Anyone else feel like they get punished for their DH's previous marrage?
I noticed this when we first got together. I always felt like either consciously or unconsciously DH was punishing me for what Beaver did to him.
Beaver was very dismissive of DH and very self centered. (She still is these things) Their marriage, etc was all about her. Its still about her when she enagages with DH . DH would kiss her big fat beaver tail and went above and beyond for her. He would do the household chores, cook, etc because despite Beaver not working, she would not do those things.
Now in our was like DH decided, I was the nice guy in the last relationship and that didn't work so I will be a *dick* in this one and try to be the Alpha Male. Its like he thought, well Beaver treated me badly when I helped out and was a partner to her. Beaver took advantage of him. Therefore, in our relationship he decided once we were married to put in the minimal amount of effort and took that as good. (Spoiler it wasn't) I, however, wasn't Beaver and I got tired of having no help and DH putting me on the back burner for everything else, I finally just stopped trying to talk to DH, etc.
I brought this up with DH in the past and he always dismissed it. However, I brought it up again..and DH actually acknowledged that yea it kind of was that way. He didn't out right mean to be that way, but, yes he can see that he did indeed do that. He apologized for it and for the most part his actions have met his words. He no longer treats me that way...and readily admits that I held up our relationshp and our family by myself for many years.
I'm curious I the only one that feels like I was punished for the sins of the spouse before??
- halo1998's blog
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While I wasn't "punished", I
While I wasn't "punished", I was on the receiving end of PTSD triggers. Not just from things BioHo said or did, but also DH's mother. MIL verbally and physically abused DH in his childhood. The physical abuse stopped when he got too big for her to handle, but the mental abuse continued into early adulthood.
I refused to react when HE blew up because I realized I wasn't the one he was upset with - it was a phrase frequently used by one of those beeyotches that set him off. Once I learned the trigger phrases, I reworded how I asked or presented things to him.
I'm sorry this happened to you, halo. No one should be punished for what someone else did. {{{hugs}}}
I think you might be on to the trigger thing with my DH
as I don't think he consciously meant to be that way..but it was a response the trama of his first marriage and in some part for his childhood. (DH is the blacksheep/scapegoat in his family)
In some sense..Dh and I both experienced the same sort of issues in our childhood. DH was neglected by his parents...his dad is an alcoholic and his mom is an enabler. Even today..they fawn all over his brother..who is a drug addict...and ignore DH.
In my mother resented me for being sick as a kid and for being independant and a bit of a wild child. She puts my sister on pedestal and pretty much always did.
My DH's younger brother was
My DH's younger brother was sickly AND his father left shortly after his brother's birth. BIL was a little shite disturber and did things to get DH in trouble OR just to tick off their mother, knowing she would punish DH and not BIL. DH also looks a lot like his father so that triggered MILand her anger at him leaving. Nothing like abusing your 3yo because he looks like your ex.
BIL, to this day, is a selfish, spoiled, and entitled jerkwad who does everything he can to get out of doing work, has stolen money from people (promised to do work, took the money, did zilch), and is a drunk.
Funny how the "golden child" turned out to be such a louse while DH the "problem child" is a warm, loving, hardworking man.
Sounds like my BIL...
my inlaws pay for his apartment, right next to their house. BIL steals from how own kids...last time nephew brought his fiance to see BIL and BIL stole money from fiance's purse.
He also has done so many drugs...he is now on disability. He lost all his teeth and has neurological ticks now from the meth he does.
DH is the responsible one int he family..went to college, has a good job, etc.
Gads, our BILs could darn
Gads, our BILs could darn near be twins. Drink vs drugs. SMH
At this point I don't feel
At this point I don't feel like I'm being punished but I do feel the echoes. They come with baggage that isn't easy to shrug off. For example back when DH was married to BM, she was super religious so Christmas had to be celebrated in an exact particular way according to her side of the family. The wrath of Hell would rain down on DH if he didn't celebrate birthdays or anniversaries on the exact day and and forgot to buy her a decent gift. And none of that matters to me. I don't care if I get a present or not. I don't care if we don't do Valentine's Day. I like to splurge on a nice meal for my birthday but I don't care what day that happens as long as I get to go to my favourite restaurant sometime that month. And DH gets really nervous when I tell him I don't mind, double and triple checks with me. Because BM used to tell him it was fine when really she was seething inside. If he asked her if she wanted a present and she said it's ok if she doesn't get one, what she really meant was she wanted one, he was supposed to get her one but she didn't want to say it and he was supposed to read her mind and figure it out on his own. So the scars still remain.
The present thing is interesting
I don't usually really care about presents and such. Take me to dinner, etc..that I like.
