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My damn step daughter

Frost sweets's picture

Today wasnt that bad.
My five year old step daughter drives me crazy. Sometimes im at the point where i cant stand her!
She calls me momma sometimes. And my real name sometimes.
She is so hateful & trys to piss you off, hurt feeling, or do things and make you watch her doing stuff she isnt suppose to.
She teaches my two year old son bad things & gets him to say cuss words.
Tonight they are both staying at the grandparents.. & she acts like she has no rules there.
Mean to her lil brother, ignores him, messes up the garden, & always acts like an animal.
Mouse, cat, horse, bird, it doesnt matter.
I dont let her act like an animal, its ridiculous.
And she thinks when i leave she can do whatever she wants.
I feel for the girl bc we get her for two weeks, every other two weeks.
And at first her mother wasnt there, but she is now.
So i always have this feeling like she was neglected.
But shes not now. So i just need to stand up and get strict i guess.
But everytime i do all she does is cry. & im talkin about i can tell her to go sit on the couch in timeout & she crys the whole time or says shes hungry or says she thirsty or that she has to go use to bathroom.
Even blogging about this child pisses me off.
So imgunna end it before i get to deep.
To be continued.......


oncechoosetosmile's picture

Where is the father of that kid????? It sounds as if you have to do all the hard work.And it is always hard work with children that age, especially in this case , when SD only now has some stability. You need to understand that it should be not only YOU dealing with her, but the birth parent, most of all.Just because you are a mum and you have a 2 year old, doesn't mean you have full responsibility for his daughter.I feel sorry for you being in this situation, but also for the confused young SD- you both haven't chosen to be in this situation.Is there any chance to get DH to step in and understand he should do most of the work regarding SD? And in those situations if it is you handling her- of course you should be strict if she misbehaves.Nobody does the kid a favour feeling constantly sorry for her and breaking the rules- she will get only worse.And if she is in time out and cries it doesn't mean you have done anything wrong!