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SS...and his first journey into selling illegal substances...

halo1998's picture

aka the beginning of SS PASing out of our house.


The year is 20xx...and SS has just started 7th grade.  He was 13 years and going to school in the ghetto Beaver has her Beaver dam in.  SS was going to be allowed to stay at the Beaver den after school, all by himself.  

This lasted for about 6 months or so, until about January of the school year.  DH received a Beavergram,that he needs to call her immediately.  SS has been suspended from school.  Rut Roh Raggy...what did SS do...

DH calls Beaver and she informs him that SS was kicked off the bus for trying to sell weed to his fellow bus riders.   WTF chuck...DH was LIVID.    SS is suspended until an expulsion hearing and the officer at the school has been notified.  The does not want to press charges, however.  (why oh this would be start of SS decline)


Dh calls SS on his phone and asks wtf is going on.  SS, of course, is all like its not my fault.  I was just trying to give it away. that is any better.  DH reams SS over the phone and tell him he will have consequences at our house.  Beaver informs DH that he is too hard on poor widdle itty bitty SS.

The school expulsion hearing comes and in goes SS, Beaver and DH.  The office informs all parties that the "weed" was not actually weed bot orgegano.  (smh).  However, that does not matter as even if SS didn't know that, he was attempting to distrubute illegal substances.  You know a felony...

SS's story was that he got it from one of the kids on the bus brother, behind the Target next to the Beaver damn.  He decided he didn't want it so he gave it to another kid.   The other kid, say no way, SS was trying to sell it.  Then SS says well maybe he did ask for money but all he wanted to do was get rid of it.  When asked why he bought it, SS didn't know.  (rolling my eyes this is SS's standard answer when he doesn't have a lie to cover his tracks).  When the superintendant asks DH what he thought, DH said, I believe SS bought it and tried to sell it.  I do not condone this behavior and SS will have consequences at my house.  SS broke the law and the school rules and will have to pay the penalties for his actions.

Beaver was asked and her response was.   Poor widdle SS is a victim of a broken home.  He was taken advantage of by an older student and didn't know what he was doing when he bought the weed.  Poor widdle SS got the idea that weed is ok from watching the TV and seeing the referrendums to make weed legal here in our state.  Poor innocent SS  was influenced by those commercials and didn't know what he was doing.   (At this point DH didn't know whether to laugh or puke).  SS wasn't responsble for his actions.

SS was expelled from the school for the rest of the year.  He was allowed to take online classes so that he might re-enter school in the fall if he passed the classes and commited no more crimes.

First week at home with Beaver Sr and Mr Beaver, since Beaver was at work SS did absolutely NOTHING of his online work.  When Beaver was asked why SS hand't done anything, her response was  "I can't maaaaaakkkkkeee him do the work.  Its his work, either he does it or he doesn't.  Its not my job to police him."  DH, WTF..YES YES IT IS YOUR JOB TO POLICE HIM.  That is what is called parenting.

Sensing that Beaver was never going to make SS do anything and SS would not be allowed back in schoool, DH went to his boss, explained the situation and asked that he work from home until May when school would be done.  He was granted his request and from that point on DH demanded that SS be at our house during the day while Beaver was at work, using the first right of refusal clause in the custody agreement.  DH policed SS for 5 months and forced him to do his online work.  DH also took SS phone, ipad and any other electronic device he had until the end of the school year.  SS did manage to pass the classes by doing the online work, and the school was very surprised and agreed that he could return in the fall.  The guidance counselor told DH, 9 times out of 10 in these situations the kids never do the online work and they are permantely expelled from the school.  She told DH, SS was lucky he had a parent that made sure SS did the work and didn't just let him laze around.

SS was NOT pleased at all.  He figured he had 5 months of lounging around playing video games. SS would have had DH not put his foot down and had there not been a first right of refusal clause in the custody agreement.  Beaver insisted on that clause because she wanted to be sure that DH couldn't have a baby sitter when she wasn't working.  She was not happy to hear that it applied to her too. 

This was the beginning of SS's life of illegal drug use and the beginning of him PASing out since DH was not about to tolerate any of this.  I wish I could say that this was the last time SS was caught with weed...but alas it was not.


Also, no arguing about it being legal...yada yada yada..No matter what it was/is not legal for SS as he was minor.  It is also not legal in our state.


Harry's picture

You know this not going well.  SS will only be back in school ???  Two weeks before he's in trouble again.  Beaverville want the power.  To make SS fail.  SS just will stop coming over to stay in the Beaverville amusement park