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Today is the day.....GWR is now 19

halo1998's picture

and all of Dh's legal responsibility for him has ended.  Still waiting to see if Beaver filed anything with the far nothing has shown up as filed.  I will keep watching for the next two weeks....

I'm letting DH deal with this on his own and he will talk about it when he is ready ...or not.  

to me I'm down and one to go in terms of taking away Beaver's gravy train and power trip.


yougotthis's picture

Congrats!!!! I am already in count down for the day they turn 19 and the closest one is 6 years away haha 

Does it work the same where you live that it ends at 19...but BM could try and get your DH to keep paying CS if Skid is in College/University or unable to get a job and take care of themselves? 

I know our HCBM claims one of the kids on her taxes as being disabled due to his ADHD so she gets more government money, so it's always been a worry of mine she'll try and get her gravy train extended by saying he can't get a job lol She doesn't have the money to take him to court tho, so unless she does, fawk off! I sure hope yours lets it go.

JRI's picture

Congratulations!  Your post made me flash back to our last CS payment to BM.  The last of the 3 kids had moved in.  For some bureaucratic reason that I can't remember, we had to pay one more after the move-in.  That was the one that really griped me.  

Today, we were flashing back over it all and congratulating ourselves and being thankful for health, lucky chances and just having survived it all.  I finished up with, "and we had no help from anybody, ex-spouses, grandparents, or anybody".  For a long time, DH would not openly admit that BM totally dropped the ball with the 3 SKs.  But, especially since Ive been on ST, im not letting that fly anymore.  Lol.

ICanMakeIt's picture

Please tell us how you plan to celebrate today. I hope you have a glorious celebration indeed. Congrats on your raise $$ and having survived thus far. 

caninelover's picture


SteppedOff's picture

That must be a great feeling! One down, one to go.

Do something nice for yourself today to celebrate Smile

tog redux's picture

He still has to pay full amount but they hold it until they get order to stop, right? 

Luckily DH was paying direct for the last couple years so he could just stop paying.  I made sure he sent it on time so BM would have no excuse to get it garnished. Otherwise he would have had to go back to court, and I am freakin done with court. 

CLove's picture

I hope you have a little party.


I plan on having a really nice graduation party for Munchkin SD14. I told her she was not required to attend although it would be nice, and she looked at me kinda funny.

lol. Bless her. 3 years and 3 months to save up for a nice trip. Or something.

Here, its 18 and graduation from high school, and I believe that even if its not garnished, you still have to file for it to stop.

SMto2's picture

That's wonderful, and I'm sure gives you a feeling of light at the end of the tunnel. In my case, unfortunately, when OSS turned 18 and CS was supposed to be recalculated, DH decided not to rock the boat, and just kept paying the $1,200 a month until YSS graduated high school 2 years later. (YSS turned 18 in the middle of the school year but CS went til graduation.) Since my DH paid BM directly, he didn't contact anyone about it but simply stopped paying. I think he wrote something like "payment in full" on the last check. Lol. He joked about getting one of those huge "lottery" type checks made and hand-delivering it. Lol. That's been almost 7 years ago, but it still feels amazing being reminded of it! 

advice.only2's picture

Congratulations!! Yeah DH had to pay one month of CS to Meth Mouth and that was such a cluster! He paid it in full and CS was like "great thanks you are done". Then they went ahead and garnished his wages for the next two months. DH was so pissed, the CS office kept claiming it was an error in the system, but once DH got his lawyer involved suddenly the garnishments stopped and they returned all his money. DH was the one who went to CS personally and filed all the paperwork needed to make sure CS was dropped completely.

TheAccidentalSM's picture

Hope you enjoy the extra money and that your area doesn't do the reductions on a sliding scale.  

When OSS aged out and YSS moved in with us DH's payments only reduced by 38% even though 2 out of 3 SSs had come off the payment.  MSS didn't finish University until aged 22...  I would have been happier to have had the money going to MSS directly to pay for college but that wasn't the way things work.