Cat dilemma
Hi all, long time lurker, new poster.
I have been married to my DH for 4 years, together for over 5.
He has SS15 with EOWE visitation. I have BD12 full time. We have a cat that BD has had for 8 years.
BM cycles through conflict and peace but she recently threatened us with CPS. Apparently SS is allergic to cats but DH has never seen a diagnosis. 2 weeks ago, he left our house from his weekend and BM took him to the ER and he has infections and pneumonia and also had an asthma attack later that week? The PC told BM he can't be around cats anymore. Ever. She said we have to get rid of our cat immediately and that my BD's and my objections mean nothing to her.
She said she is a mandated reporter and her doctor said it was child endangerment if we don't lose the cat. She said she will call CPs on us.
Never mind the fact that she is willingly sending SS to our dangerous house knowing we would still have the cat.
I am saddened by the idea that SS is really sick from our house and want to find a good compromise but on the other hand, this is BD's companion. She has anxiety and I got her the cat when my PC recommended it to help her cope.
I don't want to lose the cat and Bd will be heartbroken. My DH is in agony over this too. He has an apartment that he could maybe do visits to as this is only 2 more years of visits but I feel awful about asking for that also.
I don't know how to reach a decision that will benefit us all. BM says the only thing we could do is get rid of the cat. I don't like the idea of her dictating what happens in our house. She wouldn't withhold SS because she likes her alcohol weekends but would send him in spite and then make a report.
I don't know what to do. We are already on shaky ground with our marriage and I am not wanting to be the reason he is inconvenienced to see his son but my BD has medical needs too. Maybe not as severe as SS's but still.
- edgeofadream's blog
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I don't know, really. He has
I don't know, really. He has always had asthma and breathing issues but ironically, my BD does also.
BM says she has taken him to the doctor all the time after visits but I don't know how true that is. She might be telling the truth, I don't know.
She has the medical decision making powers in the CO. I've asked DH to go see the doctor with SS so he can get the info directly. That's all I can do, he has to take the initiative to do so.
BM says he was tested for allergies and is allergic but again, we haven't seen any proof.
"This woman is trying to
"This woman is trying to control you all. And Id tell her we wouldn't be having any discussions till we saw some proof. What a joke. You're supposed to just trust her?"
You'll need proof preferably by an allergist of YOUR choice.
The Girhippo tried the same type of power grab stunts.
Sorry, I was shortening
Sorry, I was shortening Primary Care Doctor with PC.
We haven't seen anything in writing at all, everything is from BM's mouth.
Most allergy medication does
Most allergy medication does not causes drowsiness. An easy trick for any scheduled med that causes drowsiness is to take it at bedtime.
"A child should not have to
"A child should not have to be drugged to visit his father"
In my experience, most kids being raised by CP BMs ARE drugged already (ADHD, Anti-depressants, etc.)
I'm not a cat person as I've
I'm not a cat person as I've always had dogs - but no way in hell I would dump a cat because of some ahole BM and her demands.
There are lots of work arounds to deal with allergies. An uncontrollable allergy results in immediate issues - not an infection days or weeks later.
I second all of the above
I second all of the above posters stating get proof of the allergy test sent from the doctor's office directly to DH, along with the order that SS not be allowed in a home with a cat. Below is my experience with "allergies per BM".
Shortly after I married DH and moved in with my Newfie, BM claimed SS was allergic to dogs and was coming home from our house sick every time. She threatened to withhold him if we didn't get rid of my Levi. (50/50 custody and placement) DH laughed in her face and told her he'd be at his next pickup with the sheriff if needed, but SS was showing no signs of allergies at our home. He was getting colds, but he'd also just started Pre-K at a new school. BM dropped it. She'd tell SS he was allergic to our dog, but we'd just remind SS that he played with Levi all day and never coughed or broke out, and that he talked about playing with his GBM's dogs all the time. BM apparently told him that GBM's dogs were special. According to DH the dogs were Golden Retriever and a Lab mix. Not 'hypoallergenic' dogs.
Then during a custody dispute, BM demanded an allergy test due to DH's "medical neglect of SS's severe dog allergy." (Note: at this point we'd lost Levi 6+ months previously due to a neurological condition.) Pediatrician put SS on claritin as a preventative and recommended a specific type of air filter for SS's room. The allergist was supposed to do a full panel on SS (whatever that is). For the first round he tested dog, cat, and dust. SS didn't react at all. He had such a non-reaction that the allergist cancelled the other rounds and send him home with a signed notice of "No Allergies".
