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She's got it down to a fine art

Elizabeth's picture

It took me a bit to put two and two together because I don't think this way, but about a week ago DH told me SD21 was coming down to near where we live to see her grandfather and DH wanted to take our kids to see her. Fine.

(Point to clarify, we live 5 hours from SD21 and she didn't even bother to come down for her grandmother's funeral.)

But then I figured it out. SD21's birthday JUST happened (so now I have to call her SD22 I guess). So she's coming to collect gifts from daddy. I'm sure he ordered sent her a bunch of stuff (we had 10 packages come to our house that he'd ordered within three days!), but now she can collect even more in person. Her favorite thing to do is to show up and tell him to take her shopping, which he ALWAYS does. And of course they have to go to dinner somewhere that he pays for. And heck, maybe now that she's legal she'll want him to take her drinking too!

Well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. This has been her MO for years. Collect as much as you can from daddy dearest.