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the aftermath - Christmas Dinner sh1t storm

grace8205's picture

I don't think DH realized how mad I was after all the events, and mad that I could not even talk to him about. He refused to listen to me or discuss it with me before we went to bed. 

Before I retired for bed, I disconnected the smart garage door opener since DH gave skid access to that app and I popped the batteries out of the electric deadbolt so skid would not be able to use his code. I figured the a$$hole made the annoucement to DH that he is moving out and will come get his stuff the next day that he should not just be sneeking back into the house at the wee hours without our knowledge and it was also an eff you to skid from me. 

1:30 am skid showed up trying to get in, pounded on the door very loudly, as I was getting my robe I could hear him texting DH. DH stands in my way in the doorway, blocking me, asking if I locked him out to which I said you bet I did and I told DH he better get out of my way. DH begging and pleading with me as I head down the stairs making my way to the front door to let him handle. I just ignored it. 

There is skid24 on the doorway all pissy, I could see his car was running on the driveway. I said if you want to come in we'll have to talk. He tried to say his comment about annoucing it was to his father, he wasn't talking to me. I dont believe it and even if it was, there was a rule that he had to show respect to everyone in the house. 

Skid said he came to get his medication. He went downstairs and packed a bag and his medication. I was so made I dont remember exactly what DH was saying, I just remember telling him I will not live like this and when the lease it up at my rental house I will not renew it to the tenants, I will move there and he can deal with his kid because I am sick of it. 

I walked away. I guess DH talked to skid a bit before he left. I am not sure what was exactly said.

All of a sudden DH want to know how I feel. He has never seen me so mad in his life. I did talk to him, told him about his kid's behavior towards me. How skid will be better towards me around DH, how I most of the time will let skid take the lead on our interaction. If he is being nice to me, I will be nice back, if he is a pouty dick I will do my best to ignore the fact that he exsists. But I will no longer let him make rude comments and not give it back to him and I will call him on his crap. 

Apparently skid told DH similar about me after I walked away, that I behave nice to him when DH is around and its different otherwise. It sounds like DH believes his kid and not me. But then at times DH acknowledges how moody his kid is and how he had trouble getting along with DH's 2nd wife or any girlfriend that DH had before me. Obviously there is a pattern and skid is the common denominator in everything. DH says he feels he has to choose. I have never told him to but I bet skid said something to make him feel that way. 

DH begged and made me promise to stay and not leave over this, and asked me to try and work things out. I said I was willing because I love him. But I will not be a doormat or hide my feelings and no turning the other cheek for anyone. I doubt skid will be willing to talk or work on things. I even mentioned that to DH.

Skid is very mad and will not talk to DH. Texted him Christmas morning to say "I hope you are enjoying your Christmas a$$hole, I slept in my car" I am sure he stayed at his GF house and said that because he wants to guilt his dad. 

I feel really bad for my DH that is kid is such as jerk. I don't regret locking skid out but I regret that it added more grief to my husband because now skid is using that as "that was the final straw" and blames his dad. I really wonder if skid has a personality disorder. 

Skid has not contacted DH since yesterday morning when he sent crappy texts to his dad to make him feel bad. 

I don't know what will happen from here. I do feel bad for DH but his kid has always been an a$$hole and I doubt he will ever change. 



tog redux's picture

Skid is a jerk because DH allows it.  Make sure he's out for good and not coming back.

grace8205's picture

Totally agree. The kid has never had any consequences for his behavior and gets away with everything so know wonder he is an asshat. 

susanm's picture

When does your tenant lease expire?  How long do you have before you have to make the decision on whether to be "together apart" and leave him stewing with his charming son or not?

grace8205's picture

The lease is not up until the end of May unfortunately.  Part of me would hate not to renew because I have the best tenants and I do get $2k a month. I guess I could always rent a smaller cheaper place for myself since I would have to rent something anyways if I choose not to stay. DH begged me to stay and not threaten to leave but the pressure and guilt he will get from his son I have a feeling this could be the beginning of the end. 

This morning DH is not so concerned about me leaving, he has switched to being mad at me for locking his kid out. All I could say that I am sorry that my actions are causing him grief but I am honestly not sorry for doing it. Skid never receives in consequences for his poor behavior or his actions. 

DH said that skid blames him for doing it, I told DH to tell his son I did, I asked if he wanted me to tell skid that I did it not his dad, because I have no problem doing that. DH says it will not help. So now I am getting the silent treatment. 

I will go out Boxing Day shopping myself because I don’t want to sit at home with a bunch of tension. 

grace8205's picture


lieutenant_dad's picture

"DH, I mean every word that I say, and I expect that everyone else behave the same. Your son said he was moving out, and I'm holding him to it. If he doesn't move out, then I will. If you expect me to treat your son like an adult, then you need to expect him to act like one. Passive-aggressive messages to you when he is mad at me isn't very adult."

Also, I'd bypass DH and tell SS exactly what you want to tell him. He is an adult, after all. You don't need your DH's permission to speak to another adult, even if he is his son.

notasm3's picture

Adult ahole children should always be banned from your home and your life.  There is NO REASON for you to interact with this young man at all.