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Absurd Things—a walk down stephell memory lane

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I like lists. They feel refreshing to me. So here is a  start to a list of incredibly absurd, head-scratchers I’ve heard in this stephell universe at my house. Please comment with your own most absurd lines from skids or BMs. I hope this can procure a few laughs on this Saturday.

—angry fully licensed driving SS18 who never came around and who has only seen DS1 a handful of times yells through tears “I’m a part of this family too!”

—BM: warmest congrats on your new addition!


Is it Possible?

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Any steppers out there who have managed to rarely, maybe once every six months or so, see their skids? Or who may see them every month, but for no longer than a couple of hours? 

I’m a mess of anxiety tonight because I have to be around SD13 for the third weekend in a row this weekend. I feel so uncomfortable around her. I am considering being “away” til she leaves. I also wonder if I should just ignore my anxiety and do what i always do when she is here...Just be myself. Normally her visits are EOW and I have acclimated quite well to the rhythm of that visit schedule. 

Therapist Advice: List of “I Feel When...”

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So DH and I have been seeing a therapist. We have only seen her once but both really felt she was helpful. One of the things she has said which we have both agreed is valuable advice is to leave out the details of our grievances against each other and to talk about feelings in a vulnerable “I feel — when you...”

This is hard for me because I need to follow it the most. I am the type who cusses a lot and gets stuck in details during arguments. I am not a good arguer.

So here is my list..

I feel angry when DH chooses to take SD13 for more than EOW.


Depressing? Change that to disgusted.

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These idiot fathers and their psuedo parenting!

It drives me nuts. I don’t even want to witness it!

look at me, im a good dad. Im staring at a screen in the same room with my daughter who is also staring at a screen. 


Oh look at me, im a good dad. I am making my child food for breakfast. As long as she says please and thank you then ive done an A+ job! Nevermind that I have zero conversations with her about anything relevant to her life. I am smiling so everything is happy!



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I am feeling extra down today. I feel sorry for my SD13.  She is with us for vacation and I’ve gotten used to only seeing her EOW. So I have put her issues out of my mind, gotten back to focusing on me and have been happier for it. 


SD13 Is Less And Less Little Girl I Used To Know

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How many of you who had your skid around when they were younger, but now only have them EOW or just holidays, feel a tinge of sadness when you see how much the child continues to grow into a mini version of BM? 

I do. At least today I do. 

I’m not really talking about PAS. I’m talking about that potential to be a self-confident, creative individual being snuffed out by BM’s unending influence.


DH was a Stepkid with stepsibs

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OK, so DH would really like for DS and SS18 and SD13 to have a good relationship. That is happening naturally for SD13 because she is here EOW. 

SS18 is not ever around DS because he is not interested.


The other day I brought up to DH his childhood. He was a skid to a nice man and his mom had THREE skids to deal  with in addition to her three bio children.

DH said his mom was always exceptionally fair growing up and that he had a good childhood. DH says he was OK with his step sibs. They all got along alright.


Second families are valuable. We do not need you to make a sales pitch, DH!

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 I had a talk yesterday with DH about why it is so frustrating to hear him attempt to sell the idea of us to his oldest from his first marriage.  Sometimes I feel like he has the voice of an info commercial announcer as he remarks about DS and I.  It is like DS and I are the fruit of a very inconveniently planted tree in SS18’s life. And DH is trying to get SS18 to see how beautiful the leaves are. Painful to watch.


13 yo in Victorias Secret Bras

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Is 13 a little young to shop for bras at Victoria’s Secret?

BM takes SD13 there. She always dresses SD13 in “name brand” clothes. I understand wanting your child to have the best. I was treated to “name brand” clothes too when I was yoong. So I know it can be important to wear “the right thing” in middle school. 

But no one sees your bra. And VS isn’t exactly a “body positive” place for the adolescent mind.



BM cannot stand our happy home

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EOW visits with SD13 have been going really well. There is no Disney Dad happening. No nightly phone calls to BM. SD13 seems pretty happy when she is here. She spends time with us by her own choice and we all get along well. When it is time to go back to BM’s (who she chose to stay with FT) she drags her feet. 

I am still sticking to my two rules. I am not left alone with SD13 because of her lying. And I keep conversation focused on her, so my invisible emotional boundary is intact. 

