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Update to Halo's AH imploding our life in 30 seconds or less

halo1998's picture

Its been a tough week here.  

Lots of emotions..

Sadness, anger, relief, dispare, grief....well just about all of them.  I will say there is a lot of relief because I have suspected something for a very long time but could never prove it.  I feel better there...I wasn't crazy.

I have went through everything that AH had...all accounts, etc

Its been eye this point trying to decide what the next course of actions are.  Stay or go...etc.  

15 years is alot to throw away and not everything was bad.  So...lots of thinking on my part.  I'm not known for rash decisions so I will take my time.  

The worst part of all this SD overheard and knows everything.  I will give her props..her comment to could Dad do this to give everything to us.  What is he thinking.  She is scared and confused and worried her whole life is about to be upended.  She sees her Dad differently now...and for that I am sad.

I appreciate everyone's comments and support.  Its a situation I never thought I would be in honestly. While our lives have been rough and at times beyond stressfull I never thought it this would be an issue. Live and learn I guess.



justmakingthebest's picture

I do think that infidelity is possible to overcome. BUT it takes a lot of work and no matter what happens that fracture is always there. 

Whatever you decide, you know you have all of us supporting you.

caninelover's picture

I am so sorry for what you are going through halo.  But I believe that you'll end up in a better place in the other side of all this.  You are a strong lady and you're right to think things through and process.  Wishing you all the best.

CLove's picture

Im glad that you are being smart and doing the research. We never go into this thinking that we will experience this kind of betrayal. Im so sorry.

Merry's picture

It IS a lot to process. You don't have to make any decisions until you're ready. And your H's behavior and his willingness (or not) to address his betrayal is important information.


JRI's picture

How is DH responding?  A lot of what you decide to do will depend on that.

halo1998's picture

Once he finally fessed up.   He fully admits it was his fault, he had it in his head since it was online it wasn't real.  

Look if the roles were reveresed and I was sending these messages (they were very sexually explicit) to other men for five would you feel.  Would you want to be married to me?  I think it took that and me telling him I was making plans to divorce since I would not live my life like this.

He has commited to doing whatever it takes to repair our marriage.  So far so good he has done everything I  have asked and been transparent. but its early...

Ispofacto's picture

In your prior post, someone asked the same thing I wondered:  did he actually meet up with anyone, or was it an online flirtation?

I had a man in my life years ago, he was a very jealous person, and got really mad whenever my attention was not 100% fixed on him.  Needles to say, the relationship didn't last long.

I'm into online gaming, so sometimes I get into team chat with the people I play with.  They live hundrends of miles away, all races, ages, genders.  It was part of the strategy of the game.

Well, he got so mad about that, he decided to get into a little tit-for-tat about it, by having salacious conversations online with several "women", one by the name of NaughtyWife.  It was left open for me to discover, but my kids found it first, and told me about it.

Whatever.  I wasn't jealous, it just seemed highly hypocritical.  And just so, so, soooo stoopid.

That wasn't the dealbreaker.  It was part of a pattern of passive aggressive exhausting daily bullcrap.  Like getting huffy if I had a phone coversation with anyone, including my ladyfriends and family.  Or getting mad if I read a book, even if I was sitting the same room with him.  He used to nag me incessantly about anythng I did that he wasn't interested in, like reading, video games, going to the gym.  The only thing I was "allowed" to do is sit and watch TV with him, and only if he got to pick the show.  Then he'd always fall asleep and snore, but if anyone tried to sneak the remote out of his hand, he'd wake up and lose his mind.  Working overtime at my job was cause for him to show up at my work to check up on me.  I don't know how it would have been possible, but somehow I was always cheating on him.

So I issued an ultimatum: I forbade him to nag me anymore.  And his solution was to sit in a corner and pout.  Like a dark cloud of tantruming toddler, every single evening, sucking all the oxygen out of the room.  Somehow he thought that was a good idea.

So if it's nothing but an online flirtation, that's one thing, if he's got other selfish issues, that's something else.


--figureditout--'s picture

My DH cheated...physical and emotional. We have worked through most of it. If you want to talk, I'd be glad to listen or share.

ESMOD's picture

I know this must be incredibly difficult and yes.. it's hard to throw away so much time and it's scary to think about being on our own again right!?

But, if you truly feel this was more "emotional" vs physical.. or  possibly not even emotional.. but sometimes people seek out this kind of thing to get a thrill of attention etc... like it's not really cheating.. just getting an ego bump?

Maybe if the balance of your relationship and lives were good.. it is worth expploring therapy to work through what led him down this path?

halo1998's picture

I do think it was an ego boost more than anything, to get attention.  I think we need to get our lives back on track with therapy and he is starting individual therapy to figure out why he needed the attention/ego boost etc.