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I just put my hands up

frustratedbonusmom's picture

So this past weekend we went to dinner with DH's sister and husband. SD calls and DH gives phone to his sister so that she can say hello to SD. While SD is on phone with his siter she hangs up, we try to call back no answer. Then a minute or two later BM texts DH saying she is taking SD to hospital. We were all like why? His sister said she sounded fine on the phone. Well apparently SD9 who got her ears pierced (has two holes now) has irrated ears. DH text her back and says yah you know she can't wear certain earrings because they will irritate her ears because of the metal. We were all like shaking our heads, his sister is like you know she is doing this cause everyone is sitting here together. So then later this weekend DH is on phone with SD apparently talking about our wedding and her having to miss some school, SD hangs up on him again, he calls back and was like why'd you hang up on me, of course no answer...never ends...


la_dulce_vida's picture

I suspect it's actually BM doing the "hanging up" or BM is giving SD a signal to hang up.

Rags's picture

their lives as the shits that they are.

Give them more of the same.  Call SD everytime you are doing something interesting or call for her opinion on things you know will put BM's skivvies in a twist.

If SD ever says anything, point out to her that just because her mother is unhappy, does not mean that SD has to follow her mother's poor example.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

frustratedbonusmom's picture

thank you, great feedback... I shall take your suggestion and put into action~! Right, terrible examples she is giving SD...

ESMOD's picture

Your Husband is feeding this by being "available and responsive" to his EX and his daughter.

You were out at dinner.. he really shouldn't be taking calls and after dinner, he could have called his daughter back.. while his sister was there to talk to her.. though.. I am assuming that his sister is able to dial a phone on her own.. if she wants to reach out to SD.. he doesn't need to facilitate that.

And his EX.. calling with a non-emergency after 9pm? nope.. the phone does not get answered.. texts that are non-emergency do not get answered until the next morning.  she does it because she can and historically he gives her a response.  He needs better boundaries here.

frustratedbonusmom's picture

Thank you I agree. I am going to have that conversation with him and I appreciate that you used the word boundries.

I like that and that is something we are going to work on, or at least maybe I can try to help him with that. I appreciate you!