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The article w/the obligations for NCP

frustratedinMA's picture

I remember awhile back researching the information on whether or not my dh needed to provide bedrooms for each of his two children in our home. (this came about during another pregnancy that was not viable).. I have had some ask me for this document, and just found it while cleaning out my files.

On page 2 and 3, you will find the information provided in the Cliff Model. Which explains (with the exception of 4 states) that the NCP does not need to provide clothing, toys or bedrooms, but rather have the children sleep in sleeping bags on the living room floor. That the CP is responsible for providing the essentials w/the CS and adequate clothing.

While I do want to consolidate SD & SS 9 to one room, I do still plan on providing them w/beds, bedding, toys and some clothing (to stay at our place)..

Soooo.. for all of you that are under 30% visitation, this article is for you.


LVmyBOXERS's picture

When we bought our new house, we spent over $2000 buying SD all new stuff for her room and her bathroom. Now that I am expecting my first child, I really want to make her room his room but DH won't hear of it. He said we have to wait until after she graduates which is in a year and a half. I would LOVE to show him this article (not that it would make a difference.) I already stopped buying them clothes for the house. Looks like we should not be providing anything. I always thought it was not fair since BM gets a lot of cs. of course, DH does not see it the same way at all. Thanks for the info.

frustratedinMA's picture

So if the baby can not have her bedroom. Where is your child to sleep???

This child is going to be living w/you guys full time. where would he like you to put that baby?????????????????