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3rd week in a row BM is MIA for Drop Off...RANT

FTMandSM's picture

Sunday was the third Sunday in a row that BM wasn't there for the drop off. Who knows where she was, and frankly, I don't really care. It just sucks because she doesn't see SD a lot because she has a job(which is great) but she doesn't work on Sundays. All weekend SD was crying because she misses her mom. It's really sad that BM can't even make it on Sunday to be at the exchange. FDH has been dropping off to her mom or grandma. If FDH did this, he would be the biggest POS dad out there and he always puts me first, you know the blame game.....It's not in their CO that she has to be there, but really didn't think it was needed.

Live and you learn....


SMto2's picture

Oh, I can relate to that! BM in our case used almost every visitation weekend to go out of town on her many trips financed by our whopping CS. We had to drive 2 hours one way to take SSs home, making it 4 hours RT. (BM never did ANY of the transport in 13 years.) Then, half the time when we'd get to BM's house, there would be a note on the door to take SSs to her parents' house, adding more time to the trip! She could NEVER let DH know in advance so that he would not waste his time going to her house. BM never cared about anyone but herself, and making DH suffer or waste time in any way was always an added bonus! SSs are 20 and 18 now, so they don't do "visitation," and CS is O-V-E-R, which reminds me how happy I am that BM is now having to find a way to finance her own trips!! Sorry I have no advice, other than, hang in there. This too shall pass.

hereiam's picture

That is really sad for your SD.

This is exactly why, when BM moved 3 hours away (for a short time), we only saw my SD when they came back to visit family. We absolutely did not trust her to meet us halfway like she claimed she would.

KiFire's picture

BM LOVES this game... she pawns SD8 off on her mother and grandmother... and then on our EOWE, about two hours before we're supposed to go get SD she's calling begging FDH to let her stay home so she can go have time with her sister and mother. they're going to go do xyz and she wants to go.