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Happy Friday....Not

Frustr8d1's picture

Does anyone else remember a time when you actually looked forward to weekends and you were so happy it was Friday?! What happened to those positive feelings of looking forward to the weekend? Now it's just dread of how to tolerate and entertain SD. How to avoid feeling guilty all weekend. How to answer questions I really don't want to answer. How to tolerate the stares, the rudeness, the inappropriate behavior.

These days, I dread Fridays and love happened here?!


Nana2's picture

I feel for you. My SD is 18 and is gone to her HS's for the month. She comes back at end of month to go to army for boot camp. YIPPEEEE. My weekends are wonderful now. NO more SD to deal with. No more mouth, attitude, bad behaviour, etc. I feel liberated. I am not even getting her anything for Christmas because she cut her father and I out of her life. So I'm really liberated now.

I feel for you. I don't look forward to Monday's anymore now that I work in semi-horrible place. One day.

Best to you! Will send you good vibes for the weekend.

Halo_Horns's picture

I sooo feel your pain! I frickn Hate Fridays! Everyone around work is all happy happy Friday, and I'm like is it Monday yet?
It actually starts Thursday night as I go through all of the things that I don't get to do once work is over the next day because skids are coming over.
I call it my Cinderella mood because all I get to do on the weekends is sequester in my room or clean house because I can't stand to be around the evil skids. Sunday night at 6pm is my Fairy God Mother hour! That is when they go home!

imjustthemaid's picture

I love Mondays!! DH goes to work early, all the kids are in school and I go to Starbucks and enjoy a nice fattening frappuchino.

Fridays suck. DH comes home late and cranky then is cranky all weekend. He goes to work Saturday and DD10 and BD4 think I am their entertainment committee. I love being with them but I am out of activites to do. The house ends up looking like a tornado came thru it and I spend all weekend cooking and cleaning.

The only good thing about the weekend is SD16 leaves for the weekend! Yay me! But she lives with us so I have her every day during the week.

AngeLily's picture

Glad I'm not the only one. I used to enjoy having a weekend off with DH. Now I intentionally schedule myself for those weekends. Just to avoid. And when I am home I can't wait to go back to work. I wish I could enjoy them again too. I feel for you

Reznov's picture

This is soooo true! It really sucks when we get to leave work early on Friday but I stay at work late anyway because I'd rather be at my desk than in my house with ss4.

I get a double whammy because we have ss4 every single Monday so that means all my 3-day weekends are ruined too!!! Lucky me.

Can I do this's picture

Me too! I am a teacher and save papers to grade for the weeks SDs are here. I tell my students not to always expect things back for about a week! haha! And, I ALWAYS make sure when my friends want to get together for lunch or dinner or shopping that it's when SDs are here!

I just said the same thing about dreading Fridays and loving Mondays in my last blog!! LOL!!!