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BM's Old Self is back

FTMandSM's picture

FDH got a text from BM saying that why is she sending clothes if he is just going to put SD in the dirty ones she came in.

Ok you dumb bitch, they were clean because I washed them and threw them in SD bag. And second of all don't just assume that FDH would put SD in dirty clothes. I know you think he is a POS, but he isn't. And its fucking petty bullshit. Don't you have better things to do.

Also SD was dropped off at BM's grandma for the third week in a row, yeah the one who is blind in one eye, can't drive, and had to call BM last weekend because she couldn't handle SD after an hour.


FTMandSM's picture

"Why is it that as soon as the kids get into your house your girlfriend immediately makes them take off any clothes they got from my house?"

"Because she hates you and thinks the clothes you buy are shitty and ugly."---That's what BM thinks I bet..LOL!!

FTMandSM's picture

Hahaha!! Well she texted FDH again and said to make sure we return her underwear, which we do. But because she can't find it, it actumatically means we took it. This makes me want to go out and buy like twelve packs of underwear and leave a note, BM, since you can't seem to afford any underwear for your number one priority in your life, here are some. I would never do it, but it would be funny to really just piss her off.

FTMandSM's picture

I know the smoke smell al to well....My dad used to smoke in the car all the time. I didn't really notice it then, but I notice that smell now. Poor kid...

I do and don't wash them. If they are in the hamper I do but if not I don't. It's not a big deal to me. It's just one outfit. I don't go out of my way to de either one.

FTMandSM's picture

He did. It's really not worth it at all. I am so over the whole clothes thing. She then texted FDH again and said and make sure you send her underwear back because she has like none now. We send all of her stuff back. We have nothing of hers. If she looses anything it's because we "stole" it....It's just annoying.

This is why I buy all clothes, except for under garments, at yard sales and thrift stores. If something goes missing it's not a big deal.

Flying.Purple.Step.Monster's picture

Yes, we ran into this once or twice. Once the swim suit was 'missing' from the bag. We had been at my parents that weekend so I called my mom and had her tearing apart her house looking for it. Couldn't find it. It was in the bag the whole time.