you have another suggestion, which I would be happy to discuss with you then I got it". Bs came downstairs and I said to BM, "Bs, you have been told not to to jump through the doorways. If your dad allows that at his house that's your dad's house but you know mom doesn't like it. We need to walk through the doorways alright. If I see you do it again, I will give you a bucket of soapy water and you will wash down the doorways and woodwork. Okay?" Okay mom.
DH stormed out. And is stomping in and out of the house.
He was already pissy because OSS had still not shown his face and it was 2. DH after asking if he has come down at all I said "nope haven't seen either one of the boys. " so DH goes upstairs and roasts OSS out of bed and tells him to go make a sandwich. Now the kid is almost 15. If he can't go and make himself a sandwich without being told, let him go hungry. He doesn't do it because he is just plain lazy. Period. And he's in his post grandma visit funk.
Somehow DH hasn't realized that throughout the day yesterday I never said a word about his sons' behavior, nor about them going to psycho grandma's house. But this "I'll take care of BS" put him in his mantrum mode. Oh well...come up with a better solution....but don't discipline my kids or criticize them....save it for yours
Hand that bucket of water or
Hand that bucket of water or some wood cleaner to your DH and tell him to wipe where his kid smudges the top of the doorway.
I think you are handling this
I think you are handling this well. However the next time he makes some snakey remark just tell him if you are not able to discipline his kids without him backing you up then he cannot discipline your kids. Simple and plain. THEN he might get the message.