Your BM and mine must be cut
Your BM and mine must be cut form the same cloth!
A couple of years ago Skids claimed BM said they were allergic to my cat...AND ONLY MY CAT, no others!
Everything is that way. SS
Everything is that way. SS was only allergic to OUR dog. BM's cat and GBM's dogs were perfectly safe. OUR horses were terrifying unsafe monsters but GBM's horses were sweet kid friendly ones.
Did you know my minivan was also completely unsafe and the kids shouldn't ride in it because it will tip over in winter?? BM's little two-door sedan that slid into ditches 3 times in a single month is much safer. :?
At this point I just roll my eyes, point out the logical fallacies and then ignore the rest. The kids will believe who they want no matter what.
Rehome the skid.
Rehome the skid.
Send the cat away to a cat
Send the cat away to a cat vacay or a relative when stepson visits and do a good cleaning before he comes, get a good quality air filter also. Let bd enjoy the cat the rest of the time.
I'm sorry but I do not
I'm sorry but I do not care..... BM can call CPS , FBI, CIA, KGB, MI6 but the cat will stay.... over and done with.
If BM does not like the fact that the cat stays, she can keep SS with her, if DH does not like the fact that the cat stays, he can move out for visitation, maybe that will be a good thing for your marriage as well, DH caring all on his own for SS int heir own place lol.....
She is a teacher
She is a teacher
They are only mandated to
They are only mandated to report what they see at work.
This reminds me of getting the nasty email from BM that we had TOO MUCH chlorine in our pool because YSD's eyes were red and watery. They weren't that way when she was here. The real diagnosis from an actual doctor was seasonal allergies. But we had to deal with the too much chlorine BS first. And when OSD came down with a rash, we were informed it was poison oak from our woods (that no one ever went into.) Actual diagnosis: shingles.
There is a BM disease called "I want to be the boss of your house." Tell her to go pound sand.
"They are only mandated to
"They are only mandated to report what they see at work."
Not here in NYC. DOE, UFT... has made it crystal clear that as mandated reporters we are required to report all SUSPECTED cases of abuse inside and outside of school. We do not have to witness the abuse to make the call. We are not required to investigate or rule out all other possibilities. If we suspect anything, you better call. If not you run the risk of losing your job, licenses and pension.
OK-but having a child in a
OK-but having a child in a home with a cat is not abuse.
I understand that you are a mandated reporter, but you have to understand what that means.
A cat around a child with allergies is not abuse.
Does your DH always assume BM
Does your DH always assume BM is the authority on parenting? That my be part of why your marriage is on less than steady ground. BM may have convinced herself that she is but that doesn't give her an honorary medical license.
From what you post, I can guarantee that BM is not a MD. Just because she believes something and has a uterus doesn't make it true. I would not do anything without a formal diagnosis. Your Dh should take SS to a specialist and not rely on BM's word.
There's plenty that can be done if he HAS has allergies. The specialist can be informative about steps to minimize irritation. I have a small zoo and asthma and allergies. DH is allergic to cats. He did get desensitized because I'm not getting rid of my cats. My allergy is managed with medication.
I'm also curious about why BM does that makes her a mandated reporter.
Please forgive any typos, new phone.
BM is a teacher
BM is a teacher
Thank dog she's not teaching
Thank dog she's not teaching my child. I'm embarrassed for her.
I will attest that allergies
I will attest that allergies can come on suddenly. I have had dogs and cats in the past, but recently I became extremely sick due to being around animals. I had allergy testing done, it was a simple blood test, that showed that I am allergic to a lot of things.
It is just crazy, and I, like your stepson, had to go to the urgent/emergency care. BUT, I was officially diagnosed with having an allergic reaction. I was told that allergies don't cause bacterial infections or pneumonia. They treated me for an allergic reaction, with antihistamines and prednisone. I was fine after taking the course.
This is what makes me think that the BM in your situation is not being honest. Your dh can take your skid to the doc, even a primary care doc, and get a simple allergy blood test done. It will list exactly what your skid is allergic to.
Let BM call cps! I can imagine that a 15 year of kid, whoms mom sends to the evil cat people, will not be on their radar. Or they will simply tell you to have visitation out of the house, or maybe keep the cat away.
