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Does DH think playing ignorant will serve SD19 well in real life?

Elizabeth's picture

SD19 has always been one of those people to put in minimal effort. When she was younger and I would ask her to do something really simple and straightforward, she would flat out tell me she was "too dumb" to figure it out. That way, she'd get out of it/someone else would do it for her. If you ask me, you have NO SHAME if you'd rather people think you were dumb as a rock rather than do a simple task, but anyway.

So SD19 is still pushing to transfer schools and Dh is still actively trying to prevent it. So she texts him and claims (now) she wants to transfer because this school doesn't have the major she wants. Um, why do you think I suggested she do a year of community college first or a year of college in her mom's hometown? To avoid this exact thing. But what do I know? So DH texts her back and says, "Well, they have x major," which is extremely close to what SD19 claimed she wanted to do. She texted back, "Where did you find that?" DH replied, "On the majors page on the college website."

Are You Kidding Me?! Did SD19 really not even BOTHER to check the list of majors? Or maybe she thought DH wouldn't bother? I have no idea, but I can just see how a future employer would react to her ignorance of even the most basic things. You're fired.


Shaman29's picture

DH's kid (d16) does this ALL of the time. She has half-assed all chores to the point where I don't even want her doing them any more. And don't even think of asking her to research anything because THAT never happens.

DH used to go in behind her and clean up her messes. At first I used to say "What's the message here? I'll always be there to clean up after you? Cause if that's the case I want nothing to do with it." He'd get pissed at me, so I finally shut up about it and let him clean up after his kid.

B22S22's picture

But the bonus to that is at least he was going behind her and fixing it. Better than YOU doing that, right?

But I'm of the same mindset.

snoopyinoz's picture

Ugh, the "playing dumb" thing gets to me. SD10 used to pull that stunt about EVERYTHING! Homework, chores, you name it. Her "reason" for doing it is because BM does it ALL THE TIME. SD "thought" if she "Played dumb" long enough, someone would do it for her. DH didn't fall for it, and neither did I. SHe tried that act one time too many with DH over her chores (she had to wash dishes and was "too dumb" to figure it out) so DH pulled every stinking dish out of the cabinet and made her wash those. When she tried it with me on her homework, (simple addition mind you, and she was "too dumb" to understand it) I added more problems. Seemed to stop her from doing it.