Unsupported & feeling defeated
I really hate that I feel so alone in my home and whats worse is that I seclude myself just to avoid the rejection.
I guess you can call it disengaging. Something we all do when we don't get anywhere with our efforts. I disengaged a long time ago. DH gets frustrated when I do not want to join him and his kids in activities. I dont like feeling like the 3rd wheel. Anytime I'm with all of them at once, all they do is engage with their dad, its always been this way, well before I disengaged. I end up sitting there listening to them interact and also blab on about their mom and her antics. Anytime I make an attempt to engage with them, they barely respond. I explained this to DH and all he seems to notice is what IM not doing, he doesnt acknowledge the efforts I have made and that his kids do not respond. he always makes excuses for them.
He tells me, I'm the adult and everything is up to me. He is right in some ways, however I have no control over the fact that his kids are not open to engaging with me beyond, hello. I can only dig for so much info, I can only try as much as I can, relationships are a 2 way street. He claims he encourages them to interact with me, but I have yet to see it ever happen and that should prove to him that they don't.
I have spent so many years taking care of them and their needs, doing for them, being a part of their lives. These kids arent babies either, they are 13, 17 & 19. Never once have they ever wished me a happy birthday on my bday when they have been with me. ONly one of them has wished me a happy mothers day once in the 8 years I have been their step mom. These things are just common courtesy and I dont even get that. DH tells me I can't just give up. Really? how bout you play a bigger role in bridging this family gap? Afterall, you are the reason for us all being a family, you are at the center of it, the man of the house and the leader of the house. I can do my part to change my attitude, but I'm reluctant when he lives in total denial and will not acknowledge the reality of the situation. He never encouraged his kids to bond with me and bm was PASS'ing them from the beginning. I never had a chance. Meanwhile I'm just burned out. I'm bitter and resentful especially because my husband is not understanding or encouraging. Never once has he ever offered to help the situation or encourage me in a positive way. he just critisizes me. I understand that im guarded but he doesnt understand why or that his kids are guarded too. Nothing is going to get resolved if both parties are guarded, so why is this all my fault? I'm not kissing any kids a$$es, thats not my style and I have my own child that I dont even do that to!
- Grace Galloway's blog
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The last paragraph of your
The last paragraph of your post...have you said all of that to your DH? If not, he needs to hear all of that.
If your' heart is truly open to working on this, let DH know his role in all of this.
You honestly sound like myself with both of my SM marriages. The first one was somewhat resolved and the skids and I got along much better but my current marriage, NO NO NO, I don't even have an interest anymore to even try with them. Fortunately my DH supports my decision.
The entire post of your blog
The entire post of your blog really has more going underneath the guarded persona.As a step-mom and a mom you have first hand knowledge that you've yet to take advantage of,meaning relate to them as you would your bio-kids.You need to try to see them as your own and say if my daughter or son reacted to me this way what would i do and how can i say it with love.
Yes I have explained all of
Yes I have explained all of this to DH. He doesnt understand & doesnt genuinely want to do his part. After I pointed out that he never asks what he can do to help, he then asked what he could do to help. I told him you could encourage your kids to interact with me too, then he said he has done that. Well I can't tell! LOL.
In order for me to try and relate to them more, I need to change my attitude about them. I have treated them like my own and that also means I have standards for them too just like I do my own child, but that never blew over well. that made being a parental figure to them very difficult. I dont feel comfortable telling them what to do or disciplining them or anything anymore. I really think it stems from the tension between BM and I. The kids would complain to her about something I did, or said, or whatever and then her and I would have a problem. Even simple things would get misconstrued and then there would be a problem. DH really did nothing to mediate this. I dont like drama and anything I did would cause it. For example, I thought it would be nice to take my SD to her first concert for her bday and take her best friend too. I had a great time so did the bestie, but my SD just stood there and would barely crack a smile. I thought it was odd. Apparently BM told SD and DH that she was jealous that I (SM) was taking her to her first concert and she wanted to be the one to do that. thats just a typical example of how she imposes her feelings on her kids then they feel a loyalty conflict and cannot appreciate or enjoy what it is I'm trying to do for them. ITs always been stupid like that.
I've done so much for my stepkids, especially my stepsons because they are always with us and I have son close to their age too. My son will tell me how much they dont like me and dont care about me and its hurtful. That type of stuff just pushes me away.
But because this weighs on me so heavily im going to continue to make efforts. I really need my husband to support me more and encourage more participation from his kids too.
I like your suggestion about
I like your suggestion about the code word cuz DH is completely oblivious, he's too busy soaking up all the attention to notice that i'm in the background. I can only assert myself into the convo so many times after getting phased out constantly. Thanks for the tips!
I'm so sorry for you. If your
I'm so sorry for you. If your DH doesn't want to do his part, keeping disengaged is the best answer.
It's ridiculous for anyone to ever say that the fault lies with you not treating these kids as your own. You'll NEVER have the parental authority that their bio parents have and that is why DH needs to be doing his part to help foster a relationship between you and his kids if it is important to him.
Excuse me but I think your DH is a fool as you are the one who is willing to make the extra effort but not at the cost of your own dignity. People can't blame you for that.
Is it possible that your DH actually benefits in anyway from having a kids/dad vs. SM scenario? Like does it seem as though it's his "chance" to feel closer to his kids by excluding you? Maybe I didn't word that right...but do you know what I mean?
I really dont know what his
I really dont know what his deal is. But what I can tell you is that he definately has the "guilty dad" syndrome and feels like he has to spend all his time with them on his days. He has a hard time balancing time with me and time with them, and i always get the short end of the stick. They expect him to be attentive to him and he does it so when he chooses to be attentive to me when they are around, they dont like it. He always feels like he has to choose between me and his kids and sometimes he does and they always win so i dont know why he's so irritated, im the one thats alone all the time! Then he makes me out to be the vilain. I hate it.
For example, DH still has to tell his 13 yr old son to scoot over on the couch so I can sit next to DH. the kid still asks "why?" really???? just dumb stuff constantly. I've been in there lives for 8 yrs! they never ask me ish! they will ask their dad whats for dinner when Im the one in the kitchen cooking it, they never think to ask me. I told DH the next time his kids ask about something having to do with me, tell them to ask me themselves! its just annoying and it gets old.
Grace, I can so relate to
I can so relate to your post as I have been in my steps lives for about the same time and I finally have stopped trying...right or wrong I don't know but SS15 that lives with us full-time will go to great lengths to avoid me at all costs. He does the same things as asking dad whats for dinner while I am standing right there or asks his father if there is anymore peanut butter/bread/ you name it when he knows I do all the shopping and if he does walk into the room when I happen to be there its wheres dad. I am done giving and giving and getting nothing back in return. It causes a lot of tension between my husband and I
Ditto, this issue causes a
Ditto, this issue causes a lot of tension between my DH and I as well. I resent him tremendously because of this. I feel he needs to be the one to nip it in the bud considering that his kids respect him more than they respect me. This sucks. I just hate the double standards involved and how SM are expected to love and accept SK's like their own, but the SK's have no expectations, its a one way street. These kids dont love and accept me as their other parent but thats ok. I get that they are not at the same mental/emotional/maturity level as an adult however feelings are feelings, emotions are emotions. its okay for them to have all the emotions and feelings but not okay for me. I'm human just as they are.