This kid will have to take antihistamines if he is allergic to cats. PERIOD! Because there is cat dander on most people who have cats. So, unless the kid is going to live in a bubble, it will be his new fact of life.
Tell BM "sure, absolutely"
Tell BM "sure, absolutely" then keep the cat anyway. The kid only comes EOWE so just put the cat in your DD's room while he's there. And don't mention it. I'm sure the skid will inspect the house for the cat especially if he is a mean one, but your DH can keep him out of the house during the weekend to keep him busy.
cat allergies can be really
cat allergies can be really bad. our first Christmas together, santa had to come a 1a due to oss' awful wheezing and overall breathing issues. i had to rehome my two furbabies - i hated to do it, but human health comes first.
that being said, it was a decision dh and i made together since we both witnessed the allergy attack firsthand. the op's husband really needs to get an allergy test done so he can see results himself and not simply take bm's word for it. especially if the boy is not really showing symptoms until bm says he does. an allergy attack does not cause infection or pneumonia. that's pure bs. if he does have a respiratory infection or pneumonia, it's because that $#!t has sat and festered inside him w/o bm getting him proper treatment - on rare occasions there are no symptoms until it's full-blown, that that is *usually* not the case. an infection does not happen overnight. and an allergy is not likely to 'grow' an infection unless it's prolonged, untreated exposure.
the dh here needs to get his hands on medical records.
No Tuff - animal life before
No Tuff - animal life before human life...... there's no way I will re home any off my animals, sorry if you don't like them don't visit, if you have allergies, drink something for it... like I do... but I will not demand any animals to be re homed
fully agree and support
fully agree and support this......
Fruit worst thing is - I'm
Fruit worst thing is - I'm highly allergic to cats lol..... but when I started dating SO he had a cat, the thing is already very old and was closed in a bedroom... I set it free, it roams the house, and now a day the outside if I'm with her... no one can touch the wild thing but me, she just love me to bits and will forever seek me out,
sleeping she sleeps on my chest or shoulder, watching TV she sleeps above my head...
I drink allergy pills like sweets lol, but they will no do away with Ginger, she did not ask to be in that house, they decided to take her as a kitten, they will have her till she goes to Kitty heaven of old age
well love animals way more
well love animals way more then people....... so I can not even see how OP can consider getting rid of the cat...
believe me if any one ever suggested it I would slap them silly and tell them - you leave
Excuse me - I have a kid.....
Excuse me - I have a kid..... and he's the same as me, if you do not like our man killer dogs then do not come around...
so stop stirring the pot, my animals will come before any human, cause a human can leave.. the animal can't...
Yes I got her giving it to
Yes I got her giving it to you and Fruit cause you have no Bio's but that's just stoopid.....
I do not see how it's even relevant....
yeah, we havent spawned so we
yeah, we havent spawned so we are totally clueless and irrelevant.
Tuff, I have spawned and
Tuff, I have spawned and trust me despite having cut two of the blighters out of me,
Please excuse my shouting but I am struggling with my kids at the moment.
Tuff, I am laughing right now
Tuff, I am laughing right now trying on this logic. ThAt means BM has a clue. Baahaa.
She isn't vicious but having those kids did not add to her IQ or judgement. My cat would parent better.
Fruit, right now it is an
Fruit, right now it is an incredible feat. They are alive and can still sit. I think I deserve 10 gold stars and 5 patrones (bottle not shooters)
I don't like my eldest very
I don't like my eldest very much right now and my youngest doesn't sleep. Neither wants to listen unless I get "the voice" which I am sick of having to do. I'm peachy keen.
oh send them girls to me it's
oh send them girls to me it's holidays isn't it...
LOL!!! fruity i love your
LOL!!! fruity i love your latest tagline!!!
i totally agree about visitors. however, i have never thought of the boys as visitors, as shortly after dh and i got together he pretty much had them well over 50% of the time. it had been mostly at MIL's house, and that Christmas was the first time the boys slept at OUR home. they were 5, 8, and 10, so halfway living at MIL's was not a permanent option. we almost took oss to the ER he was so bad off.
in 99% of the cases, i'd say phuc the humans
as much as kaos bitches about 3 of my furbabies, dh has laid down the law repeatedly that he will kill anyone/thing that even THINKS about harming them.
I searched the definition of
I searched the definition of it lol... and what I got was not very pretty.....
humans do suck. i far more
humans do suck. i far more prefer the company of animals, dh as well!!!
