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What to do in 2015

Evil stepmonster's picture

I've been thinking long and hard about the new year and what I'd like to do and what I won't stand for repeating. With Inbred withholding the children from DH now everything is up in the air. I'll start college again in the spring to move to a better paying position, I made this decision because I want out of where we are living right now and as it stands we can't afford a new house or big move. I didn't decide to do this to finance DH's war with Inbred.
I know he'll go to court and he'll want to hire a lawyer but I'm done with it. I'm sick of seeing her face and hearing her voice. After what happened last year I never want to see her face again.
The other two, still up in the air. STA is still wanting to move in with us. I don't think that would be much of a problem except for the rivalry he seems to have with BS9. It is only his rivalry, BS9 could care less because he is only out to impress his father. I've tried speaking to DH about it and he always brushes it off and makes it sound like I'm just crazy.
I won't even touch the issues with Redface Magee, they're never ending and I'm so tired and run down with it. I've already come to the theory that until he causes some type of damage that she can't talk her way out of nothing will be done about his "issues" and he'll keep on terrorizing who ever he crosses paths with.
Some serious changes have to be made this coming year. I refuse to live my life around what Inbred and BM1 says any longer. I refuse to cancel or postpone my plans because they like making life difficult. I don't know what will happen this next year. I might not be a step mom after this next year. I will be very hearbroken if DH is no longer apart of my life but as it stands, I feel broken most of the time now because of how he is with his kids and their mothers. I'm hoping counseling will help, but I've been waiting for months for that, so I'm finding a couselor and making an appointment, if he does not show up then I'll know then that there is nothing more that can be done.


thinkthrice's picture

Evil, you've got to do what is in YOUR best interests. If furthering YOUR education is best for YOU then go for it!

And no more financing the war with Inbred! That usually goes no where. I can't tell you how many times a SM was supportive to her DH; financing the court war, doing all the paperwork/legwork, etc. only to have it blow up in her face (myself included).

And if custody/visitation DOES continue, it just stirs up trouble IMHO. In my case, the BM got what she originally set out for. To completely alienate all three skids and take Chef's wallet.

Other than Chef being an A-hole, the peace and quiet/lack of drama stirred up by the BM, her clan and her featureless offspring is awesome!

And PROPS for the "Red Faced Magee" title! BWA HA HA HA HA!