I'm new and my marriage is in trouble
Hi. I have a ss that is dangerous. He stabbed a kid with a knife. Dh excuses it since the kid was bullying him and he defended himself but I don't think it was necessary. The kid wasn't going to kill him. The kid almost died and spent 3 weeks in the hospital. We are being sued by the family but our home owners insurance is handling it. We have twins that are 3 and have been together for 5 years. SS is 14 and is 50/50 with dh/bm. Last night I mentioned something and he said he will defend himself no matter what he needs to do while staring at ME! I got a bad feeling. I am scared and I don't want him here. I think dh needs to reduce custody to eowd and see him outside our home. Can anyone help me talk to dh about this? How do you approach the subject? I am considering leaving. I can afford to raise our kids on my own but I don't want ss around them on dh's time.
- Fruits's blog
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The kid has hit him a few
The kid has hit him a few times. It was handled by the school and the dh talked to the boys parents. The boy has had a rough life. It isn't an excuse but ss didn't need to stab him. I understand fighting back when someone hits you but to stab and try to kill someone is not.
Um. With a knife. That he
Um. With a knife. That he brought with him? Never self-defense if you plan ahead and come armed.
I am not sleeping especially
I am not sleeping especially after last night.
How do I broach the subject
How do I broach the subject with dh?
How is DH not concerned that
How is DH not concerned that his son stabbed someone? I would say that the kid needs help and that he obviously has some anger and self control issues and that your family, especially the younger kids, could be at risk. I would say that you would temporarily like for him to see his son away from the home while they get counseling for the SS to make sure that there isn't any further concern of the kid losing it.
Dh is in the belief that the
Dh is in the belief that the kid deserved what he got because he kept coming after ss. I disagree. There are proper ways to handle this. He doesn't think ss will do it again because no one is stupid enough to hit ss anymore.
One of your 3 yo children
One of your 3 yo children could hit him and then what? They don't know their half brother stabs people for hitting him.
The more I read, I think the
The more I read, I think the kid does need some help in dealing with the situation but I don't perceive the kid as being a danger to a 3 yo. He defended himself against a bully who had repeatedly tormented him and had actually broken his arm at one point. Neither the school, the police/courts or the bully's parents had managed to prevent this kid from doing what he was doing.
Big difference in how the kid is liable to react to a toddler.. or even his step mom.
However, he still needs some counseling because he has suffered a good bit of trauma.
You think it's okay for ss to
You think it's okay for ss to stab someone because of a fight? Wow.
Seriously? Police walk around
Seriously? Police walk around armed,and are sworn to protect the public. They certainly don't threaten to shoot anyone who hits them, and absolutely not while off-duty. I can't speak to the recent police violence except to say some people are biased and everyone with a grain of common-sense and an ounce of humanity would get scared and maybe make mistakes in a real life-or-death situation. Being aggressive towards others and planning to kill them if you succeed in offending them deeply enough that they momentarily lash out is just not the same thing. A lot of people live long and happy lives never fearing that they invite the kind of cruelty that requires an armed defense at all times.
You in the general sense, of course, although this commenter does seem unusually.... difficult.
The role of the police in
The role of the police in society is to enforce law and order, even when laws are unpopular (or wrong) and when disorder breaks out. So essentially their job is to act as soldiers against citizens on domestic soil. They do this expecting to be attacked, because that is their JOB. They do not shoot or try to kill everyone who 'attacks' them.
Maybe I've watched too many episodes of 'Cops' (once) and there were a lot of crazy violent people on that show who got arrested, not killed.
And you're not a cop.
Meh. I'm outie.
Half of the cops on the force
Half of the cops on the force are ex military.
Where do you get your facts?
My father has worked for HPD
My father has worked for HPD for 35 years and he indeed stated that when they did their own research (HDP) that on his force that more than half are ex military. My whole family is cops.
Uh you're an adult.... this
Uh you're an adult.... this is a child that stabbed another child. "At least he didn't bring a gun" really?? I'd like to run in to you a little and see how good you are with that gun.
I don't know where everyone
I don't know where everyone lives but as someone who is in the industry of self-defense, please read up on your self-defense laws before saying it's okay or not okay to defend yourself to that extent.
In NY where I am, we do not have stand your ground laws, which means you must prove you attempted a path of egress before fighting back, and you can only meet force with an equal and rational amount of force back. We do have castle laws, but you still cannot shoot someone who isn't physically fighting you in your own home, even if they have breached your thresh-hold unless you are sure you are in imminent danger (like if the person had a knife/gun/continued to advance at you despite being warned.) Also, you cannot continue hitting/stabbing/shooting someone who is incapacitated already--then the law shifts and you become the aggressor.
I am of the motto that I'd rather be judged by twelve than carried by six, but I am aware of the law so that in the event I am in such a situation, I do not discharge my weapon without knowing the consequences.
Yes, my DH is licensed to carry and has several firearms. I do not. However, we both have done extensive research in the legalities of self defense due to what we do.
It was at a skate park and
It was at a skate park and the boy jumped ss. The police said that it was self defense and ss received no punishment. The witnesses backed ss up. The knife was legal that his grandpa gave him. Dh's dad told him to stab the kid in the stomach and pull up if he touched him again. It sounds crazy but dh's dad isn't crazy. He is retired military and is ss's biggest supporter. I don't want him in my house.
AND the laws are irrelevant
AND the laws are irrelevant anyway right? I mean if someone is gonna attack you, it's not like they are all concerned with the legal issues!
If the weapons are illegal then only the criminals will have them.
check out Chicago's gun violence rates... hundreds a month
I live in NYC. If you come
I live in NYC. If you come here, you are surrounded by people with weapons. Guns, knives and everything in between. Just because you have never had an issue with it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
I love living here.(not the
I love living here.(not the housing costs :jawdrop: ) I lived in NC for 8 years and hated it.
I have always felt safe here. But then again, I know the areas to stay away from.
There's nothing like be able to decide out of the blue to hop on the subway and spend the afternoon at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Did that with 3 of nieces and nephews a few weeks ago. We had a blast checking out the Egyptian exhibit. Or while shopping deciding to take in Broadway matinee. Six short stops on the subway and I'm sitting in Barclays center screaming at an NBA game or an HBCU classic.
Sitting out on the stoop during a hot, summer evening just taking in the sights and sounds of the city.
The culture,spirit, soul, vibe...of the city is amazing. It's far from utopia, but it has been my playground and home for 40 years.
"... the most bat guano
"... the most bat guano bonkers person can get their hands on a deadly weapon if they really want to."
ANYTHING can be a deadly weapon if you know how to make it one. Machete, hatchet, table knife or fork, bleach...
Yes, counseling and wasn't he
Yes, counseling and wasn't he charged with something as a result?
I am also not saying that taking matters into his own hands was justified, but maybe there was more than just a bit of hitting. Also, if the SS is much smaller and would be unable to defend himself against someone bigger, maybe the weapon made him feel like the score was even? There definitely has to be a LOT more to this story and background of this kid's life.
I agree. Take the beating and
I agree. Take the beating and we will deal with it later properly. There is no reason to try and kill someone. Do you have any advice on how to keep him out of my home?
Bm is a crazy bitch who said
Bm is a crazy bitch who said the boy won't hurt her kid again. I understand that she is upset that this kid has hurt ss but she isn't concerned her son almost killed someone. She has even filed a counter suit against the parents for ss's dr.'s bills.
Dh doesn't agree and refuses to listen to my concerns. Do you have any advice on how to get him to?
Take the beating and we will
Take the beating and we will deal with it later properly.
Uhh.. that's awfully hard to do isn't it? Just let someone wail away on you? You know that the SS could be killed by a beating right? Internal injuries etc...