Beaver however was ALL about the presents...and would be PISSED if DH didn't get her exactly what she wanted. Beaver also did the whole...I don't want a present...but really did and expected that he know what she wanted as well. He had such a hard time understanding...when I said I'm good with just dinner...I really was good with just dinner, etc.
He had such a hard time
"Yep! Because I'm not your batshit crazy ex-wife!" But there are things that bother me that never bothered BM. Financial security is important to me. So I'd rather pay off the mortgage than have an extra 10 handbags I don't need. DH had to learn I had my own triggers rather than treat me like I'd explode on BM's triggers.
Fleas, definitely
If you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.
DH learned a lot of bad habits from Satan. Early in our relationship, he frequently implemented the I Know You Are But What Am I tactic so often employed by narcissists.
Eff that. I won't be drawn into tangents. I'd mock him, "I Know You Are But What Am I??? How old are you, four??? We're talking about X. That stupid sh!t may have been the norm for you and Satan, but I don't have the energy for that happy horsesh!t."
He stopped doing that pretty quickly.
I call it
I call it "being the emotional dumpster". We get the fall out from their crappy experiences. They "learned their lesson", and now we are stepping through the emotional minefield of their "triggers".
Glad its not just me
yes..I get all the land mines...oy
DH doesn't do this much, I'm
DH doesn't do this much, I'm so different from his Ex. The only time he gets a little vekempt about anything is if I don't feel like discussing an issue at the moment (she's a classic avoid the topic and passive-agressive communicator, or "lack" of communicator). But we've talked about it, and I've talked about my Ex and what reminds me of him (aggressive explaining something I UNDERSTAND or not letting me know when he's on the way home if he's running late, esp. if he's doing his bicycle commuting in the dark). But we don't have too many issues with it. I think it actually effects him more when he's dealing with YSDalmost17. He's told me she reminds him more and more of BM is her lack of communication and breaking down into tears at any confrontation, no matter how small.
here is the thing
You couldnt find two people that are polar opposites than me and Beaver. I mean .....just everything is different between. So why DH couldn't figure out I'm not Beaver...I don't know. I get wanting to protect yourself..but he almost ended up alone because of it.
I feel that if anyone wasnt
I feel that if anyone wasnt over their exs trauma, they should have waited to get in a new committed serious relationship. My husband clearly never got over the exes yet kept wanting me to have some of their attributes/responsibilities even tho like you i am their polar opposite, so that would only fuel conflict and insecurities.
I do in a way.
I feel like I'm being shorted on what the marriage should be due to past and present issues with his ex-wife.
I wish I could have embraced the single life years ago and held firm to my never getting married stance. I'd have tons of money to go travel with.
I'm disgusted I had to be exposed to his nut ex and psychotic ahole son.
Yes every day....Sometimes it
Yes every day....Sometimes it angers me and im very resentful. In my case, i doubt it will ever change.
The financial and personal consequences from the divorce/custody will be a lifelong struggle that has impacted me throughout the marriage. It took me years to understand that there was no point in working together for retirement and estate planning because it will all go to the children and their mothers. It also is pointless to attempt joint home ownership because it could all go to the children or at least half of it could and I would have to share.
The personal consequences are lifelong drama and messy triangle between my partner and his BMs....very toxic behaviors. Being in a bad mood or upset at me for having conflicts with them. Saying things like "all women are like this/do this"
My husband too was working, cleaning and cooking and watching children and his first ex only had to come home from work to a freshly ran bath and quality time. The second ex was an accident and they decided to stay together for the children but they hated each other and barely lived together. Despite that, he paid for all her living expenses + child care while she stayed home for years. Even when she met another man, he continued to pay in hopes they would rekindle or stay together....
On the other hand, I was told within 2 weeks of marriage that i better get a job after he promised me he would support me to finish my MA before marriage. Not only that but the 1st week of marriage, i remember spending a whole day getting ready for my husband to come from work and to go out. His reaction shocked me. He said "Listen, im not doing this again. I had this issue with my ex wife. You cant sit around at home getting ready all day and doing nothing while I work then expect me to be ready to go out and have fun after a long day of work"
....I honestly was stunned....First week of marriage yall lol i was already told that i had to work and maintain the home and shouldnt spend too much time on outings or getting ready because ex wife was spending all day doing make up and hair and leaving the house in squalor and my husband would come home clean and take her out to dinner....
I had never been married before and didnt have many relationships with men so I am very resentfil because I see ppl of my own age who married men with no past/ex spouses and they are traveling, having a ball, doing honeymoon stuff, buying new furniture for their 1st apartment. My husband wont buy new furniture because he bought brand new furniture in his past relationships and was forced to give all up when separation happened. The exes kept it all. So now he only buys used stuff to mitigate possible losses...
