I'm in my second hell. I do not know what controls the part of my brain that can't say no to a good looking female!!! I'm married again, she has 2 daughters, who are suppose to be adults. The oldest is actually maturing before my eyes, but the 20 yr old just doesn't get it!!!! It just feels good to write about it, it seems to have a calming effect on me. I guess i really don't know what is expected of me with Step daughters. Their father is a moron, in fact look up knucklehead in the dictionary,and there will be a picture of the fool. But, stepdaughter 2, thinks he is just the best little daddy in the whole world, he hasn't done anything for them since I met their mother. I cosigned a loan for SD 1, and bought a car for SD 2, does anyone really appreciate this, uh no!!!! Today it's fathers day, I was not expecting a card but at least say Happy Fathers day Pat. But no. I'm feeling down in the dumps over this, I know I shouldn't, but I do. My own daughter died when she was 26 years old from stomach cancer. I just hoped that two females who are almost adults could at least acknowledge the fact that it is I who have hesped them over the last 4 years of their lives. I sould like I'm whining, but if I am so be it. I'm 61 years old, been to Vietnam, had a liver transplant, and this is the way I'm gonna finish my life? I hope to hell not!!!
- Gofersatchmo's blog
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Thanks to all who wished me a
Thanks to all who wished me a happy father's day, it made it so much better!!!!!
All the males in my family
All the males in my family are military with three being in-country Vietnam vets. Thank you for your service and Happy Father's Day. You are appreciated.
Happy Fathers Day!! My Dad
Happy Fathers Day!! My Dad was also a Vet, God Bless you & your service to this country!!!
Im sorry your SDs arent very appreciative of all that youve done for them. That just stinks doesnt it!! Well, heres to hoping your Wife appreciates it. Youve done such nice things for them, they truly are lucky women!!
Happy Father's Day! Unless
Happy Father's Day!
Unless your situation is the miracle of our group, the stats seem to indicate your SDs will just want more and more from you and will never appreciate any if it. So sad but most likely true. Protect yourself now.
It is sad, but so very
It is sad, but so very true....with my FDH's young adults, it will NEVER be enough.
Happy Father's Day! Thank you
Happy Father's Day!
Thank you for your service to our country.
I am so sorry about your daughter. You will always be her dad.
Maybe some day, your steps will appreciate what you have done/do for them. Maybe they won't. My best advice is to tone down what you give them, until you see some kind of appreciation. My FDH did this with his 3 kids last year, because he was going broke giving them money, they did not appreciate it, and will never have enough....they are horrible. Like your SDs with their dad, they think BM is wonderful. She is a mess, gambled everything away, does not work, and spends her days sleeping and scratching lottery tickets. They treat her fine, but emotionally abuse my FDH. It is bizarre, but common, I think.
I would concentrate on your marriage, and like I said, be cautious in what you do for the girls. That way, you won't be as disappointed.
You sound like a good man. I am sorry you are treated like crap. It is NOT about you.
Thank you for your advice.
Thank you for your advice. This site is amazing, step parents helping other step parents, I like it!!!!
Happy fathers day! So sorry
Happy fathers day! So sorry for the loss of your daughter. No one will ever replace her in your heart. May she live on in your treasured memories. It is a shame your SD's do not appreciate you in their lives. They sound immature and self absorbed. There is some good advice here on this site. Pull back and focus on your life and marriage. See what happens along the way. Don't let them drive a wedge between you and your wife. As a organ recipient you know how precious each day is. How long since your transplant?
My DH had a liver transplant 5 yrs ago this May. It is sad when I see how his three daughters have treated him these years. They mostly use him when they need something or want to heap their life problems on his head. They do not see that he was given the gift of life, And those who know him and his family were given the gift of having him in their lives longer. They managed to wish him a happy fathers day. And he and I did have a nice day. But none of them made any special plans with him. He seemed happy when my YS 25 called to wish him a happy day. I am presently disengaged from DH 's daughters due to a recent chain of events that are unacceptable to me. They never accepted me into the family anyway from the start no matter how i was or what i did . Even thou I gave up my home, work and moved away from my family to come care for DH after his transplant. They all hovered at the hospital when he was at deaths door. But where were they for months after when he needed constant care? Now that we have built a life and home together they are even worse. So I found this site and it has helped me to learn to refocus my life on what is important. The twinges of sadness are there on days like today when family should be around. But it is ok. We saw my adult children and granddaughter yesterday and they have always accepted my DH into our family.
Best wishes.
My transplant was 6 years
My transplant was 6 years ago, during that time my wife at the time was being very rude, to the point that some people thought she was trying to actually make me more sick. I was very ill at the time and she would complain that wood needed to be hauled in to the basement(we had a wood burning stove. there were two skids who did not do anything around the house except complain about things. I had the transplant, then i found out my daughter had stomach cancer, and she was divorcing me. That was hard to take. Those tow toxic blobs of protoplasm are still lazy, unmotivated dickheads. I'm at least out of that picture. But like you I was never accepted as part of the family, they took advantage of my military disablity money and that's all I was to them. I'm way better now. Thanks to all who listen to my ranting
I think Karma is a funny
I think Karma is a funny thing, what goes around comes around. Good for you that your SS did that for you. You sound like a good guy, I hope everything works out for you.
OMG!!! I just read the
OMG!!! I just read the initial post, sorry about the spelling errors! I was so excited to write that blog that I didn't reread it. I'm an R.N. for God's sake. Please forgive me all!!!
So glad to hear you are doing
So glad to hear you are doing better and out of that toxic situation with the wife you was unkind to you when you were so sick. Given the experience with my SD's I would not hold out much hope that you are in a better situation stepkid wise. Don't be their bank. They are grown. Make them pay you back. If they default on a car loan, sell it or drive it yourself if you are making the payments. Don't give up your principles. They could have wished you a happy fathers day, even though you are not their father you have helped them and it is a well advertised Hallmark holiday. My YS25 called to wish my DH happy day, my D27 would have this year but she is pissed at DH about how he let his DD30 treat me when she crashed on us for five weeks with her uninvited cat. And how he allows his D's to call me names and tell him to divorce me. Total disrespect. And my Older son 29 would perhaps have called but his wife is away visiting her dad in another country and was not there to remind him. He is a bit scattered when she is away. But we saw my all my kids the day before and spent time with them at a graduation picnic. DH's kids did not make any attempt to spend time with him.
So don't worry about it, your Skids are a little on the young side, maybe they will mature and appreciate people. Maybe they won't. Just don't let them walk all over you in the meantime.
Best regards.