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Take a small sabatical from everything...but I'm back

halo1998's picture

I took a small break from all things internet, except for work.  I needed a digital break for a little while.  I have worked at least 3 weekends out of the month for the last 3 far as as computers/email, etc I was burned on the digital world.  (I'm in IT for my profession so my entire day is on the computer solving problems/heading off problems).

So..for two weeks I limited my online to work hours only....seems to have helped.  That and we are now in peak period no more weekend work for till after the 1st of the year.   I feel much more balanced after the break. I am with an update.

SD got off of grounding at our house for Vodkagate...and got her phone back.  Of course at Beaver's she received no punishment for the lying, stealing and drinking but she did get new clothes.  Oy...can't even begin to describe how wrong I find that...but hey...not my circus not my monkey.   I'm just on the sidelines watching and eating my popcorn/candy apples.    Upside to having her phone back..I don't have to listen to hours of chatter from SD.  She can talk for hours about tested my mental fortitude.  Also, DH got a first hand look at what watching movies is like with him.  SD is just like him...talks through the whole movie, can't follow the plot and has to keep asking what is going on.  DROVE HIM NUTS....gee there DH is it ANNOYING AF.....yea..I know.  I know because you do the SAME DAMN THING TO ME.  Karma..the Karma bus ran him over on that one and not a moment too soon I might add.

SD has now decided to be semi goth.  I smh at this as I was goth back in the 80's and well SD is poor imitation.  Her eyeliner looks like the eyeliner worn by someone in Blade Runner.  It's bad....and complete with fake eyelashes that are too big for her eyes.  She cannot grasp you can cut those suckers to fit. So with her eye shape..she looks like a cross between a racoon and a sloth.  Again...smh....cause it just does not look good.  

The clothes she got from Beaver were from a chinese cheap clothing fashion at its finest.  All of the skirts she got are 2 inches too long and rather than hem them or something SD just lets them drag on the ground.  I give those a life expectancy of 2 washings before they fall apart.  But hey..not my money..not my circus. Its just painfull for me to watch...SD's excuse is she is short.  I snorted on that one...and while SD is definately on the short side..she is 3 inches taller than me.  I'm one inch away from being a little person...I am that short.  Yet, I do not wear things that are 2 inches to long for me....its called tailoring/altering.  However, I guess I should be happy she has moved on from the hobo chic she was wearing.  I was tired of seeing her wear jammie pants...which were also 2 inches to long and drug on the ground.  (Spoiler alert..Beaver does the same thing and I cringe every single time I have to see in a pair of dress pants that have the bottoms frayed and have holes from being drug along the ground)

SD has also taken to spraying aromatherpy stuff all over her room.  I had to laugh last night..she sprayed some before bed and the dog noped right on out of her room.  LOL...the old gal likes to sleep with SD on the comfy down comforter on SD''s bed.  However, when SD sprayed whatever smelly crap Beaver bought her...the old gal sneezed got up and left the room.  SD was all like...aww why did she leave?  She left because no one wants to smell that crap....SD's room smells like a whore house run by a witches coven between the aromatherapy/candles and body spray that SD uses at least 3 times a day.

DH...he finally got his head out of his arse and is getting some help for his ADHD.  It was either that or find a new place to live...because I could not longer sustain being the only adult in the house.  DH has stepped up to handle some things (like take the doggo's to the vets, doing the dishes, cleaning the bathrooms on a schedule.) and setting alarms to remind him he needs to complete/do x, y, z.  That has helped ease some of the mental burden I had been having.  He is working on seeing someone to asses him and figure out how to deal with the ADHD. a nut shell. I haven't gone completely crazy yet....DH has figured out he was on thin ice and better do something...SD has returned to being on her phone 24x7...and Halo has been setting up some boundries that make the great wall of china look like a little picket fence. 


Harry's picture

But your main problem is your DH.  His ADHD is making him not to parent SD.   As long as SD is out of your hair all is good. It's her month to be into goth that fine.  But She would not be going anywhere with me.  As out to eat, or the store ect. 
unless DH does something, this will continue.  It's up to him to parent SD.

advice.only2's picture

I"m glad to hear your DH is pulling his head out and trying to get some diagnosis and help.  As for SD really not much DH can do anymore.  When we got custody of Spawn at 11 I told DH his window to really make an impact with her was closing and he better act fast...he didn't and two years later we were in the pits of hell dealing with her.  The oversized goth clothing yeah BD15 is on that trend, thankfully she isn't into the make-up, so instead she just looks like a washed out waif in oversized clothes.

halo1998's picture

but dang if the makeup doesn't look awful.  DD (age 20) straight up told look like a deranged sloth with that eyeliner and lashes.  I spit out my diet coke.


TheAccidentalSM's picture

Glad you took some time for you.  Also glad your DH is going to get help.

As for SD, I was a nightmare at her age in lots of ways but I turned out ok.  So I'm going to wish you guys good karma and hope she's just being a stupid teen and grows out of it.  I do realise the GWR example makes it less likely.

halo1998's picture

You get a mix of burning sage..ya know to cleanse the place. (I had to shut down burning the sage stick in her room as I do want to test my fire alarms when she sets the room on fire).  With the lavender...and something else sleep aromatherapy stuff..and then whatever body spray she is using from Bath and Body Works for the day.  Think....pumpkin carmel spice or strawberry shortcake....triple margarita frosting.  She spritzs herself everytime she walks in the room.