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Gabriels Mom's picture

Thanks to DH I have decided to add an additional definition to the term Askhole. Mine is definition #3

1. Someone who asks countless annoying questions.
2. Someone who constantly asks for advice and does the opposite of what you tell them to do.
3. Someone who constantly asks your opinion about something in your area of expertise and proceeds to tell you that you are wrong.

So DH's sister is in a bit of trouble at her job. Possible criminal charges may be filed. DH asked my opinion on the situation. I gave my best advice based on what my SIL told me. I'm not a lawyer but I have a degree in Criminal Justice. I listed out all the possibilities I could think of. DH's expertise is medicine and I'm not saying regular people can't understand laws but he proceeded to tell me that I was wrong and there is no way they could pursue criminal charges. This annoys the crap out of me. If I refuse to discuss the issue then he gets mad. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR


Gabriels Mom's picture

My DH is number 3. Yes DH other than the awful mistake of marrying BM you are ridiculously intelligent. That doesn't mean you know EVERYTHING. UGH

bi's picture

someone who asks advice, blows your advice off like it sucks, but when someone else gives the same advice, they light up like it's the best thing they ever heard.

examples: SO's friend's son was threatening her. I told her the obvious, get a RO. ignored me. the very next day, her bf told her to get a RO. she said "oh, you're absolutely right! that's what I need to do! I'm going to do it first thing in the morning!" dumb bitch.

bff asks advice about her much older, very controlling dh. I tell her A, B, and C. she ignores me. she pays out the ass to see a therapist. therapist tells her the exact same A, B, and C that I did. I gave her a ration of shit for ignoring me, but paying someone else to tell her the same thing. I told her it didn't take a degree to come to the conclusions her therapist and I came to. it was just plain common sense.