Fuzzy Umpkins and Special
Fuzzy Umpkins and Special Kitty are the King and Queen of the forums and don't nobody forget it!!!
ETA: Sorry WOB - I forgot that Sheba is the Princess!
Oh, pardon me Sheba, Special
:jawdrop: Oh, pardon me Sheba, Special and Fuzzy!
I won't tell her, so you are
I won't tell her, so you are safe from the pissed off peeing
I am sure some of the long
I am sure some of the long timers remember my DH's battle over Sheba...
First time around, Medusa filed a motion to have my Sheba removed from my house when her speshul snowflakes were in it. She based this on a 6 year old "recommendation" from BabyVoice's pediatrician as it related to THEIR DOG - LOL!! It did make a small mention of a "slight" allergy to cat dander.
The original recommendation laid out some things for Medusa and DH (they were still married at the time) to do to help with BV's "allergies", including removing the carpeting, keeping the dog out of the kid's room, air cleaners, blah blah blah.
Our response was the we didn't have a dog, that Medusa didn't follow the instructions from the doctor the first time around, but none of it mattered because we had already bought a condo in MedusaTown where DH would be spending his time with the skids, which Medusa knew anyway. We won.
Round 2 came after she lost custody - she took the same bullshit to the Parenting Coordinator, who asked us if we could take BV for an updated allergy test. We did, and it showed that BV was no longer allergic to cats. We won again.
Take the kid for an allergy screen to see what the allergies, if any, actually are. If allergice, the skid can take an allergy pill and you can make other accommodations, but I wouldn't remove the cat.
The asthma attack happened on
The asthma attack happened on a Friday at BM's. He left our home that Sunday before.
Exactly! BM tried this with
Exactly! BM tried this with me and my cat! YSD's allergy symptoms worsened when she got home and basically disappeared once she got here.
I would have DH request the
I would have DH request the medical records from the facility. He is the dad, so they have to provide them! If the diagnosis is true, I am sorry but I would say you would be probably expected to keep SS healthy. I would either let friends or family keep the cat EOW during visits, and I would leave it up to DH to sanitize and get the house ready EOW for ss.
The second option I would pursue if the above won't work is that yes, DH conducts his visits outside the home.
I wrote this speaking as both a BM and a SM. If this is a true diagnosis (like I said request the records) then yes, I would think you would need to accommodate the SS somehow, and I hope I am not coming across as a GUBM. I am just trying to look at it from both sides. If my own son had that bad of an allergy, and if after he saw the records my exH and his wife did nothing to accommodate him, I would withhold him.
ETA later OP stated that SS left on a Sunday, and did not have his attack till a Friday. I don't even buy it now! Yeah, have your DH take him in for an allergy test at the DR of his choice. Sounds like he is allergic to something in BM home anyways.
Wow we had the same issue
Wow we had the same issue when SO and I moved in together. BM lost her mind because I had cats and SD was "allergic" to cats. But BM had cats around SD her entire life it ws just my cats that were a problem. She demanded we get rid of them so my SO came to me and asked for my advice. I said if she is allergic she can take allergy meds right? He said she already takes them regularly so I thought ok we should be good.
Well not good enough for BM she raised hell and took it to court and they said have her take allergy meds, BM was pissed!!! It was hilarious and then not even a month later BM gets TWO freaking cats at her house :? :? :?
Register the cat on line as
Register the cat on line as an emotional support animal for your DD and then tell EX wife that you can't get rid of it because it is am emotional support animal. Once you register the cat you get proof in writing.
I thought the best part of
I thought the best part of this whole thing was that I asked DH to ask BM to ask her doctor about a shot for allergies.
She reported back that she asked him about it and he said yeah, a shot from a .22 - lead for the cat.
Based on that, I think the doctor is biased and won't work with us on a solution.
Edge, you are getting
Edge, you are getting everything through a BM filter. Why are you taking her word as gospel? You are calling the doctor biased when neither you nor DH have ever spoken to him or seen anything written from him. Are you sure he said that about a .22 or did BM put her own interpretation on things?
Yes, I'm sure it could go
Yes, I'm sure it could go either way.
I don't believe much of what she is saying at all. I agree with everyone that DH should get another opinion before we do anything. She could very well be lying and making theatrics to support her agenda.
Come on, you have to know
Come on, you have to know that that woman is just screwing with you. The doctor MAY have said the boy shouldn't be around the cat, but the rest is just BM pushing your buttons because she knows just how to get to you.