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just an intoduction.. I'm new.. first time blogger

a GOOD Fairy Step-Mother's picture

I'm a 32 yr old woman with no children of my own. No previous marriage, just 1 long relationship before my DH. I've been with DH for 6 years. We've lived together for 3.5, been married for 2.
I have 1 SD9 who is a good kid, with mostly normal kids problems (IE:rudeness, talking back, not picking up after herself). We have considered me a SM from very early on because DH and I lived together, and were always serious about or commitment to each other.
His ex-wife (our BM) is actually not a bad person, and we don't have half the problems some other poor step-families have to live with, but there are a few bumps we deal with from time to time.

We mostly struggle with family dynamics with in our household (as a result of our Step status, I think).

I'm hoping to just get some support here and to be part of a community that knows my frustrations. I must admit that I've been lurking here for a while now, and thought it was time to stick my toes in the water. I've been following several of your blogs and wanted a chance to be part of this community, mostly to vent a little and get some advice. I just want to know I'm normal...

Thank you all for reading this. Smile


Manda's picture

Just wanted to say welcome to a great community and feel free to vent! Not everyone agrees but for the most part we all understand and have the same frustrations. So, get to blogging and vent away sister!

Sia's picture

look forward to getting to know you! Smile

AllSmiles's picture

We have a range of venting subjects, adult skid squatters to unmedicated sociopath BMs. Whatever, your trouble, you'll find others in the same boat.

"Courage is fear holding on a minute longer." General George S. Patton

Rags's picture

Fairy-Step-Father just does not have the same warm and fuzzy connotations as FSM. So, I will stick with Rags.

My family has been dealing with similar issues to those you mentioned. We have been together for 16yrs and married for 15. SS-17 is a good kid but does struggle with the usual teen crap. We have fairly regular battles with the Blended Family Opposition that I refer not so affectionately as the SpermClan but for the most part we keep them beaten in to submission and for the most part mitigate the vitriolic crap they try to load on to our Son periodically. Our Son (My SS) has three out-of-wedlock half sibs (by two other mothers)on the SpermClan side and is an only child in our home.

Welcome to the community. I hope you find a good place to vent, contribute and get some helpful input upon occasion.

Best regards,

Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)

a GOOD Fairy Step-Mother's picture

I just like knowing that I'm part of a group that can understand my frustrations... Thanks for welcoming me. I hope to have time to write a real entry in my blog soon...

~~~~I have one good piece of advice...
Don't play leapfrog with a Unicorn~~~~
~~~ @}---{--^-- ~~~