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EvilSMDuh's Blog

Does anyone else feel this way ?

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In high conflict divorce/coparenting situations, does anyone else ever feel the urge to give up ? 

it's easy for me because it is not my kid. Not to say it is easy. I have cared for these children for a long time albeit short spurts due to scheduling. 

The older of the two will graduate soon and I find myself unable to picture a relationship with them and DH (our household) when it isn't scripted by a judge/ divorce document. 

Dropping Healthcare

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Hi this is my first post and I would like some other perspectives.

I've been lurking and learning the jargon but bare with me if I screw up.

Without building you a clock to tell you the time - DH has joint custody and a very HCBM. She's pushed and caused so much heartache and damage it isn't funny.