Gabriels Mom's Blog
Do some parents get tired of the BS
DH has had SS in his crosshairs for a few weeks now. It's really interesting to watch. I guess SS isn't a poor pitiful COD anymore.
DH tells SS over and over what he wants him to do. SS doesn't do it. DH gets mad and punishes SS. and the cycle continues.
SS just doesn't get it.
DH commented this morning that SS was up and ready for school without anyone have to tell him to move his @ss. I said "Oh yea because I unplugged the router" DH actually laughed. Before he would have gotten pissed that I denied SS something. But he thought it was funny.
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Super Pissed!! Bio son issue
So yesterday DS5 said he wanted to be a car rider (he wanted me to take him to/pick him up from school) this after fighting with me over the summer to ride the bus to school. He LOVES riding the bus. I asked him what was wrong and he said nothing. Lies but whatever. Then when I picked him up yesterday afternoon he seemed sad. I asked him if he was okay and he started crying and said he didn't want to ride the bus anymore. I questioned him and he finally came out with it...some little asshole is picking on my son. He said this kid called him a fucking bitch because my son was in HIS seat.
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a little bit of everything
I haven't posted in awhile but I have been reading. Trying to stay caught up on all the craziness that is steptalk.
I feel very irritable this morning and no one I can really talk to about it. I could continue to hold it all in until Thursday when I go see my therapist but I don't think I can wait much longer.
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Last night was fee night. Cuntalotapus didn't come, thankfully but DH managed to piss me off though...
Our school system doesn't give out books for middle school and high school. They hand out laptops. The paperwork said to pick up the laptop we needed to: pay the fee (50.00), sign the form that says child and parent read the rules and responsibilities of having the laptop AND a sleeve or bag to take the laptop home.
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seriously? Why does she do that?
I feel like I say this a lot when it comes to the cuntalotapus.
So after all the screaming and fighting over the the weight loss research study SS is doing.(BM wanted to participate with him and she can't because part of it will be covered by our insurance) She was supposed to come to the appt today. DH just called he got a text from BM "I won't be able to make son's appt today. Do I need to come get him after the appt or can you bring him to me?"
Soooooooooo you can't make the appt but you can pick him up after the appt?
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BMs Blog
I'm bored at work and decided to visit Cuntalotapus's blog for some entertainment. She's been blogging a lot lately.
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DH said BM just called and said that SS needed to be tested for asthma. (SS is at our house right now) DH said he asked her why she thinks he needs to be tested for asthma. She said because SHE has asthma, she's on three different meds for it. DH said that SS has not exhibited any signs of asthma but if she wanted him tested then he will get him tested.
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I just feel like BM is up to something...
So a few weeks ago BM actually included me in a decision with SS12. I thought maybe we were getting to a point where we could all work together, you know like dtzy and her x and his wife. I was cautiously optimistic because well, I don't trust her.
Her behavior lately while isn't horrible, just makes my spidey senses tingle.
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I hate my sister today...
Okay not really. Yea maybe a little bit.
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Must have for all STalkers!
It's a wine glass that holds an entire 750ml bottle of wine. I need this in my life and I think most of us do too!
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