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Gamomof5's picture

had the sd's over this past weekend.
Meet the BM and she started at the time of pull in " where are you going to take the girls monday" (NOTE: me SM takes the girls to a destination on everyother mondays) due to some drama of a letter i rec. last week i put a stop to me running them every where if i am not appreciated. Anyway
She stated that the PAPERS (she loves the PAPERS) that Father has to deal with it not her problem. I leaned over and I said : we will have them in town at 6pm. BM says i dont have to speak with you, I said BY GOD YOUR GOING TO LISTEN so needless to say bm was there sunday afternoon at the town meeting place and picked them up no questions asked.

should i feel bad about this?

for a update of the past read blogs


alwaysanxious's picture

Sounds like she got stood up to and didn't expect it. No you did nothing wrong. If its how its worked out then she'll have to deal with it. My new favorite saying that a step talker said to me "If she doesn't like it, BM can pound sand". I LOVE IT.

AND I'm glad you are not doing for the SD since she wrote that disrespectful note. }:)

I think you are a lot like me and sometimes are too nice. You will find being a bitch gets more enjoyable.