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I Am A Stepchild

Fading's picture

So just a few moments ago, after my last post, DH texts me and says BM called him and told him SD wanted to talk to him, apparently she hates me. Well I told him I don't really care. That just means I don't have to put any more money or effort into helping or caring for her. He can do it. He says that "I don't know how hard it is for her and having a stepfamily". Omg. Disculpeme, que? Seriously did he just say that? GOOD MORNING DH GUESS WHAT YOUR WIFE IS A STEPCHILD!!!! My stepdad has been in my life since I was 3, so 19 years. I don't know how hard it is. Pffft. Lets see my biodad left us when I was 1 and when he was around did more drugs than they have in Cuba. Thank god my stepdad came along and helped my mother with us girls (my sis and I) otherwise I would have never went to college or had a car or a nice wedding. Yes my bio was in the picture off and on, but he is schizophrenic and doesn't medicate, so I'd prefer he be completely off. My stepdad and I did butt heads A LOT especially when I was living at home. We practically hated each other. But when I moved away from home he cried. And I realized how much he did love and care for me and that he wasn't trying to just be an arse, he was trying to help me be a better person. And I really truely realized all HE sacrified for us at my wedding. He paid 13000.00 for my wedding, his own money, so I could have the wedding I wanted. He paid 28000.00 for my college tuition, his own money. I don't understand, DH get a clue. I know SD and I are going to butt heads but unless he grows some juevos and steps up, SD isn't going to learn or understand a damn thing.


MarriedwithChild's picture

"Disculpeme, que?"

pfffft, is right!


Just let it fly right over your head without the recognition.

1_SuperMom's picture

I totaly feel you I myself put lots of money, time and effort into helping raise my SD6, she currently lives with us and I sometimes feel like it isn't an obligation and should just let her mom take over whether she was doing a not so good job or not. Just talk to your DH so he knows you position and what you are thinking and feeling this way you both can be on the same page. BTW how old is your SD?

I'm not mean, I'm just honest...

Fading's picture

I don't really care that she feels she hates me. I'm here to stay and thats not negotiable. She hates me because I discipline her, whereas her mum and dad do not. I've talked to her stepdad (BMs hubby) and he has the same problem because he disciplines and BM doesn't. She can go on hating, and I will go on disciplining. Blum 3 DH told me he is afraid she won't want to come over anymore, I told him for now she is 4 and BM likes her time off so SD doesn't really have a choice and I am not going to let her fly around like the wicked witch of the midwest without any discipline just to keep her from 'not wanting to come over'.
StepAside, she has actually told me she feels like I am 'taking daddy away'. I have never interfered with their visits, only disciplined and helped out. I have never said NO when he wants to have her. And I basically fade into the background so they can have their time together. I try to not make her feel that way but apparently I still am and probably always will because Daddy isn't with Mommy.

"I have not failed, I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work." -Thomas Edison

Snowbunny's picture
