Drama Queen
Yesterday SFIL came over, he wanted to give us a few things that had belonged to MIL. She had made a photo album and scrapebook for H to give him for his birthday in June. The album was baby and childhood pics, the scrapebook was from his time in the Army. I thought is was very sweet and thoughtful, he loved it. So SFIL and H were talking about MIL and what type of headstone should be bought when sd comes home. Since no one was paying attention to her she starts acting like a 3yr old. The more we tried to talk the louder and more manic she got. H finally told her to sit down, shut up or go to her room. That lasted about 2min when she started again. H stands up and tells her to go to her room before he spanks her. :jawdrop: That worked!! After SFIL left, he and H made plans to go fishing next week, H reamed sd out for her behavior. People I was shocked, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He actually yelled at her for an hour. I started getting worried about his blood pressure. Afterward he tells me that he felt like a weight had been lifted. Maybe, possibly the meds are working??? :O
- ferretmom's blog
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FM-glad your did not champion her behaviour-but
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
The thing I've observed with him, is he treats her as tho she is 7 instead of 17. And this is kind of along the same lines, methinks. Spank? A 17 y.o.? I mean, I'm all for him disciplining her (tho it could be a case of too little too late), but isn't spanking a discipline for young children?
I agree about the
spanking part... is kinda funny "I'll spank you" a 17 year old, would have been better something like, you are not allowed to get out of your room, or go out with friends, or TV i dont know. but hey, if it worked, thats a good start...
That's what I was thinking, too
But hey, since SD ACTS like a 2-yr-old most of the time anyway, maybe a SPANKING is just what she needs!
At least DH took the initiative to act like a PARENT this time. Kudos to him, FM.
"Of course things worked out nicely for Carol Brady...she had a live-in maid and Mike's first wife was DEAD!"
Sounds like something is working and its an improvement.
spanking OMG
what a concept, more of these disneyland parents should spank, but then I am sure they would worry about whether junior or princess will love them forever and ever..
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."
Ha ha ha
I use to belong to another forum...there was a dad there that once said:
He was being cheeky of course, but clearly advocated a butt whuppin when needed!
Your post brought back fond memories of when my boys were just a little bit younger (back in my "glorious" pre-stepmom years!!)
My sister and I were driving in the car with my two boys and my nephew. Sis and I were up front and three boys in back.
Boys started to get a little more than rambunctious, so my sister and I looked over at each other, smiled, and I pulled over to the side of the road and stopped the car. My sister turned around to the three of them and loudly announced,
Oh, you should have seen the looks on their scared-to-death little faces!
Did they think we were going to do it? Oh, I don't know, but you bet your bippy they settled right down and didn't make a peep for the rest of the car ride.
"Of course things worked out nicely for Carol Brady...she had a live-in maid and Mike's first wife was DEAD!"
Sd is 19 going on 3. I
Sd is 19 going on 3. I guess the first thing H could think of was to threaten to spank. Myself I think she needs a boot to the a**.
I'm just glad he stood up to her even if it was a feeble attempt. I keep telling myself baby steps, baby steps.
Good Show I am glad to
Good Show
I am glad to hear DH is stepping up to the plate!! I hope he keeps it coming. I think you are due for a break from being unhappy.. Maybe she will pack in the bratty behavior for a while..
Baby steps!!
That is great news - be sure to reward DH for his new outlook and taking action!!
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin