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Neither BD wants to go with DH on his little odyssey to visit SD20

Elizabeth's picture

DH is driving five hours one way to spend three days with SD20 at her college for family weekend or some such nonsense. He tried to push through on me that our two BDs would go, and when I got upset he backed off and said he would let our BDs decide. BD10 quickly told him no, she has activities she doesn't want to miss and they just saw SD20 a month ago. BD7 waffled more, telling both me and DH she wanted to go. But last night she told me she does NOT want to go.

I know DH is disappointed, and I wouldn't normally let the kids decide but that is what HE wanted and I was tired of fighting about it. I would have been OK if BD7 went, as she could use some time with daddy and would at least get the 10 hours in the car, but I'm glad they aren't going after all. (And I did not try to influence them in any way.)


sonja's picture

5 hours is a lot of time in the car, thankfully they are older and can voice their opinions. I hate putting BS2 in the car to ride 1+hrs each way for DH to see SD.. not worth spending that much time buckled in!

PeanutandSons's picture

Your husband should be greatful. I think about 40 minute in he would regret taking a small child with him on such a long ride.

hismineandours's picture

I am glad they are not going. This trip was all about sd20. Which I guess is should be-it's family day at her college. So it should be all about her-but to make 2 little girls sit thru 10 hours in a car and then have the whole day be about their much older sister? They would have been miserable. In turn, your dh would have been miserable and sd would have been miserable.