I am not saying that the knife was necessarily the right response, but it sounds like the SS was really backed into a corner. PLUS, he had his grandfather telling him that knifing the kid was a good solution to his problem! The kid was just doing what an adult he trusted and respected told him would solve a problem. (and to be honest, it most likely did because I bet there aren't a bunch of other kids lining up to get knifed) You said that the school had "dealt" with it before. Well, it's quite obvious that is NOT true because the SS was jumped AGAIN. The bully (bullies?) did not get the message and this kid was continuing to be tormented.
The more I read, the more I get the feeling that this kid was really being used as a punching bag and was really getting beat down. It must have been pretty bad for an otherwise reasonable adult to ARM him and tell him to stab someone right?
I think counseling is definitely in order but I don't think that he is quite the danger you imagine him to be. His defiant look towards you may have been just the resolve in his eyes that despite the fact that you said using the knife was wrong, he wasn't going to lie down any more and let himself be a victim.
It sounds like this incident was HIGHLY provoked by the stabbing victim. In fact, the police agreed. If this is the ONLY incident of violence or lack of control on the kid's part, I think counseling and getting dad and GRANDDAD to talk with him about more appropriate responses should be enough.
"Take the beating and we will
"Take the beating and we will deal with it later properly."
That is like the worse advice ever. The boy was being bullied, apparently consistently, and your response is take the beating. How many beating is he suppose to take before he's allowed to defend himself. The child didn't attack innocent people and he didn't instigate the situation. He defended himself. People are murdered by bullying, kids and teens commit suicide due to bullying and the response is just keep taking it. It is hard to deal with a bully properly and get them to stop bullying. If the situation was being dealt with properly this wouldn't have happened, ie bully wouldn't have tried to jump the kid. Please stop blaming the victim. If he was a she and she stabbed an attacker who was trying to rape her, would this still be an appropriate response?
The boy jumped ss at the
The boy jumped ss at the skate park. Ss had a knife and stabbed him when he was hit. SS could have avoided this by A. not going to the skate park B. He could have left when the boy showed up C. He didn't need to fight back. We could have and would have called the parents and let them know what was happening and we could have gotten a police report. To stab this boy was unnecessary.
Sorry, but your SS did need
Sorry, but your SS did need to fight back.
What dad do in the past? Did he contact the boy's parents or file a police report before? If not, why? If dad doesn't believe in teaching kids to fight back, what steps did he take to stop the bullying?
We put ss in MMA to learn to
We put ss in MMA to learn to defend himself. He was only in a few weeks. We put him in after the boy broke ss's arm and it healed. I know that sounds bad. It was bad. The police were called and the boy was arrested. He is on probation. He was booted from school. His parents made him apologize and he was being delt with at home. We did EVERYTHING we could think of.
Florida is a stand your
Florida is a stand your ground state. SS was an attacked victim. Not once but multiple times.
While I don't agree violence is a solution, your SS had a legal right when physically attacked to self defend. The bully was and still is in the eyes of the law, the aggressor.
so what he took offense to
so what he took offense to was that you told him he should have not gone to the skate park or handled the situation differently?
If so, that's kind of like telling a rape victim that she shouldn't go to a frat party or wear a short dress.
No. He didn't need to stab
No. He didn't need to stab and try to kill the boy. He has an edge on him now. He isn't the same and that scares me.
He is jaded that is why he
He is jaded that is why he has an edge to him now. He is no longer the innocent kid that believes that right will always win and that they system works and is fair.
He learned that in some cases, the only person you can count on is yourself. His family couldn't protect him. The school couldn't protect him. The boy's family couldn't control the bully and the police couldn't stop the attacks. He had the veil of innocence ripped away. He learned that even though this kid was BAD, nothing was happening to him to change the situation. He was told that even though it isn't fair, he had to hid because no one could protect him.
I don't think you really have anything to fear from this kid (unless you are administering regular beatings). He is quite unlikely to pull a knife on a 3 year old for eating the last cookie. This was an extreme abuse situation he was dealing with. you wanted to let the system work and he saw that wasn't working.
He needs counseling to deal with this. Even if it is justified, almost killing another human being has GOT to affect him. Please get the kid the help he needs.
That being said, I don't think he is a danger to your family.
