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The paperwok has been signed!

Freedom2005's picture

BM is returning the paperwork Monday to the Lawyer to be filed. BF is now going to be Custodial Parent! The kids are still doing ok, they have been a bit more rebellious, but I have been home a lot these last 2 weeks and both my kids and his kids are doing chores!

It does kill me... he says, "have the kids do the dishes...don't worry about them" then does not have the kids do the dishes. Then complains when they don't get done.

Sigh, no rest for the weary.


Anon2009's picture

That's awesome, freedom! I am so happy, especially for those kids!

Being a CP SM has definitely been a rewarding experience for me. I get to raise two beautiful girls. I learned that I am stronger than I think I am. I have really bonded with these kids. I've been there for them when their BM hasn't been. She is not there for them. When she had them, she neglected and malnourished them. Now they are healthy and much happier. They can finally function at their age levels for the most part. They will always be scarred by what BM did to them. That will never go away. Now that they live in a loving, caring environment and attend individual counseling once a week, they have learned healthy coping mechanisms for their feelings. We go to church as a family and they have a wonderful, supportive youth group. This youth group is large and has kids who have suffered other forms of abuse as well.

Helping these girls get to this point was often draining on me emotionally at times, because taking kids who were previously raised in a subhuman environment and getting them on the right path can take years of hard work and patience. But DH and I had to do it for the kids. In the end though, it's the kids who deserve the credit. They decided they wanted to change and have better lives and have worked their a$$es off to get to where they are now.

Stepfamily life can be very rewarding. I feel good knowing that I helped these kids. It's a really life-changing transition, but if everyone works hard then a good outcome can be achieved for all.