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Oh B* are as opaque as glass...

halo1998's picture

Ah..the months of July and August.  Fun times for all involved. 

In July we have, the 4th of July, I and Dh's anviversary July 11th, DH's birthday July 24th and then August 7th, DH and Beaver's old aniversary.  

Every year around July Beaver becomes ever so chatty and tries to fight with DH.  She text messages DH about all kinds of sh*t during these months...this year it was

July 4th...text messaging and emailing in OFW her pressing NEED for the insurance card.

July 11th...ever so important message about the kids well kid appointments ( not due till end of August and in September (this is for SS who DH could careless about due to SS alienation)

July 23rd .....text message wanting her two weeks of summer vaca with SD starting on July 24th...Dh just responded with OK...

July 28th...texting message about the kids hybrid school in the fall and what do they need to do to make sure the kids go hybrid.  You don't have to do anything...unless you want to opt out go virtual for the entire school year.  Beaver got the same email that DH was all explained in there.    No need to contact DH about it.  DH responded..we do nothing and read the email you got.

July 29th..more messages about school...the school decided today to go all virtual for first semester.  Same thing..Beaver got the same email that DH did need to text him about it.   DH responded again...we do nothing and read the email you got.


I'm waiting for more emails/text messages/smoke signals....she has SD for another week and their old anniversay is coming up. Beaver every year tries to stay relavent during the months of July and August. Even DH knows this..and he can be Captain its bad if he knows.

His comment to me today was..."Does she not realize I hate her and would really like to see the Karma bus run her ass over?"  Nope..DH she does not...she still thinks I'm the flavor of the month (we have been married 10 years and together for 13) and when you come to your senses you will come back to her.

So...anyone want to place bets we get another text/email tomorrow?



MissK03's picture

Ahhh the text message waves of relevance. Boy do I know that story. 

More text messages or emails for sure. Especially on the 7th. 

Survivingstephell's picture

When my DH sent BM an email that contained the sentence " I divorced you, not the kids" she stopped the majority of her games. I highly recommend your DH communicate this to Beaver one way or another.  

Survivingstephell's picture

When my DH sent BM an email that contained the sentence " I divorced you, not the kids" she stopped the majority of her games. I highly recommend your DH communicate this to Beaver one way or another.  

halo1998's picture

several times during SS's therapy and several tims in email...text message.  Beaver just doesn't want to hear it....just like when he told her he filed divorce she told him he was just tired from work and it would pass.  

halo1998's picture

she and the kids are one and the same.  She has said this to SS's old therapist.   smh..

tog redux's picture

IGNORE the whore.

My DH ignored all that unnecessary communication.  Your skids are old enough that there is no need for co-parenting.  SS told DH once, "Mom HATES IT when you ignore her," which reinforced how wonderful ignoring is.

BM never contacts DH anymore. Each time she has in the last 3 years, IGNORE. It's very empowering.

halo1998's picture

response.  He just tells her the info and then tells her to read the emails.  What she wants is for him to argue....

like vacation..she wanted him to say no to the vacation since the first day of it was his birthday....that was she could argue the crap of it...instead DH just said..OK.

The insurance cards...he told her he had to order one for her...and send her a pdf version.  AFter that he ignored her text/emails.

The school thing..he just gives a yes/no answer and tells her to read the email.  

The short responses are so he can say he responded but leaves her no room to argue.  

She just keeps trying though...  

tog redux's picture

He doesn't need to respond. Any attention is good attention for her. He really should try ignoring. 

halo1998's picture

he answers once and then that is it.  The rest get ignored.  We have had 5 message about the school year today...DH responded to the first and then nothing after that. 

The vacation text..he reponded with OK and she still sent three more after that.  All of those he ignored.  

halo1998's picture

from Beaver duing July/August and somtimes June (father's day and Beaver's birthday)..then we get entire rest of the year.   She gets her underwear in uber knot during these months. 

I have the same with the VI....Christmas and New Years is his time of year to get his underwear in a knot.  

Overitstepmommel's picture

I didn't realize until I read your post that the bm does the same thing to my dh. It is always something and usually most often it's when we are on date night that this important crap seems to arise for her to text him or my birthday or his birthday or any day this significant to us . If I'm being totally honest i have let it ruin a couple of or date nights bc I got mad at him for it . I know I was wrong for that I am just so tired of her . And the way she pretends to care when we have them full time I have taken care of them for 7 years and she tell the sk s that I am the flavor of the month as well. She is there long enough to get pics for fb but has not in 7 years done any of the hard work the real parenting . And still thinks and says that they were married longer than we are. He was 18 when he married her he is 40 now . He was a kid but she still hangs on to that . And even sends pics of thier wedding from 15 years ago to him only and uses the front it has a pic of their oldest kid in the photo . But it's so obvious she is desperate I think so desperately trying she doesn't even realize anymore it has become her normality. I have to regroup my self quite often bc of the crap she pulls.

MissK03's picture

When I first started dating SO, BM would send him and the boys (SD didn't have a cell phone yet) "time hops" It was a constant, ya know pics of the "skids" some where them as a family though. I finally said to him that I didn't like it. He said something to her and she kind of halted. 

Now fast forward 4 years later she still sends time hops to the skids very often. This pics have to be duplicated now every year. I know at one time they were a "family" but I just find the pics she sends them that include SO and stuff to be just manipulating tact even though the skids don't really care about the pics. On her recent crave for SOs attention that went on for a few weeks back in April/may she sent him a text stating "I just found a pic of SS17 do you want to see it?" He responded with "send it to skid" she didn't respond and she hasn't texted him about anything else. 

Until next time. 

Ispofacto's picture

It all comes down to the reward system.  She's getting something out of this.  One thing that worked with Satan is making her communications with DH painful for her.

"I know you dropped out of highschool but I'm pretty sure you are capable of reading the CO yourself.  Don't contact me again about this issue."

Her narcissism is so delcate, she is terribly offended by anything.


tog redux's picture

Yes, I agree, that's why I suggested ignoring 100% of her messages - not even an OK.

Winterglow's picture

WHY is he answering her messages when you have OFW?! ! What is the point in OFW if you use other means of communication? It isn't as if it's free   

halo1998's picture

it tracks when she read messages and she can't lie her way out of stuff.  We always use OFW...and Beaver avoids it like the plague.   We have gotten used to it.....we take pictures of messages and upload them into OFW...