I don't think I am explaining
I don't think I am explaining this right. I am not for the boy. I was for ss. I helped dh and bm with this. We all did everything we could think of. If ss beat the hell out of the boy I would have been fine. It was the stabbing him and trying to kill him that I have an issue with. I don't condone bullying but sometimes you have to walk away from a bully. SS was constantly getting his ass kicked. He knew if he stayed it would happen again and it did. He stayed knowing he would stab the kid. He planned to stab the kid. That is what my issue is. The bully is a terror and needs to be off the streets. He was already on probation and he may have gone to jail.
I'm all for teaching kids to
I'm all for teaching kids to fight back. And no, you don't stand there and let another kid hit on you. You turn around and beatvthe hell out of them. But you don't pull out a weapon. That was a punk ass move.
OP are you taking steps to keep your kids away from granddad? What grown ass man gives a child a knife and instructions to use it on another child???? :sick:
Trying to get dad to decrease his time with his son is unreasonable. Walking away may be the best thing to do. However, that won't prevent your kids from being around their brother or nutty grandpa.
The kid may not have realized
The kid may not have realized the bully was at the park until he was "jumped"
I am not highly educated on
I am not highly educated on law but how can the supposed bully's parents sue if the police stated that it was self-defense?
If your DH thinks this is perfectly fine and that SS doesn't need therapy, would your DH consent to go to therapy with you? A lot of times, they will listen to a neutral party more than their spouse. I am pretty sure any competent therapist would validate your safety concerns and how serious this situation really is.
There were ways to avoid
There were ways to avoid this. SS would never win a fight with this boy so avoidance is best. The boy is huge and ss is small. Yes the boy was a bully. Yes the boy beat on ss. We were doing what we could. The kid was on probation for breaking ss's arm. The school, the police and the parents were all involved. It would have been handled. He didn't need to stab and try to kill the boy.
I wondering why your husband
I wondering why your husband and BM didn't step to this kid? Your husband and BM should have threatened to deal with the kid themselves if he ever touched their kid again.
Another option would have been to round up a bunch of SS's older cousins or older boys in the neighborhood. They could have let the bullying know if he touched their cousin/friend again, that they would tie fire to his ass.
Okay, I am not explaining
Okay, I am not explaining this right. When ss had his arm broke I was the first to the school and would have beat the boy myself had I seen him. I am not supporting that boy in any way. My only concern is that ss tried to kill someone. He stabbed this kid. That is my issue. Up until this I was ss biggest supporter.
No your step son defended
No your step son defended himself! He had every right to do that. I can't believe you would side with the kid that was beating up your SS. Even though you say you aren't that is exactly what you are doing. It sickens me. Yes I have a CHL and I carry it with me. If someone came up and jumped me I would pull my gun and shoot them. I would do whatever it takes to defend myself and my family and friends. That's what your SS did, he DEFENDED himself! Stop being an asshole and support your SS. Yes he probably does need counseling to understand what he did since none of the adults around him protected him.
* correction: He DID win the
* correction: He DID win the fight. He knifed the kid and the kid almost died.
Not one single person or authority had been able to stop the abuse. It wasn't just a punch, the kid had his arm BROKEN. That's why his grandfather did what he did. The bully was escalating the violence against this much smaller kid. Don't you understand that the next step might have actually been the death of the SS? Google beaten to death and I am sure you will get a long list. I understand the concept and the wisdom of walking away from a fight, but it sounds like this wasn't even possible as he was "jumped". Sure, he could have hidden at home, but I am positive that bully was going to find him sometime and somewhere. Your SS was a little more prepared than the bully thought I guess.
If I were him, I would have given you the MAJOR stink eye for suggesting he just run away like a baby or take the beatings.
However, the SS still does need counseling. It was still a traumatic situation for him and he must have a lot of things going on in his head that he needs to deal with. He probably even has some amount of guilt but he needs to talk to a professional.
Take the beating and we will
Take the beating and we will deal with it later properly.
