
Frustrated future SM's picture

What's with BF's family thinking it's okay to walk up to me and say hi and coo at my baby, while completely ignoring me? A few of these relatives have done this a couple times to me now. His brother's wife wouldn't even include me in the conservations with my BF about our daughter. Thankfully not everyone was that rude and disrespectful and At least they were kind enough to include me in the family photos.

Besides the immature nonsense from some of his family, Easter went better than I expected and I had a great day! So glad it was a skid free weekend. This whole weekend was fun and we were so happy. Only had to deal with BF's kids for half the day on Sunday and it was AMAZING! Dropped them off with BM at 2:30 then Got to relax, take some pics and even did a short fishing trip. 

I feel bad for thinking it but I do wish our life could always be like this past weekend. Just relaxing, peaceful, and happy; free of the constant anxiety of knowing his kids will be back around destroying the peace at some point.


ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

So the photos. If they hand't included you. I wouldn't take it too personally.  When DH and I were engaged my SIL did a set of family pictures of JUST the men and kids. She did that to be polite, but also because until we were married I really wasn't a permenant fixture. last thing they wanted was to have to redo all the family photos if things somehow didn't work out for us.  It wasn't to be rude. Just wanted to get their pictures.

I wouldn't take the not addressing you TOO personally either tbh. People LOVE new babies. They'll coo and make faces, all while you (the one holding it) sit there wondering if people even see you. It's like camoflague in plain sight.  I'm sure at least not all of them were doing it to be rude. (they probably just find your baby SUPER cute!)

Weird you weren't included in a convo about your daughter, but that's possible she just felt more comfortable with your BF. Not polite for sure, I'd call it rude, but an explination.

I'm glad Easter went alright Smile Here's to many more for you two!

Frustrated future SM's picture

I wouldn't have been upset if they didn't include me in the pics because just like you said we aren't married so I may not be a permanent fixture, although marriage doesn't even guarantee you'll stay a permanent fixture in someone's life. I guess they just always include everyone, though. In the past, when BF and I first began dating, I spent a day at the beach with his family, and me and his brother's GF were included in the photos taken that day.

You're right about feeling invisible. I try not to take it personal. It's just weird how some of them I still haven't even been formally introduced to and they're totally comfortable with just coming over and talking to my baby. It's kind of awkward.

This SIL is normally super sweet. When I met her she was genuinely nice, felt like I knew her my whole life and we talked and texted back and forth, and she gave me most of the baby stuff I have now, so it was weird that she wouldn't make eye contact or have a conversation with me. Wonder what people have been saying to her behind my back...

Thank you so much! *smile*

TrueNorth77's picture

"I feel bad for thinking it but I do wish our life could always be like this past weekend. Just relaxing, peaceful, and happy; free of the constant anxiety of knowing his kids will be back around destroying the peace at some point."

Oh I feel you girl. This is the trick of step-life: The happy, less-stressed times when skids aren't there, only to have it all be turned upside down when skids come. Kids are stressful, when they're there we disagree more, he gets frustrated with them and sometimes something they do puts him in a bad mood all night. We are in general more happy when skids aren't there, unfortunately.


Frustrated future SM's picture

Stinks that there's always tension when the skids are around. It'd be nice if it didn't have to be that way.