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EmmaGirl's Blog

BM thinks SK is the most vibrant while I see nothing more than a bored and whiny kid

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First of all, I am so frustrated right now that I kept quiet the entire morning. I've no one to share this frustration with thus this post.

Second of all, my SK doesn't hate me and I don't hate him. In fact, he thanked me once for being good to him and for taking care of him-- I appreciate that.

But I have complaints, too, like any other stepmoms out there.

Step Family Letter Project

EmmaGirl's picture

So I've been reading this website,, and there are some posts that totally prompted me to sign-in and comment:

You can read one here:

And here are some nice letters to stepmoms:

Whoa, a new revelation!

EmmaGirl's picture

So this just proves the fact that BM is a complete LOSER. Guess what, I got an email from HER husband's daughter saying she's been saying a lot of bad things about me and my husband ever since. I mean she doesn't even KNOW who I am so why would she gossip about me, right? GOSH!

How do you reprimand your SKs?

EmmaGirl's picture

I need to know because I don't and I have to relay everything that I have to say to DH and that frustrates me A LOT.

I guess I am just trying to avoid any negative feedback about me that SK might spill to BM, which will cause BM to go berserk and gossip about me again and tell the world how wicked I am.

But gosh, this kid is sometimes soo annoying!

I am annoyed when SK does this!

EmmaGirl's picture

I don't know about you but I absolutely hate it when SK shoos BSs away when the latter attempts to go near him (SK). Like when SKs toys are scattered everywhere and BS2 inches closer to him, he'd shout at him, "BS2 STOP! or STOP in BS2!" I also notice that whenever BS2 touches even the tip of SK's shirt or shorts, SK shoves BS2's hand or feet away-- he doesn't really care if BS2 is a baby or what! Another thing: SK doesn't like BS2 to play with his stuffed animals and SK would snatched it away from him.

Do you buy clothes for your SKs?

EmmaGirl's picture

BM and SO have joint custody of SK so that means splitting the bill, which includes shoes, clothes, food, tuition fees, etc.

SO and I co-own a business but it's still in its start-up stage. I earn more than SO but we combine our earnings and both pay each other's bills (I also help him pay his debt before we got married).

SK is living with us 50% of the time. I hate the BM and I've no plans of talking to her. SK is OK.