What an asinine thing to say. Have you ever “taken a beating”? I guarantee you have not taken a real beating. If you had, you would not have said this. You can die from a beating you know. Let someone tap you in the nose one time a half strength and then tell me how you thing taking a beat would go without defending yourself. I think you are over reacting and you are using this as an excuse to get SS out of your house. And now DH is on the defensive about it. You don’t have a leg to stand on. The cops did not press charges. That says a lot right there.
Now g-pa was in the wrong to tell the kid to stab him in the stomach and go up. Ewww. But maybe g-pa was tired of seeing his grand kid get the crap kicked out of him all the time and your DH not doing anything about it.
My advice…let it go. I doubt the skid we threatening you. I think you are looking for things at this point. If his kid walked up and just stabbed someone then ok. But that is not the case here and you know it. Honestly, you are damaging your marriage right now. If you are that scared then you just need to leave. Your DH is not going to bend to your will.
This kid broke your SS's
This kid broke your SS's arm?? That is another twist. That is a little more serious than just run-of-the-mill bullying.
But still...
I was tormented mercilessly in grade school by one particular boy. It was so horrible, I would cry when I woke up and realized that I had to go to school that day. I stood up to my particular bully. I got him to back down and did so in a way that made others not want to mess with me either. I did not use any kind of weapon at all and nobody was in the hospital for weeks because of it!
I still think that no matter how bad the bullying, SS could have done 1000 different things than just about killing another human being.
Thank you. We were working on
Thank you. We were working on any and every way to protect ss. When ss saw him at the skate park he should have left. He stayed because he knew he was going to stab him and try to kill him. He acted out of anger. Justified anger but still anger. This shows what ss is capable of.
The kid was on probation for
The kid was on probation for breaking ss's arm. The school, the police and the parents were all involved. It would have been handled. He didn't need to stab and try to kill the boy.
Well crap...nevermind. I see what kind of post this is now. Im out. Crew ya later.
LOL - you read my mind.
LOL - you read my mind.
I think you're trying to
I think you're trying to rationalize your desire to leave your husband with the SS situation. He's scary, so you're justified in leaving. If that's what you need to make leaving your DH OK, then you should do it... It's not mine or anyone else's to give you our blessing, or to condemn you, either.
That said, I'd be seriously pissed if DH and I were being sued due to the actions of one of my skids, even if he was well-justified in his actions (which you seem to disagree with). That alone might be enough for me to say screw it, to be honest. It's one thing to deal with legal BS from BM, it's quite another entirely to be sued by someone in the community! I would be feeling very threatened, even if my homeowner's was dealing with it. The potential financial liability would be really scary.
All that to say that if you want to leave, you should leave. If you want to stay married, I would urge you to figure out what you're really concerned about before you talk to your husband, because scapegoating your SS isn't likely to make him want to keep you around.
People can sue other people
People can sue other people for anything. Winning is a whole different matter.
But your DH can't control everything that his children do any more than you could control everything your children do. What if the tables were turned? What if one of your kids did something that resulted in your family being sued? Would you cry if your DH wasn't supportive?
I mean what did you think he
I mean what did you think he was going to do carrying a knife around? You might not like it but your SS taught that other kid a valuable lesson: Don't attack other people because you never know what they're capable of when they fear for their lives. You remind me of the lady who's SS fed some stray kittens to his pet snake. Of course no agrees with the violence but what would you have preferred he do? Help from grown ups? Yeah that really help all those other times. Take the beatings? Yeah that'll curb his self esteem and put him in suicidal thoughts. Now I suggest you find the blogs about the woman with SS and his pet snakes that ate the kittens if she hasn't deleted them. Your relationship will probably fall apart like hers did.
The only replies here that
The only replies here that you like are ones that agree with your POV.
You need to step back and realize a few things.
1. Your SS was already seriously injured by this bully.
2. This bully is much bigger than your SS, therefore him "taking the beating" could have resulted in brain damage, paralysis, or even death. Unarmed retaliation was not an option because of the size difference and lack of training that may have been helpful.
