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ESMe's picture

Easter sucked here. Swallowed my pride and bought his daughter a nice calla lily for easter. He delivered it to her ......he said it was from him. Wonder what he did with the card I wrote? He said he would be home by midnight....ya right. It was just a 'quick drop off'....ya right. He got home at 2 AM!.
I think I'm going to tell him that we need to go see a blended family counselor. What do you guys think? I can't deal with the crap of him shoving everything under the carpet and telling his daughter what she wants to hear....rather than what it really is. She will never grow up.


bi's picture

you have every right to be pissed that dh is taking credit for what you do. fdh used to do that, too. sd19 always hated me and saw me as a threat, the least he could have done would be to let her know when i was doing something for her so she would see that it was my ultimate goal to shove her out of the picture. (that was her ultimate goal for me). but no, he just let her think it was all him and greedily sucked up the credit.

i would tell him exactly what i told you. maybe things would get better if he would let her see what you do instead of masking your efforts as his own. when they do that, the sd's probably gloat thinking we are mad that dad did something for them, when in fact it was ALL US!!

knucklehead's picture

Why did he do that? Why did you not go, too? How did you find out he said it was just from him?

Sorry, but that's pretty shitty of him to have done.
My DH has been guilty of that, too. Pisses me off!!

ESMe's picture

He texted her and said he got her an Easter present and was bringing it by later. I didn't go, cause she wants me to stay out of her life. She hates me. She is going to do everything manipulative to drive him away from me, even though he says she has nothing to do with our relationship. I just don't know if I should just quit trying....she's just a lost little girl in an adult body