When I think of this, i feel my nerves boiling but i have to remember that it was my choice to be with someone with a past and be "open minded" and "accepting".
Thats not even counting the amount of toxicity his kids and exes bring into my daily life but I am now able to completely detach and not care anymore.
Geez..and I though my DH was bad.
His was more covert.....
I give you props..i would have noped out there already.
Its really sad because i used
Its really sad because i used to be naive and a good person very straightforward. I would tell you what is in my heart and how i felt about things but after dealing with him, his children and his exes for 10years, I have become a hard shell and i dont trust anyone except my blood relatives nor am I able to make any friends. I uprooted myself to be with him, it was a major life change in every way so I think it shocked me to find a life that was quite different from what I was told or envisioned. Unfortunately, over the years, i cannot turn back even though it sounds tempting....
It is a good thing that you can see clearly through your husbands games because that allows you to allows be one step ahead with the BS
BM broke all the rules and DH tolerated it for too long. Now he's determined not to make the same mistakes. I feel like I'm unfairly held to a higher standard. She cheated and financially abused him, I would never do either but there are still times he doesn't trust my intentions because of what BM did. She got away with so much.
Even worse I feel like our kids are being punished too. He's much stricter than he was or is with SD. He won't spend as much money on activities or vacations whereas with BM and SD he rarely said no. He was adamant about no cosleeping and enforces discipline. He always talks us out of vacations and things and says our kids are too much work, but he used to jet set to Disney world with SD, literal Disney dad.
I know our relationship is healthier and he's more mature. I know our kids are more disciplined and have fewer of the bad habits SD has. I know he learned from his mistakes with BM and SD and over the long term we will benefit. BUT it still feels unfair like BM got away with cheating for years and my DH will lay into me if I do something small like forget to latch the door.
I won't even go into it but my in laws punish me too. It was broken before I got here.
I feel like DH withheld affection and failed to cherish me
because he did that with Beaver and she could have cared less. She just wanted DH's paycheck, to be unemployed and shop all day. For whatever reason DH thought I was like that...despite the fact..I have never not worked, supported our family since DH had to pay to keep the Beaver in the style to which she was accustomed to and I still took care of the house,the yard, the cooking, etc.
Like...DH...why can you not see the difference here.
I've gotten the "I fight with
I've gotten the "I fight with you more then any other person." He enrages me when he says this...
Like ok a**hole... well let's see..... we've been together over 7 years now....I'm your second longest relationship outside your failed marriage... give me a few more years and I am going to surpass that... and oh yeah..
You did whatever BM told you too... so yeah we are going to fight more because YOU would fight me on everything. Then.. will agree with me about past fights (when I was starting to set boundaries) and where we've gotten to today but still use it almost against me with that line.. It is a weird triangle.
I've started to express to my feelings on marriage to SO. It's starting to annoy me that I'm still a "girlfriend." I'll be 37 in march and have never been married. I feel like I'm owed commitment at this point basically. I don't want a big fancy wedding which he thinks I do... like dude do you even know me??!! This bothered me actually.. that he really thinks that's what I want.. BUT he made a comment about he doesn't want to because of how much we "fight." Well shit then get off the pot then.. and IMO we don't fight that much.. it's him getting defensive when I want skids to do something..
DH used to say we fight alot...
but in reality it was me trying to tell him my needs...him getting defensive and pulling the old....but I do x, y,z why are you b*tching about a and then me getting upset because he doesn't "hear" me at all.
Now that we have broken that in DH is learning to not get defensive everytime someone tells him they need something from him...and actually listen...we don't fight.
Its the defensiveness that causes the issues...either with dealing with skids, marriage stuff or whatever. Back down the defense and listen and it would be awhole lot better.
Yes, but GD I have something to say about it.
Yes. My DH's ex was a serial cheater. So he sometimes feels insecure and tells me that if I ever cheat on him it will be the first and last time. I look him in the eyes with a steely gaze and say "Listen here, bud. I am OFFENDED by your insinuation that I am some sort of dirty ass ho like your ex wife. I am a person with morals, principles, and if I wanted another man, I would simply tell you to your face and leave you. I don't slut around because this body is a temple, and it is reserved for one man - YOU. I don't feel the need to sneak around and cheat because I am not 16. I am a mature woman. FURTHERMORE, if you EVER say shit like that to me again I will seriously think about leaving you. Who the F*** do you think you are talking to?"
Then he apologizes and we snuggle. Then he says "A temple? Of what? Cookies and lattes? " We both have a good laugh.
Dh had used that line on me...
If I cheated on him it would be the first and last.
good thing I don't think that way..DH would be alone right now.
I have told him...this is your one and ONLY time. You get a second chance..however, fool me once...shame on you...fool me twice same on me. If it happens again..I'm out..and I'm not going nicely.