3. Your attempts to deal with the bullying were ineffective.
4. You should never allow a bully to dictate where someone reasonably would be going--like the skate park. If SS was hanging out in the sewer pipes or abandoned buildings, then of course he should have not been those places, but that isn't the case according to your tale.
5. You are saying this was "premeditated" because he had the knife and planned to use it. You are looking at this wrong. He had the knife therefore he knew he had a way to defend himself if needed. He didn't go looking for a fight, the bully brought it to him. Just like people who legally carry a gun plan to use it if needed for self-defense, that is not premeditation.
This is a terrible situation to be in, but your response is worse. Support your SS.
Maybe the bully went to the
Maybe the bully went to the skatepark because he was looking for the little POS who snitched on him to the police? It is quite possible the bully did not normally go to the skatepark so the kid never saw him till he was jumped.
From what I've read the
From what I've read the problem you have with SS is this; he was bullied and decided that he was going to kill the bully, then he almost did. It was premeditated on his part and he went to that park hoping this kid would jump him so he could kill him.
You are worried because now that he's done it and gotten away with it, he will do it again if anyone gets in his way. You think something in him has changed and not for the good.
You are afraid that if he ever sees you or your kids as a threat he will harm you and claim self defence.
If that's the case, then tell your DH that. If he says you're wrong or that it's all in your head, then suggest counceling. It might help to calm you and alleviate your fears to talk to someone.
Honestly, SS should be getting counceling because as someone else said almost killing someone is going to have an effect on him and he most definitely has changed. He probably needs help working out who he is now.
You need to read again. SS
You need to read again.
SS was playing at the park. The bully attacked him. He defended himself with a knife. He didn't hunt this bully down and attack him.
(Honestly...most boys around here carry a knife, perhaps it's that way where OP is too...they hunt, fish, dig, and generally do things where a knife is used as a tool).
There are some big
There are some big assumptions about the time it takes to attack/bully someone. What if SS didn't know bully had arrived until he was jumped? What if he did have the time to leave? What if he left and bully followed him? The last question scares me and I'm not BM, BD or SM. No witnesses. Attacked anywhere. And what if he called the police? Lets say it takes the police 10-15 minutes to get there, what do you think will happen in those 10-15 minutes? You think bully would just run off. If this issue has been addressed by the school, addressed by SS' parents, addressed by bully's parents, the kid was on probation (addressed by the police) and yet he still felt it was okay to attack your SS then if SS called the cops he still had go through the bullying until the cops arrived.
Of course it is pink.
Of course it is pink. :sick:
Avoid the frathouse girls if
Avoid the frathouse girls if you don't want to be raped.
Don't go downtown by yourself girls.
Don't go running alone ladies.
Yup. Pretty much what people
Yup. Pretty much what people are saying about this boy.
This reminds me of a guy my
This reminds me of a guy my DH used to work with. He loved guns and would have them delivered to their work shop a lot many years ago.
A couple years back, there was a story on the news about how some guy got in a scuffle with another guy and shot and killed him. It was this former co-worker. My DH said that this guy WANTED to kill someone and was looking for an excuse to get into it.
This guy was up at about 4 a.m. to go to work. A guy's truck was blocking him in. The guy was drunk and having a verbal argument with his GF. The guy tells him to move his truck. Things escalated from there between the two until the drunk guy punched this guy in the nose. The former co-worker went back in his place, brought out a gun and shot the guy. He claimed self-defense and got away with it. But anyone who knew this guy knew that he really was looking for an excuse to kill.
Should the drunk guy have moved his truck? Well, maybe have someone sober do it instead. Should he have punched the guy? Hell no. Did the guy need to go inside, grab a gun and end this person's life because of his poor decisions that particular night? I don't think so.
Is anyone getting ss some
Is anyone getting ss some help? The debate about whether he should or should not defend himself is not the most important point imho. SS was driven to a desperate act, and the nature of the action he took is life-changing. Ask anyone who has taken a life (soldier, cop, etc.) if they are the same person today that they were before they pulled the trigger/stabbed/ran over/whatever; they will tell you, they are not.
OP please stop worrying about whether he should have/shouldn't have and focus on getting this boy some help to cope with what he was driven to do! With the proper help for him, and for your whole family, hopefully you won't need to worry about having in your home going forward.
I visit a city with a
I visit a city with a HORRIBLE violent crime rate (similar to Chicago) because I have friends and relatives there. I will not stay away and abandon my 90 year old friends that depend on me. I am often within blocks of where murders take place on a regular basis.
If someone attacks me I will if at all possible defend myself to the utmost. If one has a knife and is being attacked you do NOT slash at someone's hands. That will almost certainly result in the knife being taken away and used on you as a knife wound to the hand or arm is rarely incapacitating.
The correct self defense technique is to stab in the abdomen with blade upward and to twist and slash upwards. If the person who has attempted a vicious attack on me ends up dead or almost dead - so what. Better him/her than me.
Some people are screaming that is homicide. And they are correct. Homicide by definition is one person killing another individual. But it is not necessarily MURDER. There is such a thing as justifiable homicide (i.e. self defense).
What concerns me about this young man is not his past self-defense actions, but his arrogant attitude that he is now "untouchable". He could easily be ambushed. He could fail to successfully execute a self defense action at another time and end up dead. He could use inappropriate force to deal with words.
In my state we just had 2
In my state we just had 2 kids die last year from fighting.
One was very bad as they were at a party, started fighting, both kids friends werre there, they stopped the fight but then 1 kid kicked the other in the head and he died.
This could have been your ss.
My state has 0 self defence laws. Everyone gets a charge in a fight, or whoever calls the police first.
I know this first hand from my mom. My stepdad was beating her up, mangled her finger so bad its permenantly stuck in a pointed position..and of course she fought back but HE called the cops so she has an assault charge on her background.
Trigger * i have been stabbed in a fight. My sister was 16, had dumped a gallon of tea ob my bed, so i retaliated by spraying soda in her room. Next day, i come home from work, offer to help her cleab it up and she rushed me with a kitchen knife. I got slashed on my hand, and i stomped her face once i got her down.
She never tried it again...but i do not allow my children around her because she is unstable to take a small thing to that level and i am not willing to take that risk
I think everyone can agree
I think everyone can agree that any kid being stabbed is obviously not a GOOD thing, just like a kid having his arm broken and being bullied is not a good thing. Obviously neither of these things should ever happen. But saying that the ss should have never been in the park or that he should have taken a beating and then reported the bully is absolute bull.
I was a quiet, kind of nerdy kid in junior high,and even though I wouldn't have hurt a fly, I became the target of a bully. She kicked the shit out of me when I was 13 years old and for the next 3 years, whenever she was pissed off at the world I became her target. I now know that she herself had a pretty miserable life but I really don't give a shit, and I especially didn't give one then.
All I knew is that I spent 3 years changing the route I would use to walk home, eating my lunch in different places, yet knowing that she could show up whenever. I would see her coming at me across a field, down the hallway, surrounded by her pack of hyena friends who would be cackling and laughing, their eyes lit up at with the excitement of watching an innocent kid be humiliated and bullied because their pack-leader had gotten detention and needed someone to unload on. It still affects me to this day.
My family is very much a family of 'winners" and the embarrassment and shame that I felt over this made me feel worthless. I contemplated suicide several times and now I am hard-wired for stress and anxiety at the slightest hint of confrontation.
If someone I loved and trusted had given me a weapon and told me to use it, the next time she hunted me down and started shoving me around, surrounded by her buddies and with me on my own, I honestly don't know what I would have done. I DID know that I couldn't equal her strength so fighting back with my fists didn't seem to be an option. had I been terrified enough and "done" enough I might have done something I couldn't take back. And it wouldn't have made me an uncontrollable psycho (in fact I think I'm a pretty great person
Your SS does not need to be alienated form his father over this and shoved out of your family. He definitely does need counselling and he needs support. And as someone who has been there, I seriously doubt he